ABC Debt Relief Scam - Is this company really a scam?
Date: Mon, 12/01/2008 - 13:29
ABC Debt Relief Scam - Is this company really a scam?
I just spoke with a guy at ABC debt solution ( he said he can lower my 60,000 of credit card debt down to 24,000 with their fee being 9,000. So basically I am reducing my debt to about half for $687 a month. This sounds great to me and I want to move forward, but everyone has failure stories and I am hoping no one has failed with them. Please advise...
I have never heard of them. I tried finding them on the BBB and
I have never heard of them. I tried finding them on the BBB and no luck. The concept of debt settlement works but you may want to shop with some other settlement companies with proven track records with the BBB or just settle the debt your self.
ABC Debt Relief Ltd.Co in Dallas, TX 75243 has an F rating
ABC debt relief Ltd.Co in Dallas, TX 75243 has an F rating on the BBB if that is who you are talking about.
Looks like it is in an apartment complex I'll drive by and let
Looks like it is in an apartment complex I'll drive by and let you know for sure.
If you are looking for a good debt settlement I would recommend
If you are looking for a good debt settlement I would recommend Superior debt relief or New Beginnings. The both seem to be very good.edited*NDI will be glad to give you a # for my rep. I researched this to death before I went with a CO.
Neither of those companies are BSI certified with TASC so I woul
Neither of those companies are BSI certified with TASC so I wouldn't suggest using them.
Superior debt relief and New Beginnings are both good companies
Superior debt relief and New Beginnings are both good companies with satisfactory ratings with the BBB. You should be fine.
But who is there that is over seeing them. Why take a chance go
But who is there that is over seeing them. Why take a chance going with a company that is not part of TASC when there are so many good companies out there that are apart of TASC?
Just because a company is a member of TASC doesn`t mean they can
Just because a company is a member of TASC doesn`t mean they can do no wrong. All it takes to become a member of TASC is paying a huge fee. Don't get me wrong I like TASC because they do secret shop settlement companies that are members but for the most part I trust the BBB more to get an accurate track record of a companies conduct.
By the way Acushield and DebtXS were once members of TASC but were kicked out and now have lousy track record with the BBB. I know this because the settlement company that I work for is a member of TASC.
I would agree with you. The only concern I have is that so many
I would agree with you. The only concern I have is that so many companies have sprung up within the last year they may have bought a shelf corporation which shows that they have been in business for 5 yrs or more when in reality they have not been around a long enough time to get any complaints.
I hope that makes scene.
ABC Debt Relief Scam:
ABC Debt Relief Scam:
I have been with ABC Debt Relief for 18 months now. They are a great company. It is blogs like this with people who don't do thier research who give companies a bad name. First of all the BBB is not a government agency like everyone thinks. It is a regular company owned by 2 brothers just trying to make money. They decided in december of 2008 to give debt settlment companies in the Dallas area and most all of them an "F" rating. Why? Because they make the rules and settlment companies don't pay them a fee. Look at some companies like Bank of America with tons of complaints but they have an "A" rating. It's amazing what the BBB gets away with. The truth is ABC Debt relief only has 29 complaints in the last 3 years and all have been resolved. They have a 100% money back gaurantee and are fully bonded. If you people would read the contract it states that you "could be taken to court by the creditors" and all sorts of stuff that people like to blame on the company. Bottom line is every settlement company has the same complaints and the majority of the time it's from clients who don't listen or read the contracts when they first enroll. So if you are looking to enroll with ABC Debt Relief I fully recommend them. I have already settled 3 accounts with them and they have exellent customer service. They also are fully bonded by CNA which means you are covered fully if something was to happen. I hope this helps
i wouldnt say that anyone has spoke negatively about this compan
i wouldnt say that anyone has spoke negatively about this company. Only discussion as to how to conduct a search for the best company. I do agree though that settlement companies probably do have a higher complaint rating than most because i have seen it here on the forum were they are expecting things from settlement that is just not possible or they just signed on not knowing what to expect.
But as for this forum i do take great insult with your post. This forum is a great asset when it comes to people looking for help. This forum from what i have seen has not given anyone a bad name except for the ones who deserve it and when i say deserve it it is usually guests like you who were members that were scammed. This site helps people from being SCAMMED and i would hope that anyone would appreciate that.
FYI not all settlement companies have a F rating through the bbb even though i dont agree with how they have been lately. And This site is for people to research the companies. find posts on it, and make thier own personal decision. Im sure that people just dont bring up a post like this one and take the moderators word for it. they usually read all the posts from all the posters and make a decision to go with a company, research more, or pick a new one.
I have seen posts 14 pages long of guests comming in saying they were scammed by x company. all different people moderators agreeing, and still people ask in that posting if the company is working for others.
People make up thier own minds. Attacking this site makes me angry because it does so much good.
I actually just graduated from ABC Debt Relief's program a few m
I actually just graduated from ABC Debt Relief's program a few months ago. I had over 65k in debt and paid it off in only 2 years. I scoured the internet before I chose a settlement company, and I found out quite a bit.
