To PDL clients who need a way out! (in TEXAS)
Date: Mon, 07/25/2011 - 08:06
To PDL clients who need a way out! (in TEXAS)
Richard Silva
1.866.509.8398 ext. 202
is this guy allowed to post this.again there is one more post just like this.sorry ,but if the loans are illegal the advice given and contact info spells scam to me.please advise jason/vikas.
To me, this goes back to the signature links issue. Are we check
To me, this goes back to the signature links issue. Are we checking these people out and verifying that they are on the level? The reason I ask is that this site is a goldmine for free advertising, which is fine for a legit business but not for the bottom feeders that also come here.
Mods..thanks for your observation. We have sent him a mail rega
Mods..thanks for your observation.
We have sent him a mail regarding the procedures one should follow when adding signature links i.e to register his company in our companies list and use the url that we will provide as his signature link.
We have also asked him to stop posting [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Times New Roman]whispering promotional posts in our forums else we will be taking necessary action.
We will keep a watch on his posts.
Madison Berry, a new poster has a link to a UK based company. S
Madison Berry, a new poster has a link to a UK based company. She playing the guessing game posting here.