How to deal with amplify funding and inbox loans
Date: Thu, 12/27/2018 - 09:51
How to deal with amplify funding and inbox loans
Inbox loans - principal $975 (Paid $1475$)
Amplify funding - pricipal $1000 (Paid $1350)
I came to your website and learn that most of this loans are illegal and I am only obligated to pay the principal. I live in TN. Does this also applies to me. I have revoke the ACH authorizations. The companies are threatening to contact me at my work place.
Any advice to deal with this companies will be highly appreciated.
Thank you
This is applicable to you
This is applicable to you also. Both Amplify Funding and Inbox loans are illegal. So you're only required to pay the principal amount. It's good that you have revoked the ACH authorization.
They can't contact you at work. But they will give this kind of false threat in the future also.
You owe a refund actually. Send a mail to the companies and ask for a refund.
Thank you all. Amplify
Thank you all. Amplify funding just referred my accounts to a collection agency called Zen Resolve. They are continuously emailing me to set up a payment plan. My question is do I need to bother with them and may be send them a cease and desist letter or just deal with amplify funding?
UPDATE: After months of back and forth emailing, both Amplify and Inbox has sent me letters stating my account is Paid in Full. Thank you guys for your all the help.
Thank you guys for the
Thank you guys for the information. Can you give me some links for a sample letter that I can send to these lenders. Thank you once again.
These illegal lenders can't
These illegal lenders can't harm you legally. It is good that you have already revoked ACH. You may ask for a refund if you like.
You have already paid the
You have already paid the principal amount. So, you can ask for a refund. If they again call you, then make a complaint against them to your State's attorney general.