Pinnacle Credit Services - Consumer reviews and steps to deal with it
Date: Tue, 12/27/2005 - 05:29
Pinnacle Credit Services - Consumer reviews and steps to deal with it
pinnacle credit services llc address
Welcome to forums. Here is the Pinnacle Credit Services LLC address -
Pinnacle Credit Services LLC
7900 Highway 7 Ste 100
Minneapolis, MN 55426-4049
It is listed as a credit reporting agency in BBB's database.
You have mentioned that Financial Recovery notified you about a due debt. Did they send you the debt validation? If not ask for it, send CMRRR to them. You need to pay the amount once they provide valid proof of your debts.
If they have already sent the validation to Pinnacle Credit Services LLC, go through it carefully. If you find any incorrect entry, dispute it within 30 days. Get the details of debt validation here-
if you need any more information, feel free to post in forums.
pinnacle credit services collection agency
This exact company (Pinnacle Credit Services LLC) has been calling my home for MONTHS all day every day trying to find some girl who doesn't even have this number anymore. I live in a college town so numbers around here change hands frequently. I don't care how many times I tell these people this girl doesn't have this number anymore, they won't stop. I've been nice, I've been rude, I've been ruder than rude. No luck. Until tonight I didn't even realize who the company was except they had a recording call me first and that mentioned their name. What can I do to stop this harassment??
pinnacle credit services collection agencies
Wngzie, the company must give you some details proving that you owe this debt. As Pinnacle Credit Services LLC may fail to give you the valid details, they will have to remove your number from their system.
Pinnacle Credit Services LLC sounds like a scam to me
all I ever got about these people was a mark on my credit report for $232.00. I never got a call, letter, bill, nothing from Pinnacle Credit Services LLC. What kind of scam are these knuckleheads trying to pull
illazilla, You can contact your original creditor and confirm
You can contact your original creditor and confirm who is holding your account currently. You can ask your creditor to settle the account directly with them. OC might accept your proposal. If they do, make an agreement and get it signed by them.
Once your account is paid in full, your creditor has to report it to the credit bureaus.
pinnacle credit services collection agencies
Here's a bit of info for this company (pinnacle credit services collection agencies). I found your forum on accident, but i hope it helps someone. This company showed up on my credit report too. It took me 45 minutes to find a good phone # for these bozos, and I asked the b*tch how they got on my credit report and she told me to call the lawyers servicing my account. Then I asked why no one contacted me before they sent my account to a damn lawyer, and the little b*tch (Julie is her name) hung up on me! Thanks for the great customer service! Anyway, Pinnacle Credit Services number is 952-939-8100 if anyone needs it!
Pinnacle Credit Services LLC
What a joke of a company! Don't do any business with them. I just got took for $850.00. Thanks for the number, you are right it is hard to find a number for those bozos!
pinnacle credit services collection agencies
Yeah so i just got my credit report. Pinnacle Credit Services LLC obviosuly are trying to prevent releasing their number. Regardless they bought out who I was in collections for initially and took it upon themself to add to my balance (not including the interest im sure they will inform me of when i call. Thanks for the number Ive been looking for it for a while too.
pinnacle credit services phone number
i found another number of Pinnacle Credit Services LLC 1-888-809-2320. They like to leave you on hold. No point in paying for it
i called them and they said i have to contact nelson watson and
i called them and they said i have to contact nelson watson and asscociates @ 800-388-1190 not sure if that helps.
pinnacle credit services complaints
first i heard of Pinnacle Credit Services LLC is a letter from another company stating they were going to start investigating my assests and property for collection on behalf of Pinnacle. Next thing I knew Pinnacle had negative reports on my credit report and they had never even contacted me. what can be done to stop these clowns? How many collection agency can try collect the same debt?
pinnacle credit services collection agency
lag02, only that collection agency that has your file with proper information is allowed to attempt collections. If a company fails to validate the debt, you are not obligated to send your money to them. You never know if it ever will be posted towards your debt account. The CA, Pinnacle Credit Services LLC, will legit information has the rights to hit your credit file, not every agency contacting you. If some company has reported in your credit without your debt information, it is fraudulent under the fdcpa laws. Sue them if they don????????t take back the negative remark.
