Has anyone ever heard of First Shore Credit Corp?
Date: Thu, 09/13/2007 - 09:05
Has anyone ever heard of First Shore Credit Corp?
J...welcome to out forum. You can search this name in the google
J...welcome to out forum. You can search this name in the google box at the top of the page...then you will see any posts with that name in it. You can also check the BBB...you can get good info on campanies in that way.
I would definately check out any company before doing business w
I would definately check out any company before doing business with them through the better business bureau like morning stated. Unfortunately there are too many scammers out in this world to trust anyone.
I got a call today from a "Mr. Gutierez" saying he was from the
I got a call today from a "Mr. Gutierez" saying he was from the "legal dept" of First Shore Corp and he was collecting for "Zipcash". This is the first time I've heard from this CA. There was another CA collecting, I think Riscuity, for Zipcash, but they never validated the debt and I never heard from them again.
Anyway, this guy said he has all of my "personal identification information" and that Zipcash was going to sue me and that a letter had gone out to me in August, which I never received. He also said it was on my credit report, which it isn't because I just checked my reports in the past few weeks. Anyway is he allowed to say they are going to sue me? I'm sending another DV letter. He said I owe them $295 from 2005. I sent a letter to Zipcash a long time ago asking to be marked PIF because I had paid them enough according to the laws of Ohio but never heard back from them. Should I send Zipcash another letter? Doesn't anyone have their current address? Thanks!
I received phone messages from a Pam Cobert, from First Shore, o
I received phone messages from a Pam Cobert, from First Shore, on Saturday and then again on Monday(11-3-2007 and 11-5-2007}. I had never heard from them before, and still have not received anything in writing from them.
In the message from Saturday, Miss Cobert advises she is giving me a chance to settle this on a voluntary basis and if I don't return her call, I should have my attorney call her. In the message from Monday, Miss Cobert again advises me she is giving me a chance to settle this matter voluntarily and gives me a deadline to call her back, by COB on Tuesday 11-6-2007. She then advises if I don't call her back, she will be forced to contact a (woman's name) from my HR department. When she hangs up, somehow, there is a VRU still playing on my answering machine; like she had it on hold while she was leaving me the message and it switched over when she hung up, The VRU is listing people's names and phone numbers. The name Miss Cobert read is familiar to me, so are the names and phone numbers playing on the VRU once she hangs up. The only problem, for Miss Cobert that is, I haven't worked at this company since Februay of this year; as a matter of fact, I haven't worked at all since February of this year.
Oh, I forgot to mention Miss Cobert refers to my "case number" each time she called. What do you think she's trying to make herself sound like? Anybody? That's right, an attorney's office.
So I decided to have some fun.
I called the number Miss Cobert left and asked for her; I actually got someone who seemed rather nice named Kay or Kate, and was advised Miss Cobert had stepped out. She actually asked if I would like to speak to her supervisor, a Mr. Anthony Evans. When Mr. Evans picked up, I advised him (even though I really wasn't) that I was recording the phone call and if he continued to talk to me, he acknowledges and accepts this. He advised he didn't. I said "Oh come on, your company has already violated the fdcpa several times, what does it matter if I record you violating it some more?" He then asked me how they had violated it, to which I replied that I am still recording the call and if he continues to talk to me, he acknowledges and agrees to this. He said he didn't and hung up on me.
So, I called right back. Mr. Evans actually answered the phone this time.
I asked Mr. Evans for his mailing address and he was reluctant to give it to me. He finally did, though. I also asked Mr. Evans for their fax number, to which he replied they didn't have a fax. I said "Oh come on, every company has a fax machine nowadays." He then advised me it was broken. Then hung up on me again.
Really getting into it now, I called back.
Got Mr. Evans on the line again. The only thing I said when he picked up was "What's your fax number?" He advised me their calls are recorded and they would get me for harassment if I kept calling. I asked him how was it harassment asking for their fax number? I said "Harassment is leaving messages on an answering machine, advising me to have my attorney call you, giving me a chance to handle this "voluntarily", threatening to contact my HR department, and giving a "case number" to make yourself sound like an attorney's office. Are you an attorney's office?" He hung up.
So, I called yet again.
