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Cross your fingers for me....

Date: Mon, 10/10/2011 - 12:21

Submitted by SOAPLADY
on Mon, 10/10/2011 - 12:21

Posts: 17315 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 6

Cross your fingers for me....

Hoping to be back into financial aid field again shortly! When I moved here 2 years ago, I went back to working part time at Michaels. I love the customers and have gotten to know many of them by name. Well two weeks ago, a regular came in wearing a local university shirt...asked her if she worked there..."Yup". Asked her what she did...."I am the Director of Financial Aid" HOLY SHIT!!!!!! I told her my background and she gave me her card so I could call her the following day. I talked to her, and although she didnt have a current opening, a requested was pending with the school board to add another officer. That position was approved a week ago and it was posted on day only (Had to be posted to follow procedure.) She was very impressed with my background in default management/prevention which is important for a private university. So please, cross your fingers, light a candle, say a prayer.... It has been rough since moving here 2 years ago and I feel very bad for my 13 year old daughter. She asks for nothing unless she is absolutely desperate. I have been barely surviving from my Michaels income, whatever soap and candles I can sell and the extra money I have earned here. I want this job soooo bad!!!!