Pinnacle Credit Services LLC subsidiary national enterprise
these people are also idiots they are part of pinnacle there customer service sucks a bunch of 5.00 per hour loosers expecially this guy steven a stupidvisor
Pinnacle Credit Services Company is a debt purchaser. They purch
Pinnacle Credit Services Company is a debt purchaser. They purchase debt at auction from all sorts of different companies. If you have an issue and you proved you resolved it prior, you proved it to someone else and they sold off the balance to Pinnacle. It's not Pinnacle's fault that the other company who sold the debt didn't properly close the account per fdcpa guidelines. I know firsthand, Pinnacle is not a collection agency, thats why they do not speak to consumers calling in. They hire 3rd party agencies to speak for them. IF there are disputes or issues with the credit report, Pinnacle is very willing to remove or update inaccurate information. You can contact Pinnacle Credit Services over the phone. Their number is 952-939-8100
thank you everyone for the phone numbers. I wasn't able to locat
thank you everyone for the phone numbers. I wasn't able to locate these people anywhere. You are right about the customer service. Sounds like they have people working from home taking their calls.....i could hear a dog burking in the background.
fI just Learned of my credit being messed up by pinnacle
My bank just told me that I had a ding on my credit report of almost 1000 dollars. I have never heard from them or interacted in any way with them. It droped my credit score 54 points. Thats rediculous. I will contact the credit bureaus to dispute this because it is causing F@*&ing hell for my wife and I trying to get a house.
Unverified debt
I do not know what Pinnacle is, whether a collection agency or a debt purchaser... but the end result is the same. Harassment from either them or the bill collectors. The original dispute was with Verizon and their unwilling attitude to adjust a bill in which they made a mistake in changing the calling plan. As a result I was billed an additional $235 in a single month. That has now grown to $540 with Pinnacle and NES (their hunch men). I have received over 60 calls... many before 6 am and after 11 pm. There is no regard for anyone owing a bill, whether disputed or not. An attorney stated that a small claims lawsuit was appropriate. First for collecting an "unverified debt" (i.e., Pinnacle has to have proof the the debt is legal and that it is owed to the original debtor). The second is that most states have legislation that protects consumers (Fair Trade and Consumer Protection Act).
This company came up on my credit also located the information w
This company came up on my credit also located the information which True logic collects for them. They did not have any phone # for me or correct address. I finally found out that they are trying to collect on debt of a credit card through providan that was paid off in 2004. Now that I contacted them they will not stop calling they call at least 3 times a day. They stated they bought this debt out from Providan in 2006 But when speaking to Providan now owned by Washington Mutual who bought them in 2005 theres no way they could. Still fighting them, have cancled check to prove payment not enough proof for this so call company.
Pinnacle suggestion
I would also suggest disputing them with the 3 major credit bureaus (TransUnion, Experian & Equifax) to get them deleted from your credit report. Sometimes this works.
Pinnacle employees admit they have no heart or soul
I don't have a fax number but I do have number where a person actually answers the phone unlike the one on their bill which is just voice mail. The number is 1-800-513-6852.
I had the great pleasure of speaking to three of their insensitive employees. I tried to reason with them. They were completely unreasonable especially the one that went by the name of SHANE. He hung up on me as I was talking to him. Classy. I tried to make a payment plan. They refused. I tried to appeal to their goodwill by explaining that my spouse is in the Air Force serving in Iraq and I was recently laid off from a government job. The lout named Shane threatened to tell my husband's commanding officer about this debt implying that he would suffer greatly if this debt was not paid off immediately. (insensitive maggot that he was) It's not as if I was avoiding to pay it because I was already paying on this debt $50 a month because that's all we can afford at the moment. They wanted all or nothing right now. After pleading with them, they were "kind" enough to offer 2 payments of $250 a month. If I could barely afford $50 a month how would I come up with $250? In the end I had to bargain with them on their shoddy terms. If I could afford a lawyer, I would happily see that their butts were on the street instead of gleefully harassing from their comfortable chairs.
Pinnacle, you may have one this time but I know that karma is just waiting for the right moment to even up the score.
Believe me, I am quite convinced that there is a special place in hell for debt collectors where the devil himself calls each one himself to harass them for eternity.
Unreasonable and harsh punishment
I was hit by this entity too just around Feb. 2007 for 10K. Not easy to trace what the original debt is, but I think in my case they purchased credit card with non-payment of $4,000, which was charged off in 2001. I wanted to contact them and settle the case. I am in a financial situation I pay 4000 today to get rid of it.