This time I got Kay/Kate on the line and asked her for their fax number. She gave it to me with no problem. I asked her who was the ultimate person in charge their, at that moment. She replied it was Mr. Evans. Laughing, I asked to speak to him. When he came on, I told him I really enjoyed talking with him, he was making my night so much fun. I then started listing to him, the violations of the FDCPA I had on his company so far; I even informed him he had never told me he was with a CA or read me the "mini-miranda" they are supposed to tell you. I played Miss Cobert's messages for him and asked him where is the written notice I am supposed to receive from them; I advised him they are supposed to send those within 5 days of the initial contact by telephone. I also asked him who the heck they were collecting on or the amount, as I still have not been told that. At some point, I gave him my "case number." When he told me the name of the alleged creditor, I advised I honestly have no idea who this creditor is. I asked him when they were going to send the letter out. He didn't know. And, I have to give him an "A" for effort on this one, Mr. Evans actually started trying to work out a payment deal with me. On a debt I had now idea about and had not even been given the chance to dispute it, and they had not validated. I advised him no money, means no money. Even if I had the money, I wasn't going to pay a dime until I get the letter from them in the mail. He advised it was on it way. I'm sitting here holding my breath for that one. Oh, I forgot, at some point Mr. Evans advised me there was a contract and "wage assignment" was part of the contract.
So, after I hung up from Mr. Evans, I faxed over (to their broken fax machine, they don't have) the DV and C&D letter. Since he mentioned wage assignment, I also faxed over a letter revoking it. I read on this site wage assignment is voluntary and can be revoked at any time. I guess it doesn't matter since I have no wages, I just wanted to take as much wind out of Mr. Evans' and Miss Cobert's sails that I could. I also realize, now, they don't just call your HR and get wage assignment enforced. There are several steps they have to take in order to do that, not least of which is notifying me in writing before they notify my HR.
I wanted to use the call recording function I had read about on this site; however, I could not get it to work. Does it? It would have been great to have all those phone calls recorded, if only for my own entertainment.
You seem to have documented everything. Hang on to the answerin
You seem to have documented everything. Hang on to the answering machine message as well. If you call them back, ask Ms Cobert and Mr Evans (probably not their real names) is they'd like to be a party to a law suit.
LawStudent. Already done for the messages left on my answer
Already done for the messages left on my answering machine. My only regret is I didn't have a way to record the phone conversations I had with Mr. Evans, and company, on Monday evening.
I did tell Mr. Evans I would be having my attorney contact them; however, it wouldn't be for the reason they expected.
I thought it was a hoot when he said that my calls were being recorded and I would be in trouble for harassment. Keep in mind, I didn't use profanity, yell at them, or use any abusive language. Imagine that, a CA threatening me with harassment. LOL!
First Shore
I got a call from this collection agency today as well. A person named Kate left a message that I had 48 hours to contact them after which, my attorney could call them. I have never heard of them before, nor did she say who they were collecting for. I understand they are out of Chicago. I live in Texas. I understand my wages are not garnishable except by the federal government or medical providers. Should I even waste mt time in calling them?
These bozo's just move on to the next victim, but they don't eve
These bozo's just move on to the next victim, but they don't even try changing their tricks. Sad.
Cbevan, don't let them intimidate you. If you need advice on how to handle these @$$-clowns, or any others, just read this site and learn your rights under the fdcpa.
I got another call from First Shore allegedly collecting for Zip
I got another call from First Shore allegedly collecting for Zipcash. I have received absolutely nothing in writing from them even after sending a DV letter. The phone had so much static I couldn't hear. I kept asking for something in writing. Was told I was sent many letters. Gee you would think maybe one would have reached me. How do you prove you didn't get something? She asked the name and number of my attorney. I reiterated I needed something in writing. She said, "See you in court" and then hung up. I'm not worried. Sent my second DV letter this morning. I have been told I would be sued twice. Like I said have received nothing in writing from them. Are they supposed to give you the mini miranda on the phone? They didn't. I've reported them to the FTC. Can I report to the Ohio AG too?
Once they threaten suit they have 30 days to follow through, oth
Once they threaten suit they have 30 days to follow through, otherwise that is a fdcpa violation, as is the lack of a dunning letter, and as is the further collection activity after requesting validation. File complaints with the FTC and the AG for their state. You should have your attorney call them... with notice of a lawsuit for FDCPA violations.
Here is their URL: firstshorecredit.com/ Here is their physica
Here is their URL:
Here is their physical contact information:
First Shore Credit Corporation
4405 W. Lawrence Ave.
Chicago, IL. 60630
Toll Free: 888-261-3722
Local: 773/763-7300
Fax: 773/763-7377
Lastly, here is the website for the Illinois Attorney General's
Lastly, here is the website for the Illinois Attorney General's office:
Please Do!!