First, yes, the Better Business Bureau is a business like any other company. No debt settlement company is able to be a member of the BBB, and most off them have "F" ratings. This is because members can pay the BBB to give them a better rating. Need proof? Well explain how a company like ABC Debt Relief has about 50,000 clients and 30 complaints with the BBB, and has an "F" rating; yet my largest creditor, Chase Bank, has over 15,000 complaints with the BBB last year alone, and has an "A+" rating.
The BBB is a scam in my book. If you want a company who you can trust to regulate companies, go with the Federal Trade Commission.
Also, it is true what the above poster said about TASC. All it takes to be a member of TASC is to pay them a bunch of money too!
Bottom line is that settlement is the fastest and least expensive way to get out of debt- period.
The post here promoting ABC are obvious shills who work for ABC.
The post here promoting ABC are obvious shills who work for ABC. Secondly Mobile0311 is touting Superior Debt Relief and New Beginnings which own this site! Shameful plugs.
( No debt settlement company is able to be a member of the BBB,
( No debt settlement company is able to be a member of the BBB, and most off them have "F" ratings.)
Ok this statement is confusing to me. How can you say that no debt settlement company is able to be a member of the bbb, but in the same line say that most of them have F ratings?
first of all i know of settlement companies being members of bbb, and not have F ratings. Now how they achieved this rating i dont know but you cant say that settlement companies CANT be a member, and If they are they get a F because its just not true.
Settlement gets a bad rap, but it is effective and does work i know personally. I believe that many of the complaints that these places get are due to people not knowing what they are getting into before signing up.
ABC is a rip off company
I talked with 3 people and I got 3 stories. I have not been able to contact them since Feb of 2009 - they will not respond to e-mails or correspond. They took me for over $2,931 and did nothing - stay away from them
i dont work for anyone. Im simply a stay at home mom who had thi
i dont work for anyone. Im simply a stay at home mom who had thier own debt trouble and found this forum. If you stick around you learn a few things or two.
ABC Debt Relief
We looked into ABC Debt Relief as an option to financial difficulties. The support people seemed clear and eager to answer any questions. We were ready to proceed with the program until we read the terms and conditions which basically stated there is no quarantee ABC can get the creditors to settle. So you end up paying ABC a percentage of your intial debt amount, even if they cannot settle your debt with a particular company. Your basically paying them to call up your creditors and settle, that's it!! Well why would I pay them $7,000.00 to do something I CAN DO!! If you want to really save yourself some money call up your cards and settle the amount yourself!!!I never sent back the signed and authorized contract. They debited my savings account anyway without authorization. We initally gave them the acct no. for preliminary info. which was our mistake right there. So in the end they cost us $100.00 in bank fees.
non authorized withdrawal
there last withdrawal was supposed to be an august 09, i just saw another withdrawal in sept and now i'm going to have bounced checks. I can't stop anything unless i pay a fee on top of this mess. don't trust them.
ABC debt
ABC is the biggest scamers out there. Do not even think about hiring them, they will tell you not to respond to any of your creditors while they sit back and take your money. why would any real company charge you before they even start to negotiate with your creditors? You can do what they claim to do yourself, just wait until your debts are purchased by a collection agency and settle directly with them and you will save $2,000 which is what they will take from you with out even providing any service.
I was wondering if anyone has info on E-limidebt company......I
I was wondering if anyone has info on E-limidebt company......I have just signed up with them and according to the site and speaking with them they have good ratings......I continue to get calls from my creitors about collections
System Administrator Operator
Yes this company is scamming from people. They say they are helping, but they are NOT!! After months of collecting money from my wife and I, we decided to further look into it. Guys they are full of it the amounts decrease within time and finally it gets smaller and smaller. Your credit is screwed and ABC wants to make it seem like they did you a favor. Sadly enough my wife and I still had to file for a chapter 7 bankruptcy, but We did file a complain on BBB Website and called channel 4, 5 and 8 news to tell them as well until we get refunded for the amount they owe us since they technically did not provide us with any service they claimed they did. Here is the BBB link
Loan Modification
Has anyone used ABC Loan Solutions for a loan modification? If so how were they, successful?
ABC Debt Relief is a scam 100%. I used their services (or compl
ABC Debt Relief is a scam 100%. I used their services (or complete lack or services) for six months. They told me they were engaging my creditors and that they had sent an engagement letter to all of them. This turned out to be a complete lie! In fact, I filed a complaint against them with the Attorney General's Office and was asked to help give a statement to the media regarding the danger of these companies. To the ABC Debt Relief employees that have been posting on here pretending to be customers, I will say that I hope you have a hard time living with yourself for all of the terrible things you have done to people.
Abc debt relief scam
Abc Debt relief is not just a scam, these people are thirds.
How in this day and age could happen? They stole 8600.00
From me and I will not give up until they close and are in jail.