But, my Gosh! Reading through the horror comments in this forum (which by the way appears to be the only valid and curent forum on the Internet about this company), it seems to me contacting them would produce no result except psychological stress. What is the point of receiving their harassment, if they don't settle? In my case, I did not get the initial letter. No phone call either.
They probably bought my debt for 1 cent for a dollar. Even if they settled this debt with me for the original amount of $4000, they would still make a net profit of over $3900. What is the 10K for?
I have two questions.
1. Is there is a federal law to prevent these debt purchasers from imposing undue interest on consumers' original debt? Even the IRS does not impose this kind of interest on past-due tax liabilities! This is borderline harsh and brutal punishment. How sad.
2. What is the phone number to Attorney General in the state of Minnesota?
these people suck!
These people tried contacting my Dad about 4-5 years after the original debt with a cellphone company. They said they had been sending notices all the time, etc...I never got ONE! The original creditor charged/wrote off my dues, so how can they then try to collect years later? I don't get it?! Is that legal?
read up b4 u [color=Red]****[/color]
heres a little leason from a real collector and soon to be lawyer....first of all pinnicale is the best debt buyer you could be stuck with, secon the MISTERYIOUS mark on you credit is your own fault you dumb shytfuc* heres how it works you defaulted on your lets say CHASE bank card chase tried collecting on it and then send it to THREE collection agencies to collect on it of which non did cause your a SHYTBAG and then pinnicale bought all legel rights to you debt for 1% or less than what u owed and now u owe then now they will send it to 2-3 collection agencies and there gonna ream you till you pay, by law they can call you 100x a day as long as they only make contact once, and everyday on every number you have (which includes you family freinds neibors cousins aunt uncle old roomate literally anyone you've everyone known will get a call, its allllll public record) pinnice however sometimes lets u pay off the debt for less than you owe, cause they you your a poorbox, say u owe 1000 you pay 600 and they (only one i know of) will actually report you paid it all nice guys huh
[color=Red]****Adult term removed - Jason[/color]
more info
part of the millitary code of law stated you cant owe debt by the way dumbass and since hes you husbands CO i could talk to him and yea he would be in deep shyt and 90% alow me to collect on you debt through your husband just as if it were his, and for the other know it NOT on here a simple bill from when pinnicle purchest the debt is proof enough and if you request that all offers come off the table and if they bring you to court ooooooo 33% of your weeky wages GONE like taxes, you house there house just pay the BILL you HAVE money credit freinds family dont tell me otherwise your fuc***g LIEING you dont like it then dont rack up the bill ok! im very nice and cordul and most of the dtrs i spk to really want this resolved and i help them but you people are the WORST dtr the DEBTORS btw and you deserve got 100 calls a day if you have a question on the fdcpa ask and ill be glad to tell you if you have any idea what ur talking about jeez read fact b4 fiction here people and YES INTERESDT IS ALWAYS THERE AND ALWAYS WILL BE IT WILL START WHEN YOU CHARGE IT AND END WHEN YOU PAY IF A 15,000 BILL CAN GO TO 40 IN 7 YEARS
I don't know who collector guest is,but he had darn well better
I don't know who collector guest is,but he had darn well better tone down his posts or he will be booted off this board permanently!! :x
I am having issues with these people as well. They are the wors
I am having issues with these people as well. They are the worst people to work with. I told them i would pay the debt but i need a deletion letter from them. There response "no". SO apparently they are unwilling to accept payment for a deletion letter to have the ding removed from my credit. When i asked to speak with a supervisor I was told i could not. It is rediculous! The only person I was able to speak with was Steve. And he did not even look into my account just flat out said "no".
He is an idiot and I would sure like to meet him in a court room
He is an idiot and I would sure like to meet him in a court room. The statue of limitations on collecting a debt varies from state to state...but, in most states its 5 years on a written contract. It does not matter who owns the debt or who purchased it. The law is the law. also, by law they can not call you more than once a day and if they leave a message on your answering machine it must state what they are calling you for.
Pinnacle Credit Services currently has 6 cases pending in Federa
Pinnacle Credit Services currently has 6 cases pending in Federal Court for violations of both the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act and The Fair Credit Reporting Act. Nelson and Watson are co-defendants in 3 of those cases.
