Mann Bracken gathers complaint against them!!
Date: Thu, 03/29/2007 - 12:28
Mann Bracken gathers complaint against them!!
What are my rights in this kind of situation?
I have responded intially to them with a call-though i admitted to nothing.
mann bracken complaint
You can send the dv letter,but since you were paying on it in a plan,it might not do much except to show you your updated balance.
mann bracken complaint
thanks for answer-in this case-any letter-validation/verification/dispute are useless i guess-since they know i had their creditor in a debt management program. These attroneys are bottom feeders-the proposals they gave me are ridiculous-3 months to pay nearly $4,000. If i could do they-it wouldn't have been in debt management-or now with them!
Looks like-since they are out of state-they can't sue me-i'll just let it go-they will send it to an attorney to sue me here
mann bracken complaint
Mann Bracken collectors are known to committ fdcpa violations. You may have an opportunity to gather evidence for counter claims in case they file suit. Or you can use it to head off a lawsuit.
Mann bracken complaint
Sorry for the typos-i just can't believe when i google Mann Bracken and lawsuits/complaints against-all the websites that come up with suits or complaints on them! They are on and, plus many others-where people are filing against them. I contacted them on their websites-gave them the lists of websites with complaints filed on them-all their dirty tactics-and asked them, "Are you going to do that to me too? Hopefully not-you guys are all over the web with complaints filed. All i get now is an automated-"Please call Mann bracken."
You're right-i'll join in in any class action suit-or formal complaint-these people are the worst-in this arbitration firm especially-the debtor hasn't a chance-unless you can catch them on a violation somehow-unforunately it's illegal in my state to tape them!
summons for judgement-what can they freeze?
my Husband and i have a business-are self-employed..on our DBA we have both our we do on our business account-which is in the business name in our local bank. My husband is main signer with me as co-signer on the bank business name.
Question: if it comes down to where Mann Bracken sends it to a NYS attorney to sue us-can they freeze our business account? The creditors account(Chase Bank) they represent-would sue me over has only my name on the account-not my husbands or our business-but can they still touch our business account at the bank? Even though my name is just as a co-signer with my husband...and it's under our Business name?
Mann Bracken complaint Wolpoff Abramson Eskanos Adler Axiant
Read and
The trick is to bypass the annoying commissioned collectors and go for the throat of the lawyers who run the place. The big ones are gone. Mann retired ahead of Georgia disbarrment and Bracken is into some kind of merchant bank scam.
The guy for mid Atlantic is Scott Kramer. Deal with him directly. I am in Maryland. I owed HSBC just under $12,000 and just to get me out he settled for $900. Sweet. Off my Equifax etc.
You can also read about their dirty tricks over at Budd Hibbs' site.
Scott Kramer/Mann Bracken complaint
I had Scott Kramer file suit against me for my chase account in a county that I do not reside in (my son's address). Kramer's address when he filed was in Virginia. Since I never recieved any summons, the case was dismissed.
I recently found out that Kramer refiled for another court date in the same county but now his address is listed a few miles down the street from my main address.
I'm working with a debt management company that spoke with them. I owe them $14,000 but they told the debt mgt that they would settle only for $10,000. After that conversation, is when I found out about the first court date.
I spoke with a lawyer who advised me (with the first court date), to go ahead and show up and tell the judge that I was not properly served. I did and that's when I found out "no case". Now that I've found out that they've refiled, I'll keep an eye out for any "summons" and if i don't get one by the time the new court date rolls around, most likely I will take a day off of work again and show up. Will I be wasting another day? Maybe. But to show up to find out that my chain is being yanked, I'd rather have that than to actually receive a summons.
Also, the lawyer told me that even though Kramer filed in the county where I do not reside (my son's address but I own the property), that from my credit report that they have pulled (which I checked), they know what my permanent address is.
The only reason that I know that they probably filed in the other county is that there was a temporarily mix up with the mail and my chase bill went to my son's address (Maybe this is their way of trying to get a judgment against me if I don't show or if they can prove that they can't find me,...who knows). Anyway, this was only for about 3 months until I stopped paying and decided to work with a debt mgt company. As for my debt mgt company....hats off to them. I have two small accounts settled in less than two months.
Have you received anything from Mann Bracken? How long ago w
Have you received anything from Mann Bracken?
How long ago was the first letter received?
Did you send a DV letter? If yes dod you have proof you sent it?
Wolpoff/ Mann Bracken complaint
I was with Wolpoff theyfiled an arbritration lawsuit against me. I was with a debt settlement company hoping to get it settled, but they went ahead. They won the arbritation against me, because of this it may cause me to go into bankruptcy. I received a phone call from Mann Bracken asked if we can make a payment arrangement they told me no. Is there anything I can do to offset them to not get a judgement on me? I'm in californai
Were you aware of the abritration hearing and you presented info
Were you aware of the abritration hearing and you presented information and you lost?
Or did you just ignore the whole thing and lost by default?
If they don't want to work a payment plan then they are SOL. Unless you have the money to pay them in full, the court will set up a payment plan.
Also going to court might give you the chance to overturn the arbritration judgement if you think it was wrong.
Mann bracken complaint
I have now received two civil action suits from this company regard GE Money. Does anyone have answers for me? I am not working with a debt recovery company but they don't seem to up on dealing with them. They did arrange payments for one, but the payment they are requesting for the 2nd accounts is just not duable. HELP
mann bracken complaint
i want to go to the courthouse and file a motion to vacate the judgment, can I do that or do I need a lawyer to do it? Will the clerk of court help me? Is there a fee? Any help would be much appreciated.
Mann Bracken
I live in virginia who can I file a complaint with
they are constantly harrassing me I cannot sleep or eat
Mann Bracken
I live in virginia who can I file a complaint with
they are constantly harrassing me I cannot sleep or eat
i have sent letters to this company and have not receive any rep
i have sent letters to this company and have not receive any replies. i need to no were i stand in clearing my credit that these people have been hounding me in the past.
Mornin' - Mann Bracken recently filed for bankruptcy. Back abo
Mornin' -
Mann Bracken recently filed for bankruptcy. Back aboiut November, if memory serves. The last word I got was that their assets were being bought up by the NCO Group, another large bottom-feeder. The deal was expected to finalize in 'early 2010.'
Dispute any MB tradelines on your credit report with the CRA in question. With luck, MB, etc. will be too disorganized to try to verify them. Let me know what comes of your disputes, and I'll help you along further if needed.
Did you send your previous letters CM/RRR? If so, hang onto the proof. You're likely to need it in the coming months. If not, please do so in the future.