Who or what is DCC...phone number 800-debt-913
Date: Sun, 09/23/2012 - 06:02
Who or what is DCC...phone number 800-debt-913
Why I am asking...Waffle brought this post to my attention ....
Obviously from this thread whoever is answering the phone is poorly training and is after one thing....$$$$$. What type of service are you running??? Is this a referral service for Oak View Law Group?? Persoanlly I will never refer ANYONE to this company and I will tell people asking about them to run...fast. Tell me their Indian call center is properly trained and really cares about the person on the end of phone??
Questioning mind want to know.....the truth....
Right, whoever is on the other end of the line is giving dangero
Right, whoever is on the other end of the line is giving dangerous advice. Someone named "Ben" advised our member to consolidate illegal payday loans..
WOW!! That is scary!! Jason: who IS answering the phone and why
WOW!! That is scary!! Jason: who IS answering the phone and why aren't we all on the same page with advice? That member is exactly right to be more than a little concerned. Wouldn't you be wondering if you got two radically different answers on the same website?
I called the phone number "welcome to debt consolidation care..
I called the phone number "welcome to debt consolidation care...for our preferred partner OAK VIEW LAW GROUP, press one.
So is debt consolidation care a front for OVLG??
From my research of OVLG, I found out they use a call center in India. which means they are working off scripts and have little to no training. All they care about is signing people up even if they shouldnt...like in the case of illegal loans. $$$$ is the motivating factor...not caring for people.
Found this...
Debt Consolidation Care is a marketing channel for OVLG. Also, Mr. Vikas Kedia, owner of Debt Consolidation Care, manages some of the technology systems for OVLG. ??? Source |
The guy just wrote this.. ks and Soaplady can you drop by the th
The guy just wrote this.. ks and Soaplady can you drop by the thread and help me help this guy? I think it would help for some other mods to answer him as well.
OK, Waffles, listen to this! I called the 800 # again to see if I would be given different information. I want the clarify that what was discussed with me was a debt settlement program (not a loan). The guy I talked to today told me that I am still obligated to pay the principle as well as the interest allowed by law in my state (24% APR I believe). They would ne negotiating on the balance currently owed, not taking into consideration any money already paid and if I had already paid above the principle and allowed interest, then they would turn that back over to me to handle. He also said that if it is stated in my contract that I must abide by their state laws and not the state I reside in, or if it is tribal, then I have to abide by that. If I do not believe that to be true, then I could try to sue them. When I asked him who he workred for, he said Oak View Law Group (which I knew was affiliate with this site) and that the forum is just "people helping people" and that does not mean the information is true, accurate, or legal. He advised me to request Debt Validation letters from my companies. He also said I broke the law too because I accepted these loans, even though I did not know it was illegal! I will certainly not be signing on with these people! I will begin preparing the documents in your step by step instructions and I will also be contacting the Attorney Generals Office and the FTC (?) for their advice.
Most of us have a philosophical opposition to using debt management programs/consolidation plans. I personally think they are a bad idea in all cases unless you can get an actual debt consolidation LOAN at a low interest rate. However this is not just a philosophical debt relief disagreement between us and these guys in this call center, these call center folks are trying to make money off of people by banking on illegal loans that are not even collectable in the first place.
I do not have a problem with debt consolidation plans done by Co
I do not have a problem with debt consolidation plans done by Consumer Credit Counselling Service....and they are always who I recommend. Fees are low, the company is non profit and the staff is usually well trained...and in big cities they are local. When I was collecting, our credit card division would ONLY accept plans thru CCCS.
Right, with CC debt, signature loan debt, etc etc those are fine
Right, with CC debt, signature loan debt, etc etc those are fine. Not with illegal PDLs.
Dear Mods I have replied on the issue with OVLG and the steps t
Dear Mods
I have replied on the issue with OVLG and the steps that they have taken in the concerned thread.. http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com/paydayloan/recentlylearned-thattheyareillegal.html
Quote:Hi All, We just spoke to representative from OVLG this m
Hi All, We just spoke to representative from OVLG this morning and they assured us that such a situation will never occur in the future and Benjamin who was responsible for the issue has been fired. |
You cannot actually think that they would have told you the truth.....really? A company that is in the habit of taking money even if it means screwing people out of it? I cannot believe that we are supposed to sit by and do nothing while these people practice such a dishonest business through this same exact forum that we all joined so that we could help people!
How many more times will this have to happen before you will believe that this is what OVLG does intentionally? Get rid of "benjamin" and the others keep on taking....
JASON--I called OVLG myself, just got off the phone with them. I spoke to "Austin" from OVLG. This guy just sold me the same song and dance. Are we surprised at that?? I'm shocked if you are!
