Date: Tue, 06/11/2013 - 11:50
While the information you received IS correct for payday companies operating within the United States, we are in Nevis. You came to our website, which is located in Nevis, and which legally constitutes you as having taken the loan in Nevis and subject to the laws of Nevis and Saint Christopher as detailed in the first line of the loan agreement. Any good attorney can confirm this for you.
Because we are not a U.S. company and are not located in the U.S., we are not subject to your individual state laws, and are not required to have a license in your state because we do not operate in your state.
If you are concerned with your ability to repay the loan, we are willing to work with you and we try to be as flexible as possible. However, you are responsible to repay the loan according to the terms of the loan agreement that you signed.
You can mail payment to us at:
P.O. Box 988
Main Street
Charlestown, Nevis
Please be advised, that it can take 2-3 weeks for us to receive your payment and applicable fees will continue to accrue during that time.
Kindest regards, Customer Service
Dear Bestchoice123
Dear Bestchoice123
Cut the crap. As you are well aware of, I am not a resident of Nevis and thus I am not subject to your laws. A good attorney will explain that to you! You are not licensed in my state and thus the loan is NULL AND VOID. Legally I owe you nothing...morally I will repay the principal only via money order only. So do yourself a favor...dont bother calling me and dont bother sending me to collections. I will simply cease and desist any collection you send me to. Freeze my will save you time backing out those illegal interest and fees later.
Govern yourself accordingly
that is their standard we think you are stupid response.send this:
hey idiots unless i am mistaken(which i am not)i am not a resident of nevis therefore my state laws get real,wise up,and realize i do know that you are illegal and can't do squat so stop acting like you can.btw you can claim i owe 1,000,000.00 and it wouldn't nean dick.
send that and see their response just do not call these wastes.
I just recieved the exact
I just recieved the exact same response from them. I have replied with the suggested above response. It will be interesting to hear their response.
help please
This is how they replied to me...I live in MN...please any suggestions on how to respond will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your email.
This loan is as legal as if you had physically come to Nevis and taken it. You cannot now say it is not legal because you are a resident of the United States.
If you choose not to pay it as agreed, your account will continue to accrue fees, reflect negatively on your credit, and we will continue collections measures.
Kindest regards, Customer Service
Ask them for the Visa that is
Ask them for the Visa that is needed to enter Nevis. Since they can't, you were not in their country no matter what they say. Chances are their servers are not there anyways. Again if it were legal to enter a country via the Internet,then online casinos and child porn would be legal here in the US, and the record and movie companies would not have been able to go after US citizens for "visiting" Pirate Bay, etc.
I received the same response
Don't worry, I recieved the EXACT same e-mail. I closed my account and revoked ACH debit, etc
This is the respose I got
This is the respose I got from BestChoice123,
While the information you received may be correct for payday companies operating in your state and in other U.S. states, we are not operating in your state, nor in the U.S. We are in Nevis, and you requested your loan from our website which is in Nevis.
Because the internet makes products and services of international companies available to customers all over the world, it is the location of the website server which determines where the transaction took place for legal purposes, not the location of the customer.
You requested your loan at our website (in Nevis) and agreed to be subject to the laws of Nevis and Saint Christopher as detailed in the loan agreement.
You will be expected to repay the principle amount borrowed, and any loan fees which accrue while you have use of the funds.
Our mailing address is provided in your loan documents. However, please be aware that postal delivery time to Nevis is generally 2-3 weeks, during that time applicable fees will accrue on your account.
To make payment arrangements, you can call us at 800-528-8066.
Is this response to Bestchoice123 okay to send?
Dear Bestchoice123,
Thank you for your email response. Thank you for pointing out "Because the internet makes products and services of international companies available to customers all over the world, it is the location of the website server which determines where the transaction took place for legal purposes, not the location of the customer". This statement alone took me on a research path. Infact this statement is false. According to the Federal Trade Commission vs Carols Pereira " if a business solicits business, accepts business, and continues to transact business with a consumer in another state, the court held that, in fact, the “electronic” business is conducting business in the consumer’s state, and therefore, is subject to the laws and courts of that state " My address was on the application and you saw that I'm a resident of the U.S. therefore you are subject to my state laws, in which you do not have a license to do business.
