Date: Tue, 05/11/2010 - 08:53
I feel terrible about your situation, I wish I could help you but I am battling my own personal finances at the moment. Normally I would donate my points but I need every penny I can get my hands on at the moment. I feel so bad for you and want you to know you are in my prayers, I know that God will provide for you and your family. God bless.
shazz, thanks.. i really did not post to get anything I just was
shazz, thanks.. i really did not post to get anything I just was so scared and just needed a place to vent. your words and kindess (not just on this but on everything) helps so much..
this board is full of such loving, caring people, i guess that is why i came here. i honestly did not expect anything, just perhaps a place where others might be able to relate to what i am going through.
thanks :)