Sounds like you are doing everything by the book. Do you have the proof of delivery from the first DV letter? If so, make sure you hold onto that. Also, send the second DV letter certified mail, return receipt requested, if you haven't already. This helps out when you show proof that you requested validation of the debt.
In the second DV letter, you could have sent a copy of the proof of delivery from the first DV letter, along with a copy of said letter. I would have also informed them they are in violation of the fdcpa by continuing to collect on that debt after you requested validation.
Also, least sophisticated consumer test, what could be inferred by being told "See you in court?" They have just threatened to sue you. They may think they skirted the FDCPA by not actually coming out and saying they are going to sue, but that is what they are implying. By making the threat, however, they have started a clock ticking in which they so much amount of time to make good on this threat, otherwise they have violated the FDCPA.
Absolutely, report them to your state's Attorney General's office! you could also file a complaint with the BBB. If I would you, I would also retain a consumer attorney and sue them for violating the FDCPA.
This is not just an issue of whether or not you owe money, it is an issue of this CA not following the laws while attempting to collect the alleged debt. A consumer should pay his/her bills; however, they do not need to be intimidated, frightened, or threatened into doing so by a CA that is violating the law!!!
I actually sent the first one only by email via their website on
I actually sent the first one only by email via their website on 09/27 and kept a copy. Meant to follow it up with a certified letter. I then got injured a couple days later and had other things going on and forgot. Never got anything from them. Didn't even think about it until they called again last night. Went this morning and sent DV letter through certified mail with a copy of the first which of course they denied getting. Tried to send another one through their website and kept getting error. They told me they were going to sue me on 09/27 too. That's been more then 30 days!
Thanks for the Illinois site.
oh troll,you and first shore are definitly headed for a fall.why don't you ever bring suit even though you begin every phone call as such?hmmmmmmmmmm.i know because your an illegal sleazebag company that would and probably will be shut down soon by my illnios AG.so blast of BATTLEAXE i am out for evening.later all.
Why don't we pay our bills, hmmm... This site is debtconsolidat
Why don't we pay our bills, hmmm...
This site is debtconsolidationcare.com
Let's break that down very simply:
debt consolidation; This is one of the services this site offers which helps people pay their bills.
The forums (which you are posting in) are here to educate people of their rights (FDCPA/FCRA mainly for this forum) if their rights are violated we let them know and what channels to go through to report it as well as let them know of their right to file civil suit if they wish. We encourage people to pay debts, through consolidation if they need to, the company that owns this site makes money through people paying their debts.
Food for though Alisbeth.
Ahhhhhh. Another intelligent and informed post by some "anony
Another intelligent and informed post by some "anonymouse" user. Doesn't it just make you feel all "warm and fuzzy" when you read them?
First Shore Credit Corp.
First Shore Credit Corp. is a legit company. The General Manager from First Shore use to be my general manager. First Shore is a new colelction agency that was establish not to long ago. The reason why people are getting calls from this agency and dont recognize the name is because there pretty new
First Shore
I, too, have been contacted by First Shore (four times). Each time they have contact me I???ve asked them to please send me information on the so-called debt I owe. One man, George, called me a liar and a thief because I ???took the money from this particular company and ran???. He said that he could prove that the money in question was deposited in my bank account and called me a liar again. I informed him that two years ago I didn???t even have a bank account. He then told me he had ???just received a fax back from my HR and they were going to attach my wages???. I told him that in the State of Texas only the Federal Government or Child Support can attach wages and that it was impossible for him to have received the alleged fax because being the ONLY ONE in the office nothing had come in or gone out on our fax. I am the Office Manager, H/R Department and Admin. Asst. to the Chairman and General Secretary so at that point, I told him I had him in a lie and was there anything else he wanted to try on me before I hung up. I told him to NEVER CALL ME HERE AT WORK AGAIN and his response was ???well, I guess we???ll see you in court??? (first threat to sue me (that was about a month ago)). By the way, I???ve never received any written communication throughout the whole ordeal. Their records must be in a state of disarray because they keep asking me to ???verify??? my personal information. If they know so much about me why must they ???verify??? my information each and every time they call me?
