Hello! Any one there?
Date: Sun, 06/08/2014 - 14:18
Hello! Any one there?
then again, in looking over
then again, in looking over my profile a moment ago, I saw that I had a negative 42200 points....then I made the one post you see above, and now it shows that I have a positive 975 points. Does anything work around here as it should?? wow....
I got an email telling me
I got an email telling me that the forum's address had changed. Thought I'd stop in to see if anything else had changed, not surprised to find that it's as bad as ever. What's worse, I requested that I be removed as a moderator from this site....and I apparently was, considering my profile now carries the title "junior member"....but for some reason, as you can clearly see here, I have access to the moderator section anyways. Does anyone even bother coming here anymore? This place is without doubt the worst I've ever seen online....oh well, back to the forums that it actually makes sense to visit/participate on....
To post on any other site out
To post on any other site out there, you MUST register. IMHO not registering should not be an option. The other boards have no issue with people registering and traffic...but we do. No one comes here anymore...
I check in every one in a
I check in every one in a while but there is nothing to answer and i am not wasting time deleting spam. What is the point? I have maybe answered 5 questions is social answer in the past week and mostly to correct the crap that ditchdebt is posting.
It shouldnt be like this...I am answering tons of questions on the creditboards People are still in debt and the other forums are busy.
We are working on
Like I said we are working on ways to improve rankings in search engine as prescribed by concerned authorities. It will take time and will need patience.
As far as registration is concerned we have already mentioned the advantages of joining our community.
Please check http://community.debtcc.com/join/
I and I sure the other mods
I and I sure the other mods feel like we are banging our heads against a wall. Do not make registration an option.....heck even some shopping websites require you to register just to look at their stuff...registration is a fact of life on the web. Obviously what you are doing is not working...people do not return. Maybe you should start listening to us??? You are so resistant to change...and this site has suffered.
Also, can we stop with the canned social answers posts from your staff or tech crew. They are obviously being posted by non english first language speakers.
Google is a requirement. Soap
Google is a requirement. Soap Lady is absolutely correct here. When it comes to registration, my feeling is that we can't make people register--but we should make people see the advantages of registration. What will people get if they register that they can't if they don't? We should stress this.
-Get rid of the idiots like
-Get rid of the idiots like ditchdebt who give wrong information ...he and whoever he becomes cause you know that he will reincarnate into someone else, make us look like fools
-this sight doesnt come up on a google search...that would help
-requiring individuals to register...then they know how to come back cause when their questions are answered.
-get a new IT team cause obviously this crew sucks.
oh yeah....get rid of social
oh yeah....get rid of social answers...it is a waste of time...people should be posting in THIS forum.
this sight doesnt come up
" this site doesnt come up on a google search...that would help "
We are working on it. The rankings affected many sites worldwide.
I just went to the link....it
I just went to the link....it is obvious from the grammar that whoever wrote it is foreign and does not have a grasp of the english language. To me it screams "scam"
"Participate and cash in dollars" should be "Participate and earn cash!"
"become moderators and debt samaritans" should be "with participation you can become a debt samaritan or a moderator"
An individual cannot become a moderators.
"ARE YOU IN DEBT PROBLEM?" Holy crap!!!!...did anyone proof read this?? It should be "Are you in debt" or "Do you have problem debt?"
Most people HATE overseas call centers....the grammar screams offshore and quite frankly, it would scare me away if I had a debt problem.
+1.that is a joke as i also went to the link.pathetic.i mean vikas has helped alot of people(yours truly included)however just about every problem has stemmed from him outsourcing functions to india.i mean we had spam,and unregistered humanoids back when i registered,but the mods and others kept it sane.vikas being in IL,and you in NV,and the tech team(i use that loosely)are in india has resulted in chaos.meaning taking a troublemakers side(steven doyle,anna sweeting,and marvel) etc: has cost us ohiogal1,and skydiver.not to mention shazzers in the last 3 yrs.there are scum bot registering as the last wave of shit spam indicates.other sites(credit boards,creditinfocenter are a couple that not only require registration,but your first 5-10 posts must be approved by a moderator.it's not a big task to make this site great again,but i fear anything we post is for naught,and that's a shame.
I have a gut feeling that you
I have a gut feeling that you are paying people or management is posting bogus anonymous posts in social answers. The verbage again, is india. "Collection agent?" This term is used over and over .....they are COLLECTORS....not collector agents.
right on
+1.i noticed that as well.absolutely absurd.let me give a couple of examples:
1)question:how can i remove negative credit scores quickly.absolutely stupid.
2)will my bank let me keep a cc after filing for ch7 bk.again stupid,but here's the kicker.nelly actually posts that it's possible.
those are just two questions.yes i do agree that those are plant questions,and an embarrassment to this forum.
