Checksmart's corporate office-grrr!!!!
Date: Thu, 02/18/2010 - 13:42
Checksmart's corporate office-grrr!!!!
The next time we spoke I was told they won't take anything except the 2 payments since I got the money in one lump sum & they want it back, & if I don't pay it they'll release it to the attorneys. He also said that in the state of Ohio (which is where I live) they take action against bad checks & it will go on my credit. I almost laughed, since my credit is so screwed up, it's the last thing on my mind! :)
From what I've read on here, they will take me to court eventually over this debt. I want to pay it if we can come up with payments I can afford. Any suggestions on how to get this resolved? Once I pay off CashnetUSA & Checksmart, that leaves me with a $500 PDL from ACE & I'll be done, woo hoo!! Since I'm paying so much to CashnetUSA the most I can pay Checksmart right now is 75.00 biweekly. I know it's not much but all I can spare & not fall behind on things again, which is how I got into this mess :(
I would just send them a letter with an outline of how you propo
I would just send them a letter with an outline of how you propose to pay them back, in the letter include that you are enduring a hardship at this time and all you can afford is $$$ amount of dollars. Send them a good faith payment with the letter and send it certified return receipt requested. Also in the letter include a wage assignment revocation (just in case you did sign a clause somewhere in your contract which gives them permission to take the money directly out of your wages, most pdl's are doing that now), anyway, if you send the wage assignment revocation they can't touch your wages unless they take this to court. Now, if this does go to court it will be in your best interest to send this proposal and make sure you keep copies of all correspondence. The good news is if you carry out this plan even if they say they won't accept it by the time it does go to court it might already be paid off or close to it and the judge will see in black n white the effort you were making. That's what I would do.
Oh and, send them money orders, no checks from your account.
Oh and, send them money orders, no checks from your account.
I work for checksmart and its not bad what we do if you take out
I work for checksmart and its not bad what we do if you take out a loan you should be responsible enough to pay it back. Espeacially if you took out a $800 loan you knew what you were getting yourself into so just pay it off and everything will be ok next time think before you take out a loan.
there is no room for judgement here. everyone has different iss
there is no room for judgement here. everyone has different issues. And life has lots of unexpected turns
no sympathy here. They told me they loan what you make in a week
no sympathy here. They told me they loan what you make in a week, so since you make 800 a week, you need to learn how to manage your money.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI work for checksmart and it
Originally Posted by Anonymous I work for checksmart and its not bad what we do if you take out a loan you should be responsible enough to pay it back. Espeacially if you took out a $800 loan you knew what you were getting yourself into so just pay it off and everything will be ok next time think before you take out a loan. |
I could have easily guessed that you work for Checksmart based on your spelling and grammar, apparently payday loan companies don't hire the brightest bulbs in the bunch!
Shazzers, thank you very much for your responses, you've been in
Shazzers, thank you very much for your responses, you've been incredibly helpful on all of my posts :) I've already closed the account that they have info on & will be sending them a letter explaining my situation, a money order & the wage assignment revocation this upcoming Friday. Once I've finished paying off CashnetUSA at the end of the month, I can increase my payments to Checksmart & get it resolved that much faster. I'm so glad I came across this site!
Diana - At no point did I say Checksmart was "bad" for what they do. On the contrary, they gave me money when I needed it. And if you'll read my post, I'm not trying to get out of the loan, I completely agree that it should be paid back. I would LOVE to pay it back if Checksmart & I could come to an agreement on HOW it should be paid back. Plainly put, they will have to take what I can afford, even if it's less than what they want, but they will get paid.
Kate - Since I wasn't looking for sympathy, I won't be heartbroken that I get none from you. I wanted & got the great advice I have have come to expect from others on here, which I plan to follow. And please don't claim to know what I make based on what "they" told you, as it is not true in this case. What I NEED to do is continue to listen to the people here that are offering helpful advice to myself and many others instead of making comments on situations they know nothing about.
If they continue to call you about this debt, just send them by
If they continue to call you about this debt, just send them by certified mail the following letter. And file a complaint with the FTC. You can do it online! After you send them the letter they can be fined up to 500.00 per call. Also they are not allowed to cantact you on a mobile phone due to the fact that you may be getting charged for the call. You can also take them to small claims court.
Drop Dead Letter:
[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]This is a letter you can use to demand that collection agencies leave you
Request for discontinuation of contact per the Fair Debt Collection Practices
Name of Creditor
City, ST Zip[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]RE: Account:
Name on account:[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]Dear Sir or Madame:[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]I have been contacted by your company about a debt you allege I owe. I am
instructing you not to contact me any further in connection with this debt.[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]Under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, a federal law, you may not
contact me further once I have notified you not to do so.
[if applicable] In particular, I am directing you to discontinue all telephone
calls to my workplace as continued calls to my employment could jeopardize
my job.
[if applicable] I am hereby advising you that continued contact by your office[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]will cause severe and permanent harm to me. I suffer from a number of[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]medical problems and my treating doctors have advised me to avoid stressful[/LEFT]
[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][LEFT]situations such as those brought about by phone calls from your employees.[/LEFT]
Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.