I told him that I had a loan with an illegal tribal lender--principal of $600 that was already repaid. I told him that Cash Call/Western Sky was now demanding that I pay an additional $4000 or else they would sue me immediately. I asked him point blank if I am required to pay back that $4000 even though they are ILLEGAL and the principal was overpaid. Not only did he say "yes", but then he offered to help me cut the balance owed to "40-50% of their total balance". I have the whole call on tape--who wants to hear it??
So, I informed him that I am fully aware that he is not to be doing this. I told him that I am fully aware that his company has had recent run-ins with people on this forum, that "Benjamin" was supposedly fired for doing what he just tried to do, and that they had specifically told this forum that they would make sure it wouldnt happen again. Then I told him to have a nice day and hung up.
Whadayaknow?? he just called me right back as I type this, from 916-745-8156! He called demanding my name.....clearly they log incoming phone numbers because I gave him none of my information. I told him that I do not have to provide my name to him, but that I would be happy to provide his name to the AG's office and other authorities if he decided to keep calling me. I demanded that he not call me again, and hung up.
Remember when I asked you what the priority is here? And you told me that it was the members and correct information over money? Now's your chance to prove it! These people have no business trying to take money from consumers who are stuck with illegal lenders!! And clearly this is not an isolated incident--I asked for specifics....Austin told me that they have been doing this with these illegal payday lenders for 7 years now and that they have a high success rate.
Something's gotta give, Jason! We are being LIED TO by those people.....as I said, I have the whole call on tape. The guy actually told me that even though they are illegal in my state, I still signed the papers with them, and because of that I am required to pay whatever amount Cash Call claims I owe them now. When I specifically asked him about how I have been told that illegal lenders are not entitled to collect all that interest, the guy told me that I was wrong, that I AM liable to pay it, and that they could help me reduce it! We now have multiple posters on the forum telling us that these tactics are what they were told, and I just heard this sad song and dance a few minutes ago! How many more will it take before the higher ups here will see that it is not a good idea for a forum that helps people to get out of debt to be the "marketing arm" for people like this?
this reminds me of a story I heard a long time ago....something about the fox guarding the hen house! We are here to HELP these people, Jason, not to take money from them when there is no good reason to!
I didnt believe for a second that Benjamin was fired...as a gene
I didnt believe for a second that Benjamin was fired...as a general rule employers will not release that information. And hearing that they have NOT changed their tune, you can be assured that Benjamin is still there. You cannot be fired for following company policy.
Maybe I will call in a day or so......
Ok.....I logged into chat at the top of the page....listed all i
Ok.....I logged into chat at the top of the page....listed all illegal loans....what a bunch of scam artists. Read for yourself...I would have kept going but had a power surge and my internet disconnected. Do I really need anything more??
Van Cliburn: Hi Tegan
Van Cliburn: How are you doing?
Tegan: Hi ya
Van Cliburn: Can you give me the names of the payday loan places with the approximate balance
Tegan: I have gotten myself into a mess with payday loans
Tegan: Zip 19 585
Van Cliburn: ok
Tegan: Cash Jar 435
Tegan: Fireside 500
Tegan: Great Plains 355
Tegan: Gentle Breeze 400
Van Cliburn: Thats all
Tegan: Yes that is it
Van Cliburn: ok
Van Cliburn: Which state are you from?
Tegan: Florida
Van Cliburn: How much can you afford to pay each month
Tegan: about 200
Van Cliburn: Is there a number where I can call you and explain you the program in details
Van Cliburn: If you don't mind
Tegan: I am so far behind in bills right now
Van Cliburn: I understand.
Tegan: I dont have my cell phone right now....my daughter has it
Van Cliburn: ok
Van Cliburn: I will go ahead and explain you the program over the chat
Van Cliburn: We are Oak View Law Group, a law firm registered with the state bar council of California and in this program, we consolidate all your debts into one single monthly payment and then we negotiate with your creditors and we reduce your debts by at least 40-50% of the actual amount owed. So we help you not only to pay these debt off but you also have substantial savings on each account.
(I googled state bar council of california.....there is no such place. There is a state bar council of Delhi which tells me this guy is in India...you would think that they could at least get an association name right. )
Tegan: I was doing some research and I am so confused. Are these loans even legal in my state?
Van Cliburn: Most of the payday loan places are illegal and do not have the license to do business.
Van Cliburn: We will take care of them, as we have been dealing with them for the last 7 years
Van Cliburn: Now, all the accounts that you are looking to enroll in this program, will remain delinquent until they are settled with your creditors. The reason being that in order to get a good settlement from your creditors, we need to make them realize about your financial situation due to which you are not able to make anymore payments to them and you have decided to enroll yourself in this debt settlement program.