Nelly....what a joke. She is
Nelly....what a joke. She is suppose to be a financial writer from Wisconsin. I am from Minnesota, right next door. She does not write like a midwesterner....and it is funny how she suddenly shows up after we bitch to have someone shown the door.
looking today there are seven new plant posts and all are stupid:
1)can my familiy show up to court instead of me?
2)can i file a lawsuit against in house collections?
3)is it illegal to charge interest and fees to closed accounts?
those are the three i answered.pretty insane huh?
I have read everyone's posts
I have read everyone's posts and this is what I am hearing: (and please correct me if I am wrong):
Verbiage on the site needs to be written in American, not British English--along with more proofreading. (I agree).
We need to do a much better selling job re registering on the site.
Google rankings obviously need to go up.
We need to have people coming to this site see that we are real people who have been in their shoes and have dealt with PDL's and other issues. With that being said, DCC Administration needs to share information with us, as the moderators,so we can work together and restore this site to its former glory. How can we do this? Poss a conference call? What do you think?
Dear Mods
Dear Mods
Our site has a policy to allow unregistered members to post in our forums. It is up to the users to decide whether to register or post as Anonymous. In many cases we often get mails where we are asked to remove or deactivate (registered) user accounts (requests generally comes from those registered members) since they have issues with result showing up in search engines. We have seen many members wanting to post as Anonymous - especially in payday loan / collection forums.
Like I said before, we are working on guidelines that we received from search engines to improve rankings. Except few, most of the sites got affected because of recent search engine updates.There are various factors to consider here. It will take some time. Please bear with us.
As you know we have recently shifted to a new sub domain and our marketing team is working on to promote this new sub domain.
We have noted your content related suggestions in our community sign up page. Please check the changes here at http://community.debtcc.com/join/
We welcome content related suggestions in our site from you in the future as well. Please note that we have no control over the contents of any member's post (registered or unregistered) unless it is offensive or against our terms and policy or just spams. We have strengthened the captcha session to reduce spams.
Thank you for the post. I did go to your link and I still wouldn't register, sorry. If I can get help without registering, why would I sign up?
Thanks for strengthening the Spam filters--we all appreciate it. But wouldn't you have more control over a registered rather than an unregistered poster?Just saying..
We also feel so but there are
We also feel the same regarding making registration compulsory but there are members who often request us to give this Anonymous facility to allow them to discuss their personal issues.
As far as controlling spams are concerned we have strengthened the spam filter section to reduce spams from unregistered posters. Having said that we did make registration compulsory (for testing purpose) for a certain period of time (a year and half ago) but we still got spams.
i will always drop by here because back in 2007 when i had my pdl mess,and other credit issues this was the sight to be at.now credit boards,and creditinfocenter(the sight besides this one in go to)refers to credit magic,and social answers as the crackpot sites as we don't require registration,and the questions from unregistered plants is asinine.sorry,but when you outsourced the tech to INDIA this place went down fast.every solution has been basically whatever takes the least effort,or work on their part.agai i'll still be by,but not as frequently.also since there really is nobody posting except for plants on social answers.last thing more than one member here posts on debtorboards and pm'd me saying that with no traffic they needed answers so alot of people are on other boards that used to be here.pity.
OK...I have decided to stop
OK...I have decided to stop making any suggestions to save this site. You gonna do it your own way no matter what we say. You keep telling us to be patient and all we see are stupid fixes from your worthless tech crew. You know what?? I wont "friend" or "like" DEBT on Facebook because it is an embarrassment... no way would I want my family or friends knowing I participate on this site. Posters we have kicked out here posting all over facebook...or is it your tech crew trying to fill up empty comment space?? If my family or friends have questions I cannot answer, I send them to the Credit Board Forum....not here . NO way.
time to vent about nelly again.you know if you paid me as a financial advisor,and i gave the dumbass answers she gives on social answers i would quit.i mean how can she really post that the FCRA applies to chexsystems?i mean the question was stupid,but her answer was even more stupid.same with the deed in lieu question.telling someone they no longer owe on that is insanely wrong.again if i knew i was getting even a steady income even part time i would be more professional,and not as red assed,but as a volunteer who was saved by this site it makes me depressed that it's fallen this far,and yes will call it like i see it.
I went to the link you posted re registering and frankly, based on what was written, I don't think I would register. If I am coming here to get help with PDL's and get it without signing up, why should I do it? Just my two cents, take it for what it's worth.
So, you get requests from
So, you get requests from people to remove their accounts, because they do not want others to find them on here? Why would legitimate people sign up on a website that they dont want family & friends to know they are on, and use a screen name that those family and friends would know as theirs?
