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Langhorne Debt Solutions

Date: Sun, 01/18/2009 - 09:58

Submitted by anonymous
on Sun, 01/18/2009 - 09:58

Posts: 202330 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 17

Langhorne Debt Solutions

I spoke with Langhorne last week and I'm considering using them to help me with my pdl's. I would love some feedback on this company and I would also like to know if the harassing calls stopped once you went with this company. They told me that I might receive them for a little while but they would stop after they receive the paperwork and phone calls from Langhorne. Is this true?

I honestly believe you could do this yourself, why pay someone else to do this when you could most likely do just as an effective job of clearing this up. An illegal lender does NOT follow the law, else they would not have lent you money to begin with, so I wouldn't take much stock in the hopes the phone calls will cease once they are contacted by Longhorn, or any other company as far as that goes. In my opinion, they usually stop calling for one reason only, and that is because they eventually figure out they aren't getting anywhere by doing so. JMO. Do what you feel is best, and keep checking back for other responses. Good luck! :)


Submitted by Shazzers on Sun, 01/18/2009 - 10:18

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I worked with Langhorne and they did help me resolve my mess, which I was and am very grateful for. One thing about dealing with a company, vs. doing it yourself: A company such as Langhorne will figure out how many of its clients are dealing with a payday lender, and try and negotiate a mass settlement at one time. It only makes sense to try and get as many settlements at once--but of course, this can take sometime. Now if you are doing it yourself, obviously you only have one client: you.
If you are working with a company which has legal expertise, like Langhorne, you get the benefit of that--but going it alone, you and only you are doing the legwork.
So there are plusses and minuses to both scenarios.


Submitted by kscornell on Sun, 01/18/2009 - 18:03

( Posts: 4407 | Credits: )

i have been with them for 3 months now, and they were a godsend. calls stopped almost immediatly. :wink:


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 01/18/2009 - 20:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been with them since October 2008. I had 7 internet loans to begin with. I am down to 5. I have two that keep calling me - ameriloan and ARM - who represents Paycheck Today. Ameriloan is especially harrassing. They call my home several times a day. Langhorne warned me that they would be the most aggressive of the ones I had. They told me to just ignore them. I do (thank goodness for caller ID) but they keep calling.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 13:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

So you are pleased with them? I got all the paperwork today and I just need to get my bank account closed and pay the initial fee. I'm sure I could probably do this on my own but I have 7 pdl's and it's worth paying someone (Langhorne) a service fee to keep these people off my back. They are a business just like everyone else and are out to make money but it's nice just to know that they will handle all the dirty work for me.


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 14:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Exactly! You have to really decide what would work best in your own situation. In mine, I work full-time and as much as I wanted to, did not have the time to deal with the phone calls and do the leg work. And I won't even go into the hassle of getting a phone call from a PD Lender at work. I won't even go there.
For me, the beauty of Langhorne was that I felt that everyone knew me and knew my situation, whcih made me feel better. They sent the letters out for me and made the phone calls--and when one lender tried to sue me, were right there for me. When I got served, I was terrified--and Langhorne was right there for me. I never could have done that by myself.
However, some people can do it by themselves, and I think that's great. One solution works for some, one for others--and in my case, I needed help.


Submitted by kscornell on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 16:08

( Posts: 4407 | Credits: )

That's wonderful and exactly my reasons for going with them. I work full time and have three children and it is also very hard for me to find the time to take care of the necessary phone calls and paperwork. I'm still current on all my pdl's but after next week when they see I've closed my account they will start with the calls. I definitely don't want to deal with that at my work. Was it a storefront lender that tried to sue you or an internet lender?


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 01/20/2009 - 16:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I have been with Langhorne since August 2008 and have been pleased with their service. I had 6 or 7 loans (can't remember now) and one has already settled. I have not had phone calls from anyone, except Ameriloan, but I also just ignore them. I was in the same boat - just didn't have the time to do all the work for myself and it was better for me to pay someone to do it.


Submitted by cntrygirl63 on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 05:11

( Posts: 55 | Credits: )

I just signed all the paperwork yesterday so I'm glad to hear from some people on the board that they were able to help them. I figure I've been paying well over $1,000 every month to pay down these pdl's and I will be paying $200 with them. I know that regardless of how many letters I send out to these lenders they will continue to call and I can't deal with that. I can ignore them on my personal phone but I can't ignore them when they call me at work. They are very persistent. Thanks so much for the input!


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 01/22/2009 - 05:23

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

My wife and I read through many forums about people who have said they have used Langhorne Debt Solutions to "help" them with these payday lenders. So we bought into it, and we paid the initial fee. We paid several months worth of fees following this as well. They start out with all of the smoke and mirrors about how they are going to help you. When the fact of the matter is, they seem like they couldn't care less about helping as long as they are getting their monthly fees.

Just for fun I'll do a little myth and fact scenario for you

Myth: Langhorne will be the "main point of contact" when the payday lenders call.
Fact: Langhorne does not take any calls from the lenders. When you call them to inform them you are still getting the harrassing calls they give you the line of "give them our number, we will tell them to stop". So you give the lender the phone number (which turns out to be an answering machine) and you get a call back in a couple of days from the lender saying they have called that number and left numerous messages, but the company will not return their phone calls.