As stated in my previous email;
I am bound by the state laws where I reside. As I have no presence in your country, therefore I have no legal obligation to the 'governing laws' you may have detailed. Although I am not legally required to do so, I am willing to repay the principal only balance of this loan. I will be making these payment via money order or by prepaid debit card. Please email me a payment address to the email address you have on file for me. Be advised that as of today, Thursday, August 1st, I am revoking ANY and ALL ACH authorizations with your company from debiting any AND all of my personal accounts, per Federal law, Regulation E Section 205.10 Preauthorized transfers. I also revoke ANY and ALL wage assignments I may have signed, by you, including but not limited to; any of your affiliates, dba's, and collection agencies assigned to this account. None of the above no longer have my permission to access my accounts or impose a wage assignment. I will only communicate to resolve this matter via email. If you ignore this notice and attempt to contact me or any of my references via telephone, you will be ignored and any payments owed will be delayed. I am willing to pay the principle amount of the loan only, however, no address means NO payments, this is not negotiable
If you send this account to a third party collections before the loan is paid in full (principal only) I will issue a Cease & Desist. I will then file complaints with the FTC, AG and Banking Department.
Be advised to govern yourself accordingly.
Just incase anyone wants to
Just incase anyone wants to know...
Accourding to the Nevis Financial Services Regulatory website
Hamilton Trust Company (Nevis) Ltd. dba Bestchoice123
Mr. Chris Morton
P.O. Box 583
Morton House
Government Road
Charlestown, Nevis
Tel: 1(869) 469-1100/1106
Fax: 1(869) 469-1101
Email I received back from Bestchoice123
Thank you for your email.
When you sign a contract in another country, you are bound by the governing laws of the country or the contract (however specified). You cannot then say that you are not bound by them because you are a citizen of the United States. You still signed the contract and are bound by those laws, just as you are bound by driving laws, criminal laws, and other laws when you visit a foreign country.
By coming to our website to request a loan, you came to Nevis and signed a contract in Nevis and you are bound by the governing laws of that contract, whether you live in the United States or Timbuktu.
Kindest regards, Customer Service
Okay... how should I respond. I really don't want to keep going back and forth with these people.
I contacted The Hamilton
I contacted The Hamilton Trust Company (Nevis) Ltd and they are a legit company and are a member of Nevis Financial Services Regulatory, but guess what?? They don't know who BestChoice123 is. Go figure an illegal loan company lied.
This going to be my response
This going to be my response to bestchoice123. Okay?
Thank you for your email.
You are either delusional,extremely stupid,or think I'm extremely stupid .Nothing you sent me is true has any merit or credibility. Oh and by the way I would redo the your loan agreement for the next person you off an illegal loan to. I contacted Hamilton Trust Company (Nevis) Ltd and they don't know who is.
Be advised that I'm sending Hamilton Trust Company (Nevis) Ltd a copy of the agreement you sent to me. They are located in Charlestown, Nevis, which is where you said you are located. I would be interested to see what legal action they may take against you for using their name.
Also be advised that I have filed complaints with the FTC, Attorney Generals office and the Alabama Bank Authority against
I'm not legally responsible to repay this loan, but morally I'm still offering to make payments for the principle only of this loan in the amount of $680 in monthly payments of $50 until paid in full (principle only) You must reply to this email with a payment address and your willingness to accept the payment arrangement to receive your money.
Be advised to govern yourself accordingly.
bestchoice 123
According to the Federal Trade Commission vs Carols Pereira " if a business solicits business, accepts business, and continues to transact business with a consumer in another state, the court held that, in fact, the “electronic” business is conducting business in the consumer’s state, and therefore, is subject to the laws and courts of that state."