Cash Transfer Centers sent a wage garnishment
Date: Fri, 02/23/2007 - 08:41
Cash Transfer Centers sent a wage garnishment
What state are you from? Is wage garnishment allowed in your sta
What state are you from? Is wage garnishment allowed in your state? Please list what state you are from and we can look it up and see for you.
A wage garnishment can only be court ordered and your friend sho
A wage garnishment can only be court ordered and your friend should have received something. Tell your friend to ask his employer to see some paperwork regarding this garnishment. If it's just a wage assignment, then he needs to show his employer the letter he mailed to CTC revoking the assignment. If this was only and assigment and he revoked it, then his employer should not be sending any money to this company. Your friend also needs to verify that this CTC place was charging him the correct amount of interest on his loan. Here are the Florida laws when it comes to PDL's
Thanks, they CTC) told him that since he electronically sigend a
Thanks, they CTC) told him that since he electronically sigend a voluntary wage garnishment they can garnish. I'm looking for anything that says that Wage assignements for PDL's are illegal in the state of Florida But I cannot find anything on this. His employer is looking for somekind of Florida Statue on this....can anyone help?
A wage garnishment can only be court ordered, so there is noway
A wage garnishment can only be court ordered, so there is noway he electronically signed one...they are just pulling his employers leg to get some money. The only thing that he could have signed was the assigment in which he revoked. So without a court orderded garnishment his employer should not be giving CTC any money...
If you can't find anything, you should call the Florida Attonrey's General office and get more assistance with this.
I also dealing with ctc and they are stinkers! They d wage ass
I also dealing with ctc and they are stinkers! They d wage assignments and these can be revoked. When they called my hr director I told her that I had revoke the wage assignment so she doesn't take the calls from them any longer.I had to send at least three or four e=mails to them stating that they were not to call me at home or my place of employment or any of my references, but they were to communicate with me either by e-mail or USPO.
OK, I found some very good links for you about this company. The
OK, I found some very good links for you about this company. They are more famous for threatening wage assignment than garnishing wages.
Take a print out of all these pages and ask your friend to show it to his employer. It looks like he has not heard about the illegal activities of Sonic Payday based in Canada. Cash Transfer Center is one of their affiliates. There are many legal complaints against this company, violating the laws almost in every state. Your friend has to convince his employer that if he allows CTC to deduct money from his paycheck, he will be sending his money to a big scam company. Ask him to show statements that he has already paid $780 for a $350 loan. As per the laws in FL, he must have already paid the permissible charges.
Can't he get his employer in trouble if they send this money to
Can't he get his employer in trouble if they send this money to CTC and it was not court ordered, and he revoked the assignment.
The employer needs to call the florida attorney generals office
The employer needs to call the florida attorney generals office and hear it for himself, seems the only way he is going to listen.
I'm an HR rep, and let me tell you, wage assignments SUCK. It's
I'm an HR rep, and let me tell you, wage assignments SUCK. It's interesting, I've been on my job 7 yrs, and I've only started getting these in the last year or so..And usually not for PDLS.
The tricky thing is, employers are NOT required by law to inform the employee of a wage assignment..Because they are voluntary, so the payroll dept would assume that the employee wanted this. I know this sounds crappy, but if I didn't have this board for knowledge about PDLS, I wouldn't realize that employers are frequently duped into digitally signing, and I may not tell the employee that there is an assignment. So in all fairness to the employer, it may be too late to revoke the assignment..Remember, checks are usually cut at least four days before payday, frequently more like a week or more.
Hopefully it's not too late for your freind..Once it's done it's done, there is nothing that they can do about it, because unfortunately, they are legal.
Before a company attempts a wage assignment, aren't they suppose
Before a company attempts a wage assignment, aren't they supposed to notify the debtor at least 20 days in advance before they attempt an assignment?
No, they only have to notify on a garnishment..At least in Michi
No, they only have to notify on a garnishment..At least in Michigan..Because a wage asignment is a voluntary deduction, just like 401k or profit sharing, or insurance.
In Illinois we have a whole Act dedicated to the wage assignment
In Illinois we have a whole Act dedicated to the wage assignment. For us, a number of things need to be followed: 1) creditor needs to send a notice of intent at least 20 days before sending a demand for wages. The wording on the intent is prescribed by law, and it must be sent certified to the employer. 2) After 20 days, creditor can send a demand out; it's wording is prescribed too.
Interestingly enough --
To me, that would sound like a "digital" signature is no good in Illinois, since law specifically says it must be signed in person.