At the end of the day, I'm honestly not sure if I believe that you have gotten such requests, because at this point the forum doesnt seem to have enough registered active posters to stand losing any of them and still be here. This forum sets its own stage and value, by how you present it. And this presentation, it's not even worthy of being likened to fast food.
Funny thing too, why are none of the other debt collection related forums seeing this same thing? many of us are on other forums, and I dont recall seeing any kind of problem with registered users keeping their info private.
It would help greatly if people were encouraged to intentionally remain anonymous while registering--IOW, "do not use your email address or your name or well known nicknames as your screen name". The very nature of the issues that people in debt face should make that clear already, but again, this forum seems to be the one and only forum that has these problems. meanwhile, unregistered posters waste everyone's time because more often than not, they ask a question and do not ever come back to update their post or receive the answers.
People are required to sign up on all the other sites, and their traffic is booming, while traffic here is almost nonexistent. Why are all of those folks not worried about being located in a search engine later on, on those other forums? Why is it only the members here that are trying to leave their accounts behind? Traffic has basically died here, Jason. Now is not the time for anyone to kid themselves about that. This place is dead. Other forums are seeing dozens of new posts and/or new threads daily. Consistently. Maybe someone associated with this forum should be asking why these problems exist here when they do not exist on any of the other sites......what is different about DCC that it suffers from no traffic and people wanting to leave their registered accounts, while the other forums are packed and growing each day? Here's a hint--it's not people leaving because they had to register and are unhappy about it. Those same people register without incident on all the other sites. So ask yourself, why are they concerned about leaving THIS site, but the others are thriving at the same time?
Seriously. Really ask yourself. This place looks like a scam, written by people who do not understand English. Even look at how the dates of posts are displayed...."20/8/2014"? That's now how the date is written in America. You may not care about these things, but take a good look at all the traffic this place has lost, and not regained. And really ask these questions about this forum! We are living in a time when there is more debt than ever, and debt collectors are thriving and growing at a rate never before seen. People who are fighting debt collection issues are EVERYWHERE....and yet, this one forum is dying a painful death. Ask yourself WHY. Stop pretending it's all under control, everything's fine, what youre doing works, etc etc because obviously it isnt working.
wow, nice to see nothing has
wow, nice to see nothing has changed since I last posted in here.
Jason, you need to understand that allowing unregistered posters is not the answer to remaining anonymous. The answer is in instructing people when they register to NOT use any screen name that would easily identify them. I mean, come on! We are talking about people that, in some cases, have identified themselves through their own posts more than registering would! Picture something like this, for example:
"I need help! Yesterday I was served a summons. Asset is suing me for $4,912.34......"
Does anyone here, including you Jason, really not see that? If I do not post my name but post specific info like that, then havent I already identified myself more specifically than any screen name? Suppose your name is Ron Hornsbottom, and you registered with that name. Still does not identify you as specifically as the example I just posted, since there are multiple people sharing similar names out there. Registering cannot be such a bad thing on debt collection help sites, because ALL OF THE OTHERS require it. If it really were such a bad idea as you keep claiming, then all of the other sites would have failed by now. But here's the issue--they are growing. This forum is dying.
We have told you time and time again what we think, and why we think that way. We have provided several real life examples that contradict what you are saying. Ive said it before and Ill say it again, you need to decide what really is the driving factor regarding this site. Do you want the site to grow and flourish? If so, then it's time to swallow pride and change some ideas to "what works" rather than "what you prefer". It's been said that to succeed, you look for someone who is succeeding and you do what they do. But this place is the ONLY ONE that does the opposite of what all the other sites do, and as a result, this place is a ghost town.
Oh, and Paul, for what its worth, Chexsystems is indeed a consumer reporting agency that is subject to the FCRA:
We often get requests
We often get requests (even notice) from registered users to remove their names after their query has been answered as they say they don't want their family to know about their debt mistakes and embarrass them or hamper their job prospects or get harassed by pdl/collectors when search result pops ups showing their debt issues.
Users are free to decide if they want to register or not. We have given both the options.
We have been able to restrict the flow of spams now as well.
hey sky
just to clarify my answer,the person(and i use the term loosely)wanted to dispute a legitimate chexsysyems entry.pathetic.i embellished that because it was so stupid.all unregistered queries on social answers are stupid in the extreme,and want stupid answers to their stupid questions.well i will no longer cater to that,and not requiring registration is lazy. i'm out.
I used to check into this
I used to check into this forum at least twice a day...it has probably been a week or more since I logged on. I just dont care anymore. I have brought up all the issues that skydiver has brought up...including the date issue...that is a real thorn in my side. This site is an embarrassment to the debt resolution community...