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I may not be around as much for a little while.....but I will still be here...

Date: Wed, 10/13/2010 - 16:33

Submitted by skydivr7673
on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 16:33

Posts: 2036 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 8

I may not be around as much for a little while.....but I will still be here...

Well folks, its been more than a little crazy lately....

Work slowed a bit. Some of our customers didnt pay us when the contracts were completed. And now, cancer has become a member of our family again.

I will still be dropping in, but I might not be posting as much for a little while. I am not leaving, but things are such a mess right now that I need to focus on trying to keep from losing our house to the bank and my mind to everything else. Oh, and if anyone has any legitimate ways to earn extra money, please let me know. Nowadays, even if I work day and night, we havent been getting paid like we are supposed to be, and it has thrown everything off quite a bit. Thanks in advance for any ideas. Not to mention, its getting harder to work in my field, being that it is sometimes physical work. I am standing in faith that I will remain healthy enough to continue....and also that I wont lose my hair again!!!!


man, the hits just keep on coming...

I got a notice yesterday from our bank that unless I can come up with the past due mortgage payments in the next 30 days they are going to foreclose. I have worked way too hard for this to be happening like this. The last time, I actually had all of my medical bills paid off within two years. How much more does a guy need to be down before he wont get kicked anymore?


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Sun, 10/17/2010 - 13:44

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by skydivr7673
man, the hits just keep on coming...
I got a notice yesterday from our bank that unless I can come up with the past due mortgage payments in the next 30 days they are going to foreclose. I have worked way too hard for this to be happening like this. The last time, I actually had all of my medical bills paid off within two years. How much more does a guy need to be down before he wont get kicked anymore?

I am so sorry to hear this, I wish there were something I could do to help you but I can barely keep afloat myself. I will continue to pray for you.


Submitted by Shazzers on Sun, 10/17/2010 - 20:35

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )

I know the road and I am sorry you have to drive it. Have you tried to get a loan mod or negotiate a short sale? I know you do not want to leave but selling is better than losing. As far as extra cash, what state do you live in and what is your background? We have been trying different things for two years since I was downsized with some success. You can PM that to me if you want it confidential.


Submitted by Frogpatch on Sat, 10/23/2010 - 11:57

( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )