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Does Ace Cash Express take pdl debt to court?

Submitted by on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 10:49
Posts: 202330

I had lost my job two days after I got a pay day loan from Ace Cash Express. This was in June but I have had no luck in finding a job yet. I am behind in all my bills and a single mom with rent and of course other living exspenses. I tried to make a payment plan, but I am having a hard time making all of the payments as I don't get much in unemployment. I payed them $85 last week just trying to do something but they calle me today and yelled at me and said if I didn't make full payment by the end of today they would take me to court and have me sent to jail. I was told by someone they cannot do this but I am still concerned. Is that true? I live in the state of AZ. Can they do that here? Has anyone had to deal with Ace and this situation before? Please let me know asap. I don't know what to do......

I take it this is a storefront lender. Unfortunately, they can sue you, but YOU WILL NOT go to jail! You'll just be forced to pay them, if it even comes that.
You may have to bite the bullet and try to arrange something with them and stick to the plan!
Here's some info on pdl's in arizona:
Note at the bottom regarding Criminal Action!

Legal Status: Legal

Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. ???? 6-1251 et seq.

Loan Terms:
Maximum Loan Amount: $500
Loan Term: Min: 5 days
Maximum Finance Rate and Fees: 15% of check
Finance Charge for 14-day $100 loan: $17.65
apr for 14-day $100 loan: 459%

Debt Limits:
Maximum Number of Outstanding Loans at One Time: One
Rollovers Permitted: Three (extensions)
Cooling-off Period:
Repayment Plan:

Collection Limits:
Collection Fees: $25 NSF fee + actual charges assessed by the financial institution
Criminal Action: Prohibited

Submitted by erzeke1 on Fri, 09/01/2006 - 11:13


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Don't be afaid, but I live in the State of Texas and pdl's is legal. Texas don't put people in jail over a pdl, becasue it is a loan not a hot check they are not honored in state of Texas. Call you local County Hot Check Office and ask them if pdl's can put you in jail. Explain you situation and let them know how much you paid all ready. They have all ready got thier money back and pdl's are rip off's and they specialize in scarring people. Put a Stop payment on the check and change your phone number. LOL! they can't do shit.... Trust me I have had a lot of them. Here is a debt consolidation place that help with pdl's


Submitted by on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 07:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I borrowed 900.00 at a store front ace cash express. I never payed the full amount back. Now I am getting all these threating phone calls to pay the amount back by a certain time today, if I don't then they will turn it over to the DA's office in the county I live in for theft of a bad check. He also stated I can and will go to jail. Is this true? I live in the state of TEXAS. I offered to try to make payments of 100.00 and he said no. I have to pay the full amount by today and hung up on me. When I attempted to call back he would not talk to me because he said I was harrassing him.

please help me!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 08/20/2009 - 11:50

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I got a $255 loan at ace cash express and lost my job a week after and haven't had any extra money to pay it back, I can barely pay my mortgage. And they called and said it was 3mos outstanding and I tried to make an arragement and they told me that I am going to be sued and even go to Jail. This is in California, can they do this here? I am very worried, I am a good law abiding citizen and this was not intentional. Please help asap

Submitted by on Fri, 09/25/2009 - 06:14

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i too got the ace cash express call. after being yelled at, called a lier, being told to get my affaires in order,to have my daughter placed with someone, i finally got talking w/ someone who used the sympathy act. but was informed he could not tell me what the next step was for them but i had 4 hrs to pay. i called them back and finally got thier address and was going to send a letter and 100dollars.that was unexceptable and was threatened with the next step..what the hell is the next step? i am on ssi, have a mental didibility,and an infant, who by this time was screaming her head off, and i dont know if i shopuld call ace myself and set up arrangements, or be preparred to go to jail. i feel i should sue for them extorting me like that. what to do know. can i sue california

Submitted by on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 19:21

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

theres a process server already looking for me. im in texas.same situatuion 400 loan

Submitted by on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 00:04

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Well I'm all confused now because I owe this people too, $580 to be exact, they were calling me threathening me with jail and that i had till the end of the day to pay back, I told them that I tried earlier to pay what I could and they refused! I intented to pay!!! but they refused! so i didn't pay them that day and continue with my day. Three weeks have passed and nothing.... I really don't know what's going to happen even though many people say they cannot send me to jail, I'm worry about the check they say they have from me, wich will be considered as "hot" and take me to jail for fraud! I don't know if itt's true or not!

Submitted by Paulie on Fri, 12/03/2010 - 07:40


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