student loan wage garnishment
Date: Sat, 05/29/2010 - 15:09
student loan wage garnishment
Your lender or servicer is long since out of the picture...they
Your lender or servicer is long since out of the picture...they filed a default claim with your guarantor. During the past 60-90 days you would have received a 30 garnishment notice, that is providing the guarantor had your correct address. Them not having a correct address is not a valid dispute as it is your responsiblity to make sure they have correct contact information at all time.) Since the garnishment process has started, your consolidation loan will be denied. There is no court to appeal to....federal student loans do not require a court order. You can appeal but supporting children over the age of 18 or their college expenses are not valid expenses for appealing on hardship grounds.
Your children will be able to get their own student loans...however you will not be able to assist them with PLUS loans.