Date: Thu, 10/30/2008 - 04:31
Chris Kesterson serves as President of TASC. He is President and CEO of debt settlement America.
Debt Settlement America has a no rating at the BBB and the BBB has 56 complaints. Complaints on Rip and complaintsboard.
David Leuthold serves as Vice President of TASC. He is President and CEO of Century Negotiations, Inc.
Century Negotiations, Inc has a satisfactory rating from the BBB but has 33 complaints.
John Philbin serves as Treasurer of TASC. He is the President and CEO of Debt Remedy Solutions, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida.
Debt Remedy Solutions BBB reports states they have 55 complaints
Wesley Young is General Counsel of Debt Settlement America and is chair of the Legislative Committee of TASC. Previously he was a Senior Associate with Baron & Budd, P.C.
Andrew Housser co-founded Freedom Financial Network in 2002.
His company freedom debt relief and others have been ordered to stop doing business in CA and they have 140 complaints at the BBB.
Joanne Garneau, Joanne founded Nationwide Support Services Inc. in 2005.
Nationwide Support Services has 26 complaints from the BBB and a F rating.
This line up reads like a Teamsters Union roster, not good!
This line up reads like a Teamsters Union roster, not good!
Here is something else about a board member.
Alan Barnes serves as head of the TASC Web Committee. He is the President and CEO of Debt Regret. Ummmm Debt Regret?
Debt regret has 9 complaints with the BBB and is not rated.
Under Texas law, all debt management companies are required to annually register with the Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner if they provide these services within the State of Texas. The Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner can be contacted by phone at 800-538-1579 or online.
Debt Regret IS NOT registered or licensed to do business in Texas. Texas Division of Corporations does not have them on file. AND THIS GUY IS ON THE BOARD????????????
TASC does not mention that either. Why should they. All the board members are founders of companies or work for companies that have a VERY BAD track record. Plus a lot of these companies are brand new. These companies state that you will be free of debt in about 3 years. Most of these companies have not been around that long to have a proven track record of success. DO THE MATH PEOPLE.
This is on their site in their about us section: TASC???
This is on their site in their about us section:
TASC????????s goals are to promote good practice in the debt settlement industry, protect the interests of consumer debtors(Really??..THEY ARE TRYING TO PROTECT US????), and lobby on behalf of debt settlement companies on the federal and state level.
Debt settlement companies act on behalf of consumer debtors to help them clear their debts. They do this by entering into direct negotiations with creditors in order to facilitate the repayment of debts. In return for their services, debt settlement companies are generally paid a fee by the consumer debtor. In order to avoid any hint of impropriety, TASC??????? members do not handle, manage, or otherwise control their client????????s funds (THEY DON'T LOL? THIS IS NEWS TO ME. WHO DOES THEN?).
Membership of TASC is reliant upon debt settlement companies being able to demonstrate that they comply with the standards set out in the TASC Bylaws.
The Bylaws have been developed in consultation with a number of debt settlement companies, discussions with different states???????? legislators, and major lenders. The aim of the Bylaws, and that of TASC, is to encourage debt settlement companies to provide services of the highest standards to ensure the public and the credit industry????????s confidence. (WHAT??? THEY DO????....LOL)
Well they are failing on a MASSIVE scale. They need to tell on themselves. GO BACK AND READ MY FIRST POST.
Do was James Lombardo one of the founding fathers of TASC, and w
Do was James Lombardo one of the founding fathers of TASC, and we all know what he has been up to!
James Lombardo was never a member of TASC. He was a member of U
James Lombardo was never a member of TASC. He was a member of USOBA.
James Lombardo was with the USOBA? That's Encouraging. All a I
James Lombardo was with the USOBA? That's Encouraging. All a I hear about this guy is bad. Now what does that say for the USOBA?
gracias mobile, either way these guys are not KOSHER!
gracias mobile, either way these guys are not KOSHER!
What ever happened to Kristie Medlen and Nicolas DeSegeonsac (I
What ever happened to Kristie Medlen and Nicolas DeSegeonsac (I think that is how it is spelled). I worked for a company that sent our customers to his company accushield, then I heard he was under heat from an AG and sued and then removed from the website. I use to work under Kristie several years ago, but know that she moved to work for Nicolas.
Nicolas DeSegeonsac and Kristie Medlen were TASC board members u
Nicolas DeSegeonsac and Kristie Medlen were TASC board members until recently. Their company Acushield was kicked out of TASC , not sure why though. I will have to ask around and see what i can find out. Their was another board member from a company called DebtXS who ran TASC until they were kicked out for screwing people.
I still think TASC and USOBA are great but there are some companies who join to try and give their company credibility and end up getting kicked out later due to unethical business practices. It is a good idea to also check out the company with the BBB and make sure they have a good track record as well. If they have a solid rep with the BBB and are members of TASC or USOBA its a pretty good indicator of a reputable settlement company.