Tegan: Do I still have to pay the interest and fees if they are illegal?
Tegan: the rollover fees are bad
Van Cliburn: Yes it is necessary
Tegan: Really?
Van Cliburn: Right
Van Cliburn: Now, all the accounts that you are looking to enroll in this program, will remain delinquent until they are settled with your creditors. The reason being that in order to get a good settlement from your creditors, we need to make them realize about your financial situation due to which you are not able to make anymore payments to them and you have decided to enroll yourself in this debt settlement program.
Tegan: I have read in a couple of forums that if they are illegal you do not have to pay the interest...it is all so confusing.
Van Cliburn: Do not go through forums, as they have not been in a situation like you.
Van Cliburn: Different people have different views
This guy has been calling my phone nonstop since I did what you
This guy has been calling my phone nonstop since I did what you two did as well and got details. I recorded the call, someone named "Craig" told me that I had to pay the fees and interest. He sounded a lot like a loan company because he told me something like "sir it doesn't matter if they are illegal sir you owe the debt you took out the loan and the interest must be paid the lender needs to make his money sir". I told him they were illegal and he said that doesn't matter. I ended by stating that I am doing this call to research his company's practice of consolidating illegal debt. I hung up, then for the past 10 minutes I have gotten nonstop calls from 916-745-8156 - my iphone says it is a CA number... he told me that he is a law firm and that I will be arrested for prank calling him or something like that. I then read him the line from taken and accused him of kidnapping my daughter... ever since I did that he hasn't called back.
But yeah, these guys are running a scam operation. The management is lying to you Jason
Jason,has anyone looked into this company further than the mon
has anyone looked into this company further than the money?
Joseph Henry Marman
One of the associate attorneys listed on the OVLG website.....was disciplined three times by the CA Bar--twice suspended from practicing law.
Virendra Kalani
Listed as the other associate attorney, yet I find no license to practice law in any state for him.
Erin P. McDaniel
Listed as an attorney with Tennessee Bar membership....yet I find no such membership on the TN Bar Association website.
Julie Cliff
Listed as being an attorney in Colorado, yet no such listing on the CO Bar.....
Taetrece Harrison
Listed as being their attorney in Louisiana and Texas--but no Bar membership for this person in either state.....
The list goes on and on! Did anyone check into this company before becoming their marketing mouthpiece? They have several other attorneys that do not appear to be registered with the Bar in the state indicated on their website.....
Just posting again to say that my daughter thing didn't work. Th
Just posting again to say that my daughter thing didn't work. They are still calling my phone... looks like I have to put a number block on.
Call them back at [COLOR=#d62929](800) 530-OVLG and threaten to
Call them back at [COLOR=#d62929](800) 530-OVLG and threaten to call the police!!
or call their head office at [/COLOR]
- 916 745 8100
Call your phone company and report them for harassment
What the hell is going on? This OVLG is a scam. I can also tel
What the hell is going on? This OVLG is a scam. I can also tell from Soap's chat that English isn't this guy's first language.
Are we in cahoots with these people?
This is ridiculous!
yes, we are their "marketing affiliate", as I was told. And yes
yes, we are their "marketing affiliate", as I was told. And yes, English is their second language--sounded like "Austin" was from India. When you call the 800 number listed on our home page, the recording says "Thank you for calling Debt Consolidation Care..." and you press 1 to speak with the affiliate OVLG.
Vikas/Jason, I hope you understand how shady this looks.
Vikas/Jason, I hope you understand how shady this looks.
I have been reading these comments over the last 2 days about OV
I have been reading these comments over the last 2 days about OVLG. The goal of this post is to explain the parameters in which I make my decisions.
The parameters are:
1. InterNext Technologies Inc. (my company, formed basically due to stopping creditors/paydayloan companies from suing me personally) needs to have revenue to provide the infrastructure to run this website which support this community.
2. There are high costs in running DebtCC we have 3 data centers .
A. With HE fremont California,
B. With steadfast in Chciago and
C. With continuum data centers in Lombard, IL.
3. This site requires approximately 20 servers to run and maintain.
4. It also requires a team of 2 programmers and 1 systems administrator.
5. Paying the moderators and members over the last 8 years. (DebtCC has paid $250,000 to the members.)
6. Once you add the expenses above you will understand that I cannot meet it out of my pocket.
7. I have tried selling books on the site but I have not been able to make even 10% of the cost of running the site by selling books.
