this is new
Date: Wed, 04/25/2012 - 06:43
this is new
is it on my end
i still can't view unregistered posts,but i see others must be on my end,but i restarted,rebooted,and i still can't see them.
It's working fine here. Paul you can clear your cookies and chec
It's working fine here. Paul you can clear your cookies and check again.
I thought everyone had to register to post on this forum....
I thought everyone had to register to post on this forum....
I can't see them either, Paul unless I take some extra steps. I
I can't see them either, Paul unless I take some extra steps. I have to switch to "hybrid" in the display mode to be able to read them (which is annoying and time consuming).
Good point, Soap. I could've sworn Jason told us that you had to be registered to post in the forum.
Please check if you are able to view unregistered post now
Please check if you are able to view unregistered post now
how did a spam post get
how did a spam post get posted in this thread? Unregistered visitors can post in the mods section now?