Also, note that a case in The Southern District of Florida found that ALL letters that say you must respond in writing within 30 days is illegal. This is case law and has not been overturned in any court.
Case: Carlos Baez vs Wagner and Hunt,P.A.
I just got a letter from them about a debt that was paid off in a chapter 13 over 15 years ago and now it's rearing it's head again. What can I do to get them off my back and not on my credit for something that is already paid that they purchsed from someone that knew the debt was paid before they purchased it? I have read the other accounts and I'm not about to put up with creditor harrassment. I have just gotten back on track with my credit after many years of struggling to pay everyone back. I am not about to go backwards. Can someone tell me who can I contact to get help with this?
Pinnacle Credit Services LLC contacted me about some account tha
Pinnacle Credit Services LLC contacted me about some account that was past due from 1995. The only information they had correct on me was my name and ss#. I asked for validation of the debt seeing as I do not have any clue at to what this is loan was for and this also has never shown up on my credit report, EVER! Then I got a letter threatening to send me to their attorney unless I respond by letter disputing the charge. I did send letter disputing charge and also requested validaiton of the debt again. No response until a demand letter came in the mail, so then I called and got some idiot name Chris Myers. I left him several messages to contact me and he never did. I happened to get off work early one day and called him and actually reached him. I started to give him my request for validation of debt and also asked if my account was noted that I sent dispute of charges in writing to their company...he hung up on me. I have never dealt with people like this before especially someone wanting your money. I am frustrated and don't know where to go from here. I have documented everything as far as whom and when and what was said during phone conversations and other messages I have left for other representatives from this company. I have heard about sending in a CMRRR to this company for debt validation. Could anyone tell me what this means and how do I get this form or go about sending the CMRRR?
They are telling me I over over $3600 from a credit card bill in
They are telling me I over over $3600 from a credit card bill in 2001. I never had a credit card with the company they are mentioning and I have excellent credit. They seem to have all my info except a turn of numbers in the SS#. I'm reporting them to the attorney general, not sure what else to do besides send a letter disputing the charge. The sent me a notarized statement with the account info on it. Could someone have stolen my identity? Any advice?
ha ha poor collector reminds me of playground bully
To all the so call stupid debtors being harrassed by collections that are not yours, or reported erronously use the tools our government has given us to fight these rats.
1) Fair Debt Collection act
2) Fair Credit reporting act
also there is FACTA I forget at the moment the correct acronym. This is a example of big business and the business is extortion plain and simple.
Collector just said it all above we will hound you until you pay.
your debt past the statuete of limitations so we cant report it legally to blemish your credit report we will hound you till you arrange to pay , until you admit it is yours or you actually cough up any money at all then we will reage the statute of limitations for another 7 years. That means never never talk to a collector on the phone. It is your right to have them stop harrassing you! dont look for their phone number look for their address. Then mail them disputing the debt and asking for validation of what you owe when they bought it from who they bought it and where by the way IS MY SINGNATURE ON THE CONTRACT that outlines the terms at which I would pay the ORIGINAL CREDITOR the intrest rate etc.
That means absolutely that an electronic statement from a company twice removed from the orignal creditor is not sufficient to validate you are the person who owes and for how much you owe. a statement of the balance owed is ENTIRELY INSUFFICIENT AND UNCOLLECTABLE IN COURT!
By all means NEVER EVER ignore a summons if they are dumb enough to sue you. They are counting on you not replying an answer and just calling them directly. You must file with the court an answer or they will garnish your wages etc. which sucks. This is plain and simple extortion.
They are always bluffing! Even if they bring to court months worth of statements from the original creditor the likelyhood of them producing a signed contract from the original creditor is next to nothing. So they will be unable to validate the debt in court. Now its true some judges are not as well versed in credit law as others and may side with the collection agency despite them being scum and illegal practices etc. But by standing up to them you make it costly to harrass people because lawyers are not paid pennies on the dollar like the debt sellers so they will back down most of the time before actually going in front of the judge.
However they are masters at manipulating people with FEAR tatics. They will often threaten ( a violation) whether they threaten garnishment or getting husbands introuble with CO's etc it is ILLEGAL to issues those threats also its illegal to swear at you over the phone but obviously from collectors rant above they do it all the time. For each violation these scum are then liable for automatic $1000 fine paid to you for such violations ( need proof of course! so a paper trail is of utmost importance and that is why the phone is the debt colectors best ally. They can hide behind it and claim an honest mistake but a letter from them harrasing you is another thing.