8. I need to sell leads to make up the shortfall in cost.
9. I personally visited 10's of companies / law firms providing debt settlement and debt management services.
10. My criteria for selecting the provider was:
A. 100% no question asked money back guarantee.
B. Atleast 100 satisfied client that my community can verify through publicly available information.
C. Fees based on success and not fixed.
D. Must provide at least the 3 basic services (Management, Settlement, BK) in a cascading approach and not be tied to only 1 service.
E. Willing to listen to feedback and improve internal processes in a transparent manner which can be verified by me and my community.
11. The only company I found that satisfied the above 5 criteria was OVLG.
12. I will stop selling leads to OVLG and sell them to someone else in a heartbeat if I can find someone which satisfies the above 5 criterias.
13. Before signing up OVLG, I raised the question about Mr. Marman having disciplinary action against him.
In my meetings with Mr. Marman I found him to be an upstanding and honest lawyer. I have verified the following account of his from external sources. Mr. Marman had 1 disciplinary complaint since his previous law firm manager stole money from his clients trust account. The other 2 disciplinary complains are due to the fact that Mr. Marman did not have the money to pay back the stolen amount in the time frame set by the bar. He has worked very hard to return all the money that was stolen by Mr. Marman's manager. I find Mr. Marman's approach to be upstanding and something to be proud of. All of us make mistakes and branding a person for a mistake he made once would probably disqualify all us as people of high moral character. The CA bar enforces very seriously that the CA Bar's attorneys are people of high moral character and he had passed all their scrutiny and is at present a member of the Bar.
14. I raised the question about Mr. Kalani not being licensed in the US.
Again in my meetings with Mr. Kalani I found him to be an upstanding and honest lawyer and he explained that he is 60 years+ of age and at this time happy with his practice in India. Since he does not supervise any of the legal work in the US, he does not need to be licensed in the US.
15. I have been running this community for 8 years and I have not become RICH. I could have if I would have sold the leads to the highest bidder.
16. Even today OVLG pays InterNext approx 60% of the price of the highest bidder.
17. I am currently a student of John Marshall law school in Chicago. I have finished 38 / 90 credits. Once I am a lawyer our community will not need OVLG.
Please call me on 775-443-6747 to discuss this matter more in depth. I am recovering from a medical problem and the doctors say I should be able to resume work by 15th October. Soaplady you are a valuable member of the community please PM me your number and I will call you on 16th October to discuss this matter over the phone. Since text can only capture so much.
I would request you that:
1. Make concrete recommendations that I can take to OVLG.
2. They have signed a contract specifying the point 10E above.
3. Lets work towards solutions.
Vikas.... First, we understand that this place takes money to
First, we understand that this place takes money to run. However, the source of that money can undermine everything we work for if you are not careful. People are posting on this forum about their confusion--that a company thats scamming people like this is tied to the forum that we are asking them to trust.
Second, with regard to 10E above, they already broke that when they lied about stopping that process--clearly they have not. How many more times should they lie before something is done? Our members are the ones that pay the price for this.
If you have them on contract on that point, then its time to hit them up about their dishonesty.
Vikas, I hope you realize that the reason why we have been fighting so hard lately about things on here is because we all care about this place. It isnt to give you a hard time. We all are quite invested here with our time because we want this forum to succeed.
Sorry to hear of your medical condition--hope you get well soon.
What about Michael Bovee's company? http://consumerrecoveryne
What about Michael Bovee's company?
[quote] CRN does no paid advertising. We rely on word of mouth a
CRN does no paid advertising. We rely on word of mouth and organic exposure.
[/quote]That is from Michael's site. It looks his company does not do paid advertising.
Oak view law group on the surface seems like a reliable company. If you read their stated PDL policies it all makes sense, i.e. returning the principal only to illegals, finding out allowable interest if PDLs are legal in the state, etc. However it seems like their stated policies are not followed by this call center.
That's definitely the problem. You can share you policies for w
That's definitely the problem. You can share you policies for whatever you like but, if they aren't being followed, they're kind of pointless.
Vikas, First, so sorry to hear about your health troubles and h
First, so sorry to hear about your health troubles and here's hoping for a speedy recovery for you.
Thank you for posting and answering questions about OVLG--but I have to agree with everyone when they say we all have to be on the same page here. It makes the Mods look foolish when we say one thing and a member says that's not what someone at the other end of the phone said.
What we need is a clear mission statement--namely, the steps for fighting illegal PDL's: do you pay the interest or not, for example. I personally say not.
It's not just your personal opinion, kscornell. Legally an illeg
It's not just your personal opinion, kscornell. Legally an illegal lender is owed nothing, not even the principal. I believe all of us unanimously think they deserve only principal back. Actually, OVLG's stated policies agree with us, they do not operate that way, however. It is disgusting for this "law group" to be telling people otherwise.