Mobile0311 you stated "I still think TASC and USOBA are great".
Mobile0311 you stated "I still think TASC and USOBA are great".
I'm curious to know why you think this with all the evidence?
TASC and USOBA have developed industry disclosures that require
TASC and USOBA have developed industry disclosures that require that particular settlement company tell both the potential benefits and pitfalls that may arise out of the debt settlement process and to have reasonable expectations regarding the outcome. TASC also does " secret shopper " programs.
TASC , USOBA , or even the BBB can't make one of their members play by the rules. But if they aren't playing fair they will be kicked out of TASC , just like Acushield and DebtXS. That is why its important that you don`t just rely on a company being a member of TASC , USOBA , AADMO or what ever. Check them out with the BBB and maybe even Rip Off Report and make sure they have a solid track report without a pattern of complaints. Every company is going to occasionally have complaints but its how they handle them.
But Mobile0311 the board member all have a bad track record and
But Mobile0311 the board member all have a bad track record and numerous complaints at the BBB. Who cares what their propaganda says? Debt Regret's own CEO is a board member and his company is not even license to do business in the state they are originated from. Why isn't he kicked out? The TASC president's own company has a horrible record with the BBB. How did he get elected to that position in July of 2008? Freedom debt relief is banned in Cali. How did he get elected in July of 2008?
TASC is set up to govern their own industry by the industry. It's the inmates running the asylum. If that's your only reason then I would advise you to seriously reconsider your position. It seems you are just going on blind faith here.
Chris Kesterson with debt settlement America does have 56 compla
Chris Kesterson with debt settlement America does have 56 complaints with the BBB but keep in mind that was in the last 36 months. The BBB says " the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints." They don`t have the best BBB report I have seen compared to some other good companies but think about how many client they enrolled over the last 3 years and consider that 56 complaints is pretty minimal.
David Leuthold with Century Negotiations Inc is a member of the BBB and has a satisfactory rating. They have been in business since 2003 and only had 33 complaints. All of them were resolved. They also participate in arbitration if necessary to resolve disputes.
John Philbin with Debt Remedy Solutions is a member of the BBB and has a satisfactory rating. They have 56 complaints but again considering the amount of clients they have enrolled in a 36 month time period 56 complaints if very small. They have been in business since 2005.
Andrew Housser of Freedom debt relief , their BBB report does suck. The BBB said " It has come to the BBB's attention that
Freedom Debt Relief has continued to operate despite a desist and refrain order issued through the Department of Corporation on May 29, 2008 ". I will definitely give you that Tom321. I suspect they will be getting booted out of TASC soon enough.
Teresa Schumann of Maximum Recovery is not a settlement company but offers software that helps creditors and settlement companies work together.
Robby H. Birnbaum of the law firm of Greenspoon Marder is a legal expert on debt settlement industry . His law firm focuses on regulatory compliance and lawful operation of debt settlement companies.
David Prince of Square One Debt Settlement has a B- rating with the BBB with 0 complaints.
Sorry that last post was me. All I am saying is that just bec
Sorry that last post was me.
All I am saying is that just because some companies are bad doesn't mean all are.
i've sat for long enough.tom i appreciate what you did as far as HESS/KENNEDY goes,but to try to assume everything in the debt settlement games is a scam and/or fraud is wrong my man.
mobile is a good member and knows quite a bit about debt settlement,consolidation,and management.he isn't here to lead people astray.i understand your stance having been scammed by HESS/KENNEDY,but that doesn't mean you have to have an axe to grind with everything and everyone associated with debt relief. okay off the soapbox
No soap box and he may know a lot. But (NOW) so do I. I repeat
No soap box and he may know a lot. But (NOW) so do I. I repeat NOW SO DO I. A WHOLE LOT. Who cares about Hess Kennedy. I'm over that. I didn't lose out on much with them anyhow. Chump change. I've learned a HUGE amount of info about the debt settlement industry and the players. And I NEVER said ALL are Scams. Please find where I said that. There are good companies out there. I only go for the SCAMS. You don't have to agree bro but I tell you. I DO MY HOMEWORK BEFORE RUNNING MY MOUTH. Hours of it. And NOTHING I'VE POSTED WAS FABRICATED IN ANYWAY. Education is POWER and now I'm equipped with it. Plus it's fun...LOL.
Me and mobile were having a friendly conversation. I never attacked his position. I THINK IT"S TOTALLY WRONG but I never attacked him. See....that's how you do it. Agree to disagree. Mobile seems to understand that. I've never seen him attack me. But for you to imply (off the soapbox). Act like an adult and show some respect. I never disrespected you. If you don't agree don't comment. Their quite a few things both of you post that I don't agree with. You're allowed to have your own opinion. But I was not talking to you. Now if you want to continue this disrespect feel free and I can bring you the fight but I'll act like this never happened. And do what I do. I don't hold grudges.