So the steps are 1) dont ever call them 2) place a freeze on your Credit reports and dispute addresses with credit agencies that are not your current address 3)send a letter to the collection agency disputing the debt and also include a phrase asking them to not contact you by phone at home or work ever! to only contact you through US mail (called a cease and desist letter ) All letters to the collection agency should be sent not normal US mail but Certified return recepit requested so that you can verify with post office if it was recieved and when and have the receipts in case you need to prove that you sent them and diligently try to verify the debt. This is start of paper trail always keep a copy of these letters for yourelf.
3) next you wait and in 30 days when no validation arrives you send a second letter. Or if they send validation that doesnt meet requirments of FDCA and FACTA then your rerequest the proper amount of information to be able to validate the debt.
This letter writing does two things 1st it should stop the harrasing phone calls and even if it doesnt it makes them in violation each time they call you after reciept of the letter asking to not be contacted with documentation ( a call log write down numbers from caller id and times they called maybe a n answering machine tape or voicemail recording ) you can then use the evidence of violations as pressure them to comply or to even delete the bad information on the credit report and cease collection activity.
3) Never admit it is your debt until they provide the correct amount of inormation according to FDCA and FACTA. ie in negotiating a settlement dont say it is yours but say you are willing to pay for this matter to be settled meaning deleted from your credit reports and retired ie not to be resold ever to anyone else. the way the settlement is important. look it up in a search do your homework and of course never pay a penny to them until they send you the settlement in writing.
Your credit rating is your proerty defend it like you would your house from these burglarers or like you would you children from these credit molestering bottom feeders.
I received a letter from Nelson Watson & Associates to collect f
I received a letter from Nelson Watson & Associates to collect for a past due bill from Verizon Wireless, and the account was sold from Verizon to Pinnacle Credit Services. I called Verizon first, because I knew this was a mistake. Verizon confirmed it was their mistake, saying I had incurred an early cancellation fee in error. I had moved from the east coast to the west coast and kept the account, but somehow they showed that the east coast account was cancelled early instead of transferred. Verizon said no problem, they'll tell the collection agency to delete the account and that it was their error. Verizon said they'd contact the collection agency. They're also sending me a letter verifying all of this. I called Nelson/Watson, who instructed me to fax them the letter when I get it. I also called Pinnacle, using the number someone generously posted here:
Pinnacle also gave me their address to send a copy of my letter to:
PO Box 640
Hopkins, MN 55343
Pinnacle said one Nelson/Watson gets my fax they'll be notified by Nelson/Watson and my account will be closed. I'm rather skeptical about all of this after reading everyone's posts. I have a feeling this is going to last a long time.
More Pinnacle Madness
These people showed up on my credit report for the first time this year. I honestly have very little concept of what the debt even is, as it is in an amount that I have never owed anyone before. The only thing I can think of is that it is one of my old pre-divorce credit cards with about a thousand dollars tacked onto it for some unknown reason.
What makes me really mad is that the credit card was closed in 2002 but the way they are reporting it makes it look like a 2007 debt.
This is keeping me from getting a car loan amongst other things.
I disputed it with trans union, experion and equifax. Experion supposedly verified it & the other two are not done yet.
What else can be done? Is there any way to get them to reflect an accurate date?
Extremely helpful!
I read some of these posts and I was frankly frightened to call. I gathered up the nerve and dialed the phone (952)939-8100 This was a local call for me. The "debt" turned out to be a clerical error at Exel Energy Company for $0.29. Steve Hall apologised on their behalf and wished me a Merry Xmas.
Pinnacle Credit & Steve Hahn of St Louis Park,Minnesota!
It seems Steve Hahn of Pinnacle Credit thought I was
dumb enough to send Him 648.20 on a phony Sears debt,
wrong! I know have the Federal Trade Commision to
investigate Steve Hahn & Pinnacle Credit,working with
all three credit bureaus! And the FBI also investigating Pinnacle Credit,Steve Hahn,Merchants
Credit Guide and Ken Hughes!