Couldn't also depend on your employer's policies as well? I kno
Couldn't also depend on your employer's policies as well? I know that when I was dealing with Sonic that I revoked the voluntary wage garnishment with them. I also contacted my payroll department and they told me they would not do something like this without a court order.
My employer had told Paydayavenue the same thing. The lady that
My employer had told Paydayavenue the same thing. The lady that handles garnishments at my employer said she had to basically spell it out for them, that they are not getting any money unless it is court ordered since I revoked it.
Mishele, yep, it does depend on your job's policies. My work
yep, it does depend on your job's policies. My work accepts them, but my husband's (he is also HR) doesn't. His work's policy is absolutely no voluntary deductions unless it is medical or financial.
Also, Even if it's too late to catch an employee's upcoming che
Even if it's too late to catch an employee's upcoming check, since they are indeed cut before the actual payday, shouldn't the employer be able to cut an adjustment check for the amount that was taken out in error? I would think they would still be able to do that.
Well...It's not an error, though. We have to assume that the emp
Well...It's not an error, though. We have to assume that the employee actually wanted this. That's part of the reason why assignments are so crappy.
Hi Curt.. It doesn't seem like CTC is licensed in too many pla
Hi Curt..
It doesn't seem like CTC is licensed in too many places..What state are you in?
cash transfer centers sent a wage assignment
My emlpoyer received a "wage Assignment" from CTC. He told them he had no legal obligation to do this and they should go through the "wage garnishment" process, which is not permitted in the State of Florida. They said they would call me to try to get me to allow him to do it. I think not.
I know in OH once you notify your HR of these so called voluntar
I know in OH once you notify your HR of these so called voluntary wage assignments that they can be held liable if they do let someone take your money...I sent my HR an email and a fax and got a confimation email back from my HR so if anything like this does happen to me my company will have to give me my money back
ctc sent a wage assignment
How do I revoke a wage assignment if CTC is located in Malta and only has call centers in the US?
See here for the sample letter on revoking wage assignment
See here for the sample letter on revoking wage assignment
Frogpatch - e--mail them. May have to do it a few times, but th
Frogpatch - e--mail them. May have to do it a few times, but they will get the message. Also tell them the they are not to call you at work to please only contact you by mail.
Make sure you give the wage revocation letter to your payroll an
Make sure you give the wage revocation letter to your payroll and human resources dept. at your employer!!
If this is the same company as Payday Avenue, I received a messa
If this is the same company as Payday Avenue, I received a message on my machine from them telling me they do not have internet access so they can't email me and they also cannot use snail mail so they are going to continue calling me. Funny, since they got the letter I sent by email and are responding by phone to it. And they say they are an internet payday lender that doesn't have email?????
Oh, PLEASE!!! If they don't have internet access, how can they p
Oh, PLEASE!!! If they don't have internet access, how can they process the applications? They don't want to use the mail so they can't be traced. They think it is a big secret where they are located.
Yep that is exactly what I thought, too. I have not been able to
Yep that is exactly what I thought, too. I have not been able to sleep at all worrying about their harassment since they insist they can't email me or use the mail.
Try going on their web site and look for "contact us". Tell the
Try going on their web site and look for "contact us".
Tell them what you want and do it in caps. See if they e-mail you back.
I would save everything...did they email you? Do not give them y
I would save everything...did they email you? Do not give them your account number. Just make sure you have everything documented. I hope they send me a settlement offer too because they are really giving me a hard time.
Frogpatch-- I believe CTC, Sonic, and Paydayavenue are all ow
I believe CTC, Sonic, and Paydayavenue are all owned by Ecare/Coastline Credit.
CTC Sent
Ecare sent a settlement with CTCs logo on it. They will accept money orders. If their attempt at Wage Assignment does not work and they have no other recourse I guess this is what they do. In Florida ones assets a protected from garnishment except for 25% of take home which can only be garnished with written and signed permission by the garnishee. I also reloaned with them multiple times so they made a bundle off of me already which might have something to do with it!
My Mistake. They will not accept money orders. After there letter to settle giving me thirty days to resond. 3 days later some one named Lisa calls my ref looking for me. I call her back and she starts with the demands saying that the thirty days is from first contact. I called back the 800 number in the email and get a pleasant person who agrees to take the settlement on the 15th of next month. The other one wanted it now or never. This one agreed to stop the calls until the due date. The first one refused. The head and the tail operate separately with these people.