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Date: Fri, 10/26/2007 - 06:13

Submitted by hvn_sent
on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 06:13

Posts: 218 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 12


General Information:

Grace Smyth
dba Coastline Credit LTD
Sonic Payday LTD
PRL Direct
E-Care Contact Centers
18/19 College Green
Dublin, Ireland

Jeremy Sabourn
dba Coastline Credit LTD
Sonic Payday LTD
PRL Direct
E-Care Contact Centers
707-15 Kennedy Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3X5

Joanne Turner
dba Coastline Credit LTD
Sonic Payday LTD
PRL Direct
E-Care Contact Centers
18/19 College Green
Dublin, Ireland

Whitney Moore
dba Coastline Credit LTD
Sonic Payday LTD
PRL Direct
E-Care Contact Centers
First Floor, Wilton Park House, Wilton Place
Dublin, Ireland

Paul Ash
dba Coastline Credit LTD
Sonic Payday LTD
PRL Direct
E-Care Contact Centers
PO Box 4577
Markham, Ontario L3R 5M7

Kimberly De Thomas
dba Coastline Credit LTD
Sonic Payday LTD
PRL Direct
E-Care Contact Centers
400-15225 104th Avenue
Surrey, British Columbia V3R 6Y8

and she has a second addy:

300-433 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1B3

A suggestion, these are the top players. I believe they are part of Northway Financial as well.

Every one of us that are having issues with these illegal PDL's - from overpayments to harassments let's stand together & mail letters to these peeps directly !! Perhaps if several hundred demands show up in their personal mail boxes; they'll see that we mean business !!!

I viewed the link you listed prior to posting the info I found. I seen 'Paul Ash' but not the others. I am particularly interested in the one addy in Ireland. It reads like a residence.
Goudah - in cleaing up your PDL mess; did you use certified/return receipt requested thru the USPS to a foreign addy? Thx!


Submitted by hvn_sent on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 08:23

( Posts: 218 | Credits: )

Good information hvn_sent.

I have a couple of edits though.

    Jeremy Sabourin does not work for E-Care Contact Centers. He works for Blizzard Interactive, which is the marketing company for E-Care.

    Paul Ash is no longer involved with E-Care Centers, but his brother Peter is.

    The addresses listed for Ireland and Malta are only mailing addresses. If you send information to them, it will take 2-3 weeks to make it across the pond to Winnipeg, Manitoba.

    I would suggest you send your letters and complaints to Kimberley DeThomas at the Winnipeg address. Make sure it is Registered and/or Certified.

    The parent company is NDG Financial. The information that I have gathered for this company is that they are registered in the Province of British Columbia, not sure who is President. They own E-Care Contact Centers, Northway Financial, PRL direct, Sonic Payday, Paydayavenue and others.

I have an excellent knowledge and interest in this company as I have been doing research on them for over 3 years.


Submitted by PDL Investigator on Fri, 10/26/2007 - 15:01

( Posts: 147 | Credits: )

let me try that again - fyi - the addy's came from researching the actual court document the state of Calif sent the company advising them to stay out of Calif.
I appreciate any addy's and info. My loan was some time ago and I plan to mail every one associated with them now or who could of been when my transaction originated. Thx! PDL I'll take any info I can get. Im very glad that I stumbled upon this OPEN PUBLIC FORUM - my only wish is that some how this site would pop first in the internet search engines for PDL's.
Perhaps a large percentage of us wouldnt be in this boat!


Submitted by hvn_sent on Mon, 10/29/2007 - 05:28

( Posts: 218 | Credits: )

Is this correct? I recently received a letter from Paydayavenue via USPS. It reads 'Credit Granting Institution: Northway Financial Corportation, Ltd.' in lovely Malta. Then on the bottom of the letter it reads; 'Northway Financial Corporation, LTD is licensed by the MFSA to provide lending services under the Financial Institution Act 1994'.
I thought I'd read an entry in the forum that the company was kicked out of Malta. Is that true?

Of course no one signed the letter; it simply reads 'Administration Department'. Any thoughts?


Submitted by hvn_sent on Mon, 10/29/2007 - 06:26

( Posts: 218 | Credits: )

you people are just unable to pay back your loans and dont know how to read their loaning agreements. It is sad that you are bashing a company who is a legal entity becuase you dont read legal documents before signing them. As long as you pay back your loan and pay the loan fee then it is all right . you are paying for a service. You want to pay in installments call your bank and get a loan. it is a pay day loaning company...note pay day.... not pay days. childish behaviour for any that think that because they didnt manage their cash flow and got themselves into debt. that they deserve the right to pout about something that they were aware of...Sad people all you complainers are.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 10/03/2008 - 18:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Guest...educate yourself before you speak...they are not legal and neither is their loan documents...they will never hold up in a court of law in the US...Many Attorney General's in the US have already read and reviewed their loan documents and have issued Desist and Refain orders which means they are ordered not to lend. So basically their loan documents are considered "null and void" as their fees are illegal. In almost every state PDL's must have a license or bond to lend and they don't. Hell their "voluntary wage" assignments are just that - wage assignments must be court ordered to be enforceable - so the so called "voluntary wage" assignment is just that "voluntary" and can be revoked at anytime and there isn't crap E-Care can do to enforce it - why becasue they are illegal.

Your right people are paying for a service but if the fees are illegal - why pay illegal fees - do you like giving people your money that isn't due them - if you have money to throw away - then that is your desicion but to say people's childish behavior got them into this or call them complainers is - chidlish on your part -rather it is being naive and not knowing what is legal or illegal - because you don't know their situations. That is why this forum is here to help people understand. We can debate this all you want but the bottom line is -ILLEGAL...


Submitted by ksando44 on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 10:54

( Posts: 67 | Credits: )