Myth: Langhorne will help you settle debts with internet lending companies, and they use their "expertise and vast resources" to check on the legality of the loans. They can save you money by getting rid of the internet lenders who did not make the loan legally.
Fact: Langhorne probably did realize that several of the lenders my wife and I had were not giving the loans legally. They just didn't tell us about it. Why? Because that would reduce the amount of fees they take since they take a portion of your total loan amounts. I found out on my own through research which loans were legal (almost none) and which were not.

Myth: Once they receive the initial fee, they will send copies of the power of attorney, as well as revoke the rights of the lenders to garnish wages, etc. etc.
Fact: Of all of the lenders my wife and I put on our creditor list, only 1 (yes... ONE) of them actually received anything. All it was, was a copy of the power of attorney... none of the other magical documents they talked about. For the other lenders, we spoke with each and every one to verify we had the correct addresses and contact information. We then spoke to the person who supposedly handles our account, and she claims that everything got sent out exactly where it was supposed to, so there is no need to send it again. It got to the point where the collection department of the payday lender would call and actually apologize that they are calling. They see a note that they are supposed to have received something, they have tried to contact Langhorne to get it straightened out (on the answering machine where messages go to die), but their policy is that until they actually receive the documents they cannot stop calling regarding the debt. Pretty sad when a collection department knows you are trying to do what you are supposed to do, but the people who are supposed to be helping you out are making it worse.

Okay enough of the myth-fact stuff. Simply put Langhorne has done nothing to help my wife and I with this settlement. They try to give you subtle scare tactics about how you could possibly do this on your own, but they are just SO experienced and knowledgeable in regards to this that it would be very difficult for you to be able to do this without them. It took a whole hour for me to find my state legislation regarding this stuff. With what we have paid in fees to Langhorne we could have saved more money by paying off the one loan that was actually legal, and who knows maybe splurged on something... after all the money was wasted anyway.

If you are serious about settling the debt, I wouldn't waste my time or money (after all that's what it's all about) on using Langhorne. You can find everything you need in about an hour (probably way less if you are good with google searches). Or you could just call your states Division of Finance, and ask them what the laws are for your state in regards to payday lending.

In the state I live in (Missouri), any lender who gives a payday loan (under $500) HAS to be licensed in the state of Missouri. Guess where else you find out if a financial institution is licensed in your state? Your state's Division of Finance. The Missouri statutes also state that no lender can enforce any agreement, nor would any government entity (court, judge, etc.) enforce the agreement if they are not licensed in the state of MO. So if the lender is not licensed in MO, and you live in MO... you do NOT owe them anything, and they can complain all they want. If they call back, tell them you are going to file a complaint with the Attorney General. Do you think they want to deal with that? Making illegal loans, and having the Attorney General find out about it.

Sorry about the long read, but I know what it's like to struggle from paycheck to paycheck from these loans. I know what it's like to not be able to eat breakfast or lunch so you can still buy your kid school lunches... because you make too much money for them to qualify for free lunches, you just don't get to keep any of it because the payday places take it every time you get it. I would rather people be able to get out of these situations, not have to pay the same amounts... but to a different loan shark (Langhorne). At least with the payday lenders, they are upfront about the fact that they want their money and don't care how they get it. Langhorne acts like they're their for you. Who knows, maybe when they first started they actually were there for their clients.

As for all of the people who are saying how great Langhorne is... my assumption is that they either have an interest in the company (if not, I apologize), or they would have never thought they would get scammed from Langhorne. I'm sure if they have completed their program (or are close to completing it) and they check into their state's legislation they would find out they probably just wasted quite a bit of money for something they could have gotten out of for FREE... or relatively cheap (if they do have a company giving legal loans in their state).


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 02/09/2009 - 21:49

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I agree with you COMPLETELY and that is why after doing all the research and especially living in NC, which prohbits payday loans, I decided to do it on my own. I signed all the paperwork with Langhorne and two days before the fees were due, I backed out and went on my own. I sent out all the letters, faxes and emails and it has been over a week now and I haven't received anything from anyone! I'm sure I will but I'm hoping that the ones I've overpaid already send me a PIF. All I can say is that it is sooooooo nice getting a full paycheck. I can't remember the last time I had one. My direct deposit went in this morning and I was thrilled!!! I'm so glad I decided to do it myself.


Submitted by alinewcombe on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 07:26

( Posts: 68 | Credits: )

I've also decided to go with PayDay Debt Consolidation and am getting ready to sign with them - has anyone heard anything about this company? I just can't do it on my own.


Submitted by boomolina on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 20:20

( Posts: | Credits: ) isn't a settlement company or a even a consolidator. It's a lead generation site that collects your information and sells it to settlement and consolidation companies so they can solicit you. Nothing wrong with that, really. It's just a form of advertising. But you need to check out who the actual service provider is going to be, Boomolina.


Submitted by FreakyFriday on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 21:15

( Posts: 490 | Credits: )

Be careful with Langhorne. They are not very understanding. One of the loans I had was with Sonic is one of those pdl's that make you sign a wage garnishment After I signed up with Langhorne, sonic garnished almost $800 from my paychecks through a wage garnishment. Langhorne blamed my payroll department and told me to hire an attorney. When my wages were garnished, I was shocked. It led to overdraft fees and a financial nightmare. Langhorne had no sympathy, collected their fees for the next 3 months and cancelled me.


Submitted by m2f2 on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 08:53

( Posts: 47 | Credits: )