I suggest contacting Federal Trade Commision and
filing a complaint against Pinnacle Credit and Steve
And call Steve Hahn at 1-888-809-2320,and let Him
know exactly how unhappy You :twisted:
Pinnacle Credit & Steve Hahn,tried to scam Me & hara
Pinnacle credit and steve hahn,along with merchants
Credit guide,harassed me during the wee hours of
Every morning with threats,even posed a irs agents
And fbi agents,with threats to take all my money and
To throw me in prison! If i didn't pay 648.20 on a
Phony sears debt,i already verified with sears i had
No credit card in my name-in case of stolen id,nor
Do i owe sears any money!
so steve realizing i'm not paying him a cent,sent a
Unsign letter from pinnacle credit admitting guilt,
Also blaming sears too,ya right!
call steve hahn at 1-888-809-2320,and file a
Complaint with federal trade commision,and the fbi!
Don't waste your time filing a complaint with st louis
Park police,just a bit too lame,agent matt reilly is
A joke!
Pinnacle credit & steve hahn likes to get into any
One's personal credit file,and then summit a phony
Debt,not doing his homework first,because we had
Real bad credit,so i knew i never had a sears credit
Card or debt! I filed a complaint with federal trade
Commision and the fbi! And steve hahn can be reached
At 1-888-809-2320,weekdays,or leave a nice message
On his voice mail after hours...! Tell him,rodney s.
Sent you to his phone!
Pinnacle Credit
They tried to collect a debt that was over 5 years old using Nelson, Watson & Associates. 6 months after requesting additional info regarding the debt I find they placed it on my credit report and when I tried to refinance my house the lender told me I had to pay it off. I told the lender to keep his money and he backed down on me paying this off. My state has a 3 year statute of limitations on collecting the bill which had long passed so I filed a complaint with my state.
Pinnacle Credit Services
I received a letter from Pinnacle Credit Services stating that I owed $970 for Verizon Wireless, but I am not sure if that is a debt validation letter, and I do not recall using Verizon Wireless.
Stop Stressing About Collection Agencies
As I read thru these posts, I see a lot of people causing themselves unnecessary stress. I deal with people's credit every day, and this is the best advice for dealing with Collection Agencies-
1) If you intend to pay it, set up a payment plan unless you pay it all at once.
2) If you have no intention of ever paying off the collection (and you know right now whether or not you will EVER pay it off), then stop talking to the collection agency(s) immediately. Stop trying to play lawyer against them (they have a lot more money to spend on legal battles than you). Don't fall for any of their scare tactics (They cannot do a thing to you other than put it on your credit report). Simply stop talking to them and your credit will rebound much faster.
There's this funny little thing called a DLA (Date of Last Activity)... The longer it has been since that date, the less effect that collection has on your credit score. Except every time you decide to curse the collector for calling your house at 7:30pm you create ACTIVITY. You make the effect on your credit score like the collection is brand new.
So... IGNORE THEM and your credit score will go back up on its own (provided you are paying your bills now). Mortgage companies don't require you to pay off OLD collections anymore, finance companies don't either. Eventually, the collection account will drop off your report and if it doesn't... Who cares because it will be so old that nobody will give it a second look and it will no long be a factor in your credit score.
If the constant calls from Collectors bothers you, simply call your phone company and have "call screening" added to your line... this is a service that will not allow blocked phone #'s to call you. The caller must say their name, you receive a special ring at home, you listen to the automated message which includes the caller's name, and you either accept or decline the call. You never have to talk to a pushy collector. Most automated dialers these days never make it to recording a name.
Don't cause yourself the stress of trying to fight colletion agencies... It's a game for the collectors to see how mad they can get you (I know, I've been to a Citi Financial Loss Mitigation Call Center before... did a mortgage for the Ops Manager of the center... He had terrible credit... ironic).
Take it or leave it, that's my advice on collection agencies... I speak from experience in dealing with them.
ignorance is only bliss when your a dictator.
I do not know what guess collector has been smoking, but!!!! If only reality hit him/her in the face they may not be so stupid to the idea of bad buisness ethics. I have overcome this company "Verison" After two court cases and $1400. out of pocket expenses. THEY LOST!!!!!!!!!! They are correct about Pinnacle being with in their legel rights. They employ bad buisness ethics but it's legel non the less. Sorry I can not give any immediate relief to those of you hurting from their bad ethics, but I hope this dealing with legel crooks has made you wiser. Just one last bit of advise. Read up on debt free living and sonner than you would expect you will free from your own ignorance. God Bless.
debt collection
These guys are trying to collect on a debt from 1989 and they are nasty no professionalism at all