Sorry Mobile we can continue this discussion another time. Perh
Sorry Mobile we can continue this discussion another time. Perhaps in the future when I turn you....LOL. I was side tracked a little. Sorry bro.
Tom...i'm not trying to flame you but it just seems odd to claim
Tom...i'm not trying to flame you but it just seems odd to claim how educated you are. Not only for the simple fact that claiming something almost means the opposite every time, but you use ALL CAPS to make your point WHICH SEEMS UN-EDUCATED to me.
Even though you may not be talking to any direct person this is an open forum for people to discuss and solve their financial issues. For you to tell people to stay out of it is asking too much. Next time just use a PM if you are concerned with other people seeing what you are posting. Other than that have a great Halloween and be safe. That should be easy because you are obviously educated.
All caps is a marketing scheme to get you to focus of a specific
All caps is a marketing scheme to get you to focus of a specific point.
Claiming something means just that. Claiming it
I didn't ask for him stay out. If he has something to add to the conversation fine but he didn't. He tried to insult me. And like I said if he wants to do that go right ahead but I will not lay down for that. But again I was specifically talking to mobile. Only he had my answers because it was his opinion alone.
"Other than that have a great Halloween and be safe. That should be easy because you are obviously educated."
This statement you are trying to mock me here...obviously. I'll remain civil. I could mock you back but what would be the point. People who use personal attacks lack the ability to bring any substance to the conversation. Just read all the posts where I expose these scam sites. They all turn around and use personal attacks right from the door and ignore the facts.
Good day sir. Hope I made my point here.
No .......blind faith. The meaning is you believe because you j
No .......blind faith. The meaning is you believe because you just believe. You've never done that? Everyone has. And there is nothing wrong with that. That's what is called an opinion. You don't have facts to back up your belief, you just believe. Look that word up in the dictionary now. And here we go with the hatred thing. See I THINK before I speak. Blind hatred is savage responses. It's OK for you guys to bash whomever you want but it's not OK for me right? Oh wait I'm sorry I get it. Stop it for one and two stop taking my words out of context. You want to know what mean by something?....ASK. Like I said it's FUN for me. Now look that one up also and find the meaning. When you do something that's FUN you like to do it a lot. Personal attacks don't effect me so why are you doing it? Are you understanding me here?
And last but not least if Mobile did not take offense why should you? YOU weren't in the conversation or the object of it. Now I now it's hard to act like an adult but you should give it a try here. That was a slap. I clearly have the moral ground here. Now stop making an A** out of yourself. Everyone is reading this.
Now are we done with this or do you want to keep going?
well tom as a MODERATOR now it is my duty to protect this forum.what i got from all of your posts here is.
a)you have a biased agenda towards the entire debt relief industry.
b)your list was factually incorrect as mobile pointed out.
c)you gave the stupid blind faith defense.
d)you are no better than the HESS/KENNEDY posts you exposed as phony and incorrect.
keep up this tom and your posts will be edited and/or DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE?by the way tommy has other things to do,but thanked me for backing him.look at my homepage for that evidence pal.
I LOVE this response really I do. old are you?
I LOVE this response really I do. old are you? Must be under 25. You have shown your true nature. Since you don't have anything to stand on you throw the bully tactic. Oh yeah, well, well I'm BIGGER THAN YOU line....LOL. You have shown yourself to be intellectually dishonest, a HYPOCRITE and a child with his feelings hurt. You're not protecting anyone but yourself. Go ahead delete them. This is what you have said in laments term: I can't beat Tom in the debate so I'll cut his mic off even though I'm the one who is feeding the fire. VERY MATURE. VERY. I told you, I don't hold grudges and it's not that serious to me. I was willing to let it go. YOU weren't. People who have read them know I've said/done nothing wrong and YOU know that as well. You have lost here. And YOU are keeping it going. There are other forums out there bro...please. You have lost all credibility with that MODERATOR line. What do you expect Mobile to say? He's your boy. I wouldn't expect anything less.
And someone is already editing and deleting my responses. The posts where I was called upon by name have been removed from the search engine here and sometimes I'm not allowed to post on certain threads for some reason. I've already learned that there is a MOD who is acting as a double agent of sorts. And I've learned some things I wish I didn't. The TRUTH HURTS some people.
So delete away paul. ABUSE your power. It's your duty to protect this forum. Tom beat me intellectually me so I want to spite him back. I won't stand like a man and talk this out. I will run and hide behind my power.
You have proven that some of the things people have said about you guys are true. You are acting like they do. And you have blatantly stated that you will ABUSE your power. That was not smart.
With great power comes great responsibility. I love that line from Spiderman. Because it is so true. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yes it does. And all this because a person I was not even talking to decided to lend his meaning on my statements which I've already stated that he was wrong in interpretation.....LOL. Priceless
My point has been made here. Now after you have read this feel free to delete it if you like.