Date: Sat, 06/20/2009 - 22:41
My mother in law opened a resale store in her second home and has recently move it to a larger location. She wanted to tear down the old house and put up a barn where she can move the business back. Well, she has decided to let us live there for 1 year at 100 a month so that we can renovate the house and after a year we will be able to buy it at it's current market value. Where we live the land cost more than the homes.
We have a lot of work to do because it got pretty torn up with all of the fixtures that were added, not to mention the damage the house suffered durring hurricane Ike. But, I am so happy and thrilled! It is a 4 bedroom 1.5 bath, large kitchen, breakfast room, dining room. We are going to add a computer room as well. I am so excited! Everything needs to be redone almost and that is the most exciting thing about it. We can turn this house into what we want it to be! It will almost be like a brand new home!
That's wonderful! And think of all the $$ you'll be saving at $1
That's wonderful! And think of all the $$ you'll be saving at $100 a month!
Yea!!! How neat for you and your family..To me, the security of
Yea!!! How neat for you and your family..To me, the security of owning your home is a big relief--at least for me at my age! How fun to decide exactly how you want it to be--kinda like a custom home!!It takes alot of work, but will be worth it!!..Good Luck--keep us posted when you start the process!..karen
Congrats FYI. The only thing that sucks about owning a home is m
Congrats FYI. The only thing that sucks about owning a home is mowing the grass. Other than that its awesome.
We have almost completely gutted the kitchen now. The only thing
We have almost completely gutted the kitchen now. The only thing left is the floor! Whew! it was a lot of hard work and I don't think I have ever sweat that much. It was literally pouring down my face, almost like my entire face was crying!
Remodeling is a lot of work, you have my sympathy! lol The outco
Remodeling is a lot of work, you have my sympathy! lol The outcome is the best part though.
Great for you! I can give you free lighting advice if you need