Payday Yes sent an apology
Date: Fri, 08/24/2007 - 07:54
Payday Yes sent an apology
From: To: ald_ked Subject: Please contact me about your account Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:22:37 -0400 Dear Ald_ked, Payday Yes Acct# XXXXXXXX As of this date, your intentional neglect of this account has became quite evident. Your refusal to honor your word and repay the funds borrowed has left us with limited options. Our probable option in this case is to forward your account to our pre-litigation department. We are advising you of our intentions at this time based on the bad faith you have shown towards your responsibilities. Please be aware that any and all expenses caused by your inaction will have to be paid by yourself. This covers both your expenses and any expenses we incur. If you feel that this situation can be handled without additional cost, contact our asset location department at 1-800-420-8025. Sincerely, removed Recovery/Asset Location 800-420-8025 |
Well, that is just not true. I have been trying to initiate contact with them since 07/17/07. They weren’t responsive to me. So, this is the little email I shot back at them:
Ok Michelle, I have to say I'm a little insulted, and a whole bunch pissed off right now. How dare you threaten me?? Intentional neglect and bad faith on my part? Ludicrous! Absurd!! How about intentional ignorance on your part?
I've tried numerous times to be professional with you guys. Apparently that may be something you don't recognize. So, here I am, once again only this time, I’m stooping to your level-
Look, I spoke with your company on 08/10/07. I spoke with Sally or Holly, or something like that and was told, you would give me time to hear back from the Attorney General of Florida. I would not be contacted. Yes, I have filed complaints with his office. Also, with the Federal Trade Commission.
You are an illegal, unlicensed lender and you are threatening me? I filed a complaint with the BBB and it was returned stating "Moved, left no forwarding address" According to the Payday Loan Manual-that’s how you guys work-when the heat is on, pack up and skip town. How ethical of YOU! I have overpaid the finance/rollover fees according to the Florida law, where I am located. I know, you state over and over again, you can abide by the state you reside in if you chose to do so.
I also like the part in the manual the “Intimidation sheetâ€Â. Is that what you are doing here? Trying to intimidate be?
Back to my conversation with Sally or Holly-whatever her name was, she was sweet, she let me know Payday Yes would allow me time to hear back from the Attorney General, then I wanted to speak to a Supervisor- and I as left on hold for 20 minutes. So, as you can see I AM INTENTIONALLY COMMUNICATING WITH YOU. I can't say the same for your company. You intentionally ignore my emails and faxes and then come after me. Like I'm the bad guy, when it is you who is the illegal, unlicensed, unethical scam artist.
If you would like copies of the emails I have sent-I'll be happy to send them, same for the faxes. And please be advised I'm forwarding a copy of this threat on to Bill McCollum's office(Florida Attorney General) and if need be, I will obtain my own counsel.
Sincerely, ald_ked
Well, I got a phone call not 10 minutes later from the manager of Payday Yes and my account is now $0.00. He apologized for the email I had received and went into my file and it showed all my communications and he wanted me to know that he is dealing with the person who sent me the email because Payday Yes does not operate that way and they will be reprimanded. Too bad.
Only 2 more to go and I'm free!!
My god that was an excellent response!!!!:) Good for you. I am
My god that was an excellent response!!!!:) Good for you. I am glad you stood your ground against this company. This gives everyone encouragement. You need to post this in the sucess stories thread.
Way to go! That was great and it definitly got their attention!
Way to go! That was great and it definitly got their attention! Glad you got the PIF. You are almost there! Keep it up!
I have recently been assigned to your account. Per the previous notes I see that you said you were willing to pay $181.56 more on this account. If this is what you would like to do I will accept the payment and stop all collections. You will have a balance left with us, but we will cease collections. Please give me a call or respond to this email. |
Could it be that you are not licensed to lend anywhere in the US?
Payday Yes
501 Silverside Road Suite 125
Wilmington, DE 19809
The BBB reports on members and non-members. If a company is a member of the BBB, it is stated in this report.
File Open Date: 11/02/06
Phone Number: 888-468-0509
Membership Status: This company is not a BBB member
Our file shows mail sent to this company was returned by the Post Office as moved, left no forwarding order, forwarding order expired, or unable to locate.
Complaints against this business concern Billing or Collection Issues and Refund or Exchange Issues.
When evaluating complaint information, please consider the company's size and volume of business. The number of complaints filed against the company may not be as important as the type of complaints and how the company handled them.
The Bureau processed a total of 5 complaints about this company since the firm's BBB file was opened in November of 2006. Of the total 5 complaints since the firm's BBB file was opened in November of 2006, 5 of those were closed in the last 12 months.
Complaints Concerned
Refund or Exchange Issues: 2
Outcome of all complaints -
Resolved: 1; |[Company resolved the complaint issues.
The consumer acknowledged acceptance to the BBB.]|
Unpursuable: 1; |[Company cannot be located.]|
Billing or Collection Issues: 3
Outcome of all complaints -
Unpursuable: 3; |[Company cannot be located.]|
As of December 27, 2006 mail is being returned as Not Deliverable as Addressed-Unable to forward.
REPORT DATE: 08/14/2007[/quote]
What I don't understand is what does "you will still have a balance with us, but we will cease collections" mean? Hopefully that supervisor will call me and give me a PIF, but that is wishful thinking at best!
I don't like that wording . . . . . Um, what good does it do you
I don't like that wording . . . . . Um, what good does it do you if you still have a balance with them? They may "cease collections" for a while, but they could pop up in the future and demand payment.
hey, does anybody have an email address to this pdl?
hey, does anybody have an email address to this pdl?
Wow! Good to go! That was an awesome response you typed to the
Wow! Good to go! That was an awesome response you typed to them! Good job, and what a payoff!