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Why Mods need the power to delete stupid posts

Date: Tue, 04/10/2012 - 13:21

Submitted by SOAPLADY
on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 13:21

Posts: 17315 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 7

Why Mods need the power to delete stupid posts

You have elected us moderators because of our experience in credit and dedication to this forum. We need to be trusted when we make the decision to delete posts. Case in point...StevenDoyle...he whined to you because I deleted one of his stupid posts. You restored the post. This gives us as moderators or this forum any credibility. Case in point...Steven Doyle makes up information just for the sake of posting.

On any other forum these posts would be deleted and he would be put on a moderated status. Nope, here we have babysit him and spaceblank. He will not respond to IM's nor will he applogize in any of the posts we correct. He just continues to post random thoughts that run thru his head. Same goes for blankspace. The few moderators that are left take this forum seriously. Yet when get up every morning I rush to check to see what garbage these two idiots and amy nickerson have posted. You gave us your trust to be moderators...why cant you trust our judgment enough to make this valued forum???

Hi Soaplady,

We have full faith and trust in the moderators. We acknowledge your experience in the debt industry and appreciate your input in the community. However, not all the people are as efficient and knowledgeable as the members of our moderators??? panel.

Moderators are like the parents of the community. If anyone makes mistakes, then it should be the responsibility of ours to correct them and give the right information.

Moderators are the senior members of the community. It is their duty to make the community a learning experience for everybody. If any community member posts a wrong answer, feel free to correct him with the right answer. This will fulfill 5 purposes:

  • The original poster gets the right answer
  • The community member can realize his mistake
  • The value of the moderators in the eye of the community members will increase
  • The forum will become more valuable (which is the goal of everybody)
  • Forum participation will increase

I was just surfing another forum and found a post where a moderator of that forum has corrected an information of a newbie and tried to motivate him too. I am looking forward to make similar environment over here too. You can have a look at the following snapshot to know what I am actually trying to convey.

I hope you guys will understand what I mean to say and cooperate with us.


Submitted by Jason on Wed, 04/11/2012 - 00:49

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )

i thought the TOS was in place to prevent things like this.once,twice maybe is a mistake.when people contiually post answers like steven,or spaceblank you render the TOS moot and leave us to basically speak our minds on the forum.which helps nobody.we do PM.and IM them,but since you empower them like anna before ultimatums were again render the basic TOS and us moot.JMHO.


Submitted by paulmergel on Wed, 04/11/2012 - 06:42

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Steven doyle is a perfect example of how this isnt working. I actually posted a response to him in a thread similar to what you are saying, Jason.....I said that there is nothing wrong with the fact that he does not know as much as other people, but when those other people speak up to correct his errors, he needs to take the advice he is given. I pointed out that this problem keeps happening because when someone steps up and corrects his ridiculous posts, he ignores their correcting and continues to post the false information we already corrected in future posts again and again.

Jason, something has to give on this one. We are here to provide help and advice for people who are dealing with debt troubles. If people like steven doyle are permitted to continue posting what we have already corrected dozens of times, it is only a matter of time before someone here reads his posts and follows his advice.....and ends up getting sued, or worse!!! You need to decide what the priority is here--is it for us to work towards getting people the correct information that they need?? Or is it to protect the right to post for people that do not contribute anything at all of value to this place? We delete spam posts because they add zero value to this forum. When someone continues to act outside the terms of service, then that person faces being kicked out. But when someone like doyle posts constant false crap, you defend his ability to remain here??

I moderate on a couple of other forums as well as this one. This is the only forum I moderate that so effectively castrates its moderation staff. It is one thing to not allow a moderator to handle an issue like this with ban authority--it is another entirely to reverse moderator decisions like that. You have just shown this doyle guy that no matter what he posts here, and no matter how far he goes to ignore your moderators, you will back HIM. That is precisely the kind of thing that causes your moderators to believe that you have no faith in them. The people who use this forum NEED TO SEE AND KNOW that you "have full faith and trust in the moderators here".....otherwise, they will not pay any attention to us. Look at what your actions are causing with steven doyle--he posts ridiculous, false information. We correct him dozens of times. He continues to post it anyways. And when someone deleted it, he had no faith or respect in that moderator.....he is not here for the good of the forum. Your action just reinforced for him that he does not need to listen to us because you showed him that YOU do not listen to us. So, what exactly do you think he will do next time that one of us corrects him?? Think about it....

I agree with your plan to correct and motivate, but you are ignoring the fact that not everyone who comes to this forum will be motivated to provide correct answers. When that person has already been given that attention over and over again, and refuses to follow it, you cannot force him to post correct info. So, we are at this point as it stands now--there is a person who posts in here, that has demonstrated a complete lack of knowledge, and a complete lack of caring about getting it right. Tell us, please, how to "motivate" that person so that we are not having to correct every post he will ever make here from now on.....


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Wed, 04/11/2012 - 08:29

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

There's nothing I can really add to what's already been said. I completely agree with the other mods. We're all working to make sure accurate info is shared to help people. We don't always get it right but, when we make mistakes, we correct each other and acknowledge the mistake.

Jason, this handful of people ignore corrections and then complain to you when something gets deleted. And somehow, instead of backing the mods and explaining to these people that their post will be deleted if they continue to post incorrect or useless and/or repetitive information, you take their side.

How is that fair to us?


Submitted by OhioGal1 on Thu, 04/12/2012 - 05:23

( Posts: 5253 | Credits: )

Hi all,

We do have complete believe in on our moderators and believe in their thinking. We have sent a PM to Steven Doyle. We have told him to make posts only when he is sure about the answer. Moreover, if our esteemed moderators delete his post in future, then we won't do anything about it. His posts will not be reverted anymore.

The snapshot of the PM is attached for further reference.


Submitted by Jason on Thu, 04/12/2012 - 05:28

( Posts: 2430 | Credits: )