Today a female called me and, again, asked me to ???verify??? my personal information. I refused telling her that each time someone calls me they want to ???verify??? my information and at this state of the game I quit. She then informed me that this is the 4th time someone had called here and she was going to turn my case over to their ???legal department??? if I didn???t speak and cooperate with her today. I refused to speak with her and told her I wanted to speak with someone in authority, not a lowly clerk. She turned me over to a Mr. ????? (he said his name so fast you couldn???t understand it and kept saying it that way because I think he was catching on to my line of questioning). I finally gave up on the idea of getting a real name and he then told me that if I wanted to dispute the debt, I had to send him a letter. I asked for his address and he refused to give it to me. I asked how can I send a letter of dispute if I don???t know who to send it to? Finally I got him to give me the following address: First Shore, 4758 North Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL 60630. I asked for a phone number that was not unlisted. He gave me 866-223-7150 or 888-261-3722. I did some research and couldn???t find the 866 or 888 numbers but finally came up with 773-763-7300. Don???t know if this is a legit number, but it???s more than I???ve had.
I told him, again, to not call me at work (also mentioning that this was the fourth request) and he said if I was going to stop communication with him that he would ???see me in court???, (second threat to sue me - 8/17/2009) which means, in my book, he???s going to sue me. I let him know that with all the ???verifying??? of personal information that had been going on he should have my mobile number and to use that. I also told him that I work around attorneys, my oldest daughter works for an attorney and my youngest daughter is an attorney, and that maybe it???s time I got them involved. He said ???no one has threatened me, so there was no need to bring an attorney into the picture???. I asked him, again, what does ???see me in court??? mean? He stated it???s a ???figure of speech??? and that it doesn???t mean anything and no one has threatened me. I informed him of the man named George who did threaten to ???come and get the money any way he could??? on my first phone call. I also told him that George had said he wanted to talk to my manager about how I was conducting myself over the phone yet he (George) was the one threatening me and making accusations against me and my character and yelling at me. Honestly, you could hold the phone away from your ear and hear him perfectly. I also told him I had mentioned this to my daughter (the attorney) and she made a remark about they just ???put their tale in the wringer??? and is considering a lawsuit against them naming Mr. ?????? as one the defendants (once we get his ???real??? name).
The way I see it now, it's one physical threat (he'll come & get the money any way he can) and two verbal threats (I'll see you in court). Guess I just keep track and turn them over to an attorney!
Thanks for letting me blow off steam!
So what happened with any of these cases? I ask since Ive starte
So what happened with any of these cases? I ask since Ive started getting calls from this company for a legit CC debt but Ive never ever received anything in writing. When I ask for a letter I get a promise of one and/or get told they dont send out letters since they are part of a legal office (If that makes sense). I dont know what to do?
They are required to send you a dunning letter w/in 5 days of in
They are required to send you a dunning letter w/in 5 days of initial contact. Next time they call, verify your address and inform them they have 5 days to send you details in writing. Then end the call.
You guys have made my day. Thanks a ton!!!!!!!!! My turn, I will
You guys have made my day. Thanks a ton!!!!!!!!! My turn, I will keep you informed.
still at it.....
** i am glad that Ron got through to this company** I recieved a phone call from this company August 2008 then again today October 21,2010. Great tatic for collections. They are no longer NEW so there is no reason for the attitudes when you "return" their call. They wont leave a voicemessag. The guy I spoke to was "Kevin" he sounded like a a man with cancer of the throat talking through a voicebox. He wouldnt tell me the name of his company and said he was calling for "payday loans". I told him that when he called back in 2008 I requested him to send me copies of this payday loan I took out and he never sent me anything. Then today he tells me that he sends bills to an address where I never lived. Like he just opens the whitepages and picks a random address. Old school collecting. He was very rude and very short (while clearing the crap out of his throat). He still hasnt given me any details on this debt that i owe and refuses to work with me, tell me what I owe, why pay something that i dont know about. He then went into the spell of this line is being recorded...i said yeah and .... he then went on...what do you want me to document into your file...i told him..."have a nice day" he then hung up on me.
if collectors would just take the time to listen and not pass judgement maybe then they would be able to collect on a debt. but by providing no information, no dollars and no address. makes it hard to make right. i have no problem paying my debts but i want to know what i owe to who, when i made the debt and how much i owe.
or i can give money to the homeless guy walking down the street and consider my debt paid.
Good luck to anyone else having to deal with this company which if far from proffesional and the staff is awful at best.
Originally Posted by FloridaRon I received phone messages from a Pam Cobert, from First Shore, on Saturday and then again on Monday(11-3-2007 and 11-5-2007}. I had never heard from them before, and still have not received anything in writing from them. In the message from Saturday, Miss Cobert advises she is giving me a chance to settle this on a voluntary basis and if I don't return her call, I should have my attorney call her. In the message from Monday, Miss Cobert again advises me she is giving me a chance to settle this matter voluntarily and gives me a deadline to call her back, by COB on Tuesday 11-6-2007. She then advises if I don't call her back, she will be forced to contact a (woman's name) from my HR department. When she hangs up, somehow, there is a VRU still playing on my answering machine; like she had it on hold while she was leaving me the message and it switched over when she hung up, The VRU is listing people's names and phone numbers. The name Miss Cobert read is familiar to me, so are the names and phone numbers playing on the VRU once she hangs up. The only problem, for Miss Cobert that is, I haven't worked at this company since Februay of this year; as a matter of fact, I haven't worked at all since February of this year. Oh, I forgot to mention Miss Cobert refers to my "case number" each time she called. What do you think she's trying to make herself sound like? Anybody? That's right, an attorney's office. So I decided to have some fun. I called the number Miss Cobert left and asked for her; I actually got someone who seemed rather nice named Kay or Kate, and was advised Miss Cobert had stepped out. She actually asked if I would like to speak to her supervisor, a Mr. Anthony Evans. When Mr. Evans picked up, I advised him (even though I really wasn't) that I was recording the phone call and if he continued to talk to me, he acknowledges and accepts this. He advised he didn't. I said "Oh come on, your company has already violated the fdcpa several times, what does it matter if I record you violating it some more?" He then asked me how they had violated it, to which I replied that I am still recording the call and if he continues to talk to me, he acknowledges and agrees to this. He said he didn't and hung up on me. So, I called right back. Mr. Evans actually answered the phone this time. I asked Mr. Evans for his mailing address and he was reluctant to give it to me. He finally did, though. I also asked Mr. Evans for their fax number, to which he replied they didn't have a fax. I said "Oh come on, every company has a fax machine nowadays." He then advised me it was broken. Then hung up on me again. Really getting into it now, I called back. Got Mr. Evans on the line again. The only thing I said when he picked up was "What's your fax number?" He advised me their calls are recorded and they would get me for harassment if I kept calling. I asked him how was it harassment asking for their fax number? I said "Harassment is leaving messages on an answering machine, advising me to have my attorney call you, giving me a chance to handle this "voluntarily", threatening to contact my HR department, and giving a "case number" to make yourself sound like an attorney's office. Are you an attorney's office?" He hung up. So, I called yet again. This time I got Kay/Kate on the line and asked her for their fax number. She gave it to me with no problem. I asked her who was the ultimate person in charge their, at that moment. She replied it was Mr. Evans. Laughing, I asked to speak to him. When he came on, I told him I really enjoyed talking with him, he was making my night so much fun. I then started listing to him, the violations of the FDCPA I had on his company so far; I even informed him he had never told me he was with a CA or read me the "mini-miranda" they are supposed to tell you. I played Miss Cobert's messages for him and asked him where is the written notice I am supposed to receive from them; I advised him they are supposed to send those within 5 days of the initial contact by telephone. I also asked him who the heck they were collecting on or the amount, as I still have not been told that. At some point, I gave him my "case number." When he told me the name of the alleged creditor, I advised I honestly have no idea who this creditor is. I asked him when they were going to send the letter out. He didn't know. And, I have to give him an "A" for effort on this one, Mr. Evans actually started trying to work out a payment deal with me. On a debt I had now idea about and had not even been given the chance to dispute it, and they had not validated. I advised him no money, means no money. Even if I had the money, I wasn't going to pay a dime until I get the letter from them in the mail. He advised it was on it way. I'm sitting here holding my breath for that one. Oh, I forgot, at some point Mr. Evans advised me there was a contract and "wage assignment" was part of the contract. So, after I hung up from Mr. Evans, I faxed over (to their broken fax machine, they don't have) the DV and C&D letter. Since he mentioned wage assignment, I also faxed over a letter revoking it. I read on this site wage assignment is voluntary and can be revoked at any time. I guess it doesn't matter since I have no wages, I just wanted to take as much wind out of Mr. Evans' and Miss Cobert's sails that I could. I also realize, now, they don't just call your HR and get wage assignment enforced. There are several steps they have to take in order to do that, not least of which is notifying me in writing before they notify my HR. @$$-clowns! I wanted to use the call recording function I had read about on this site; however, I could not get it to work. Does it? It would have been great to have all those phone calls recorded, if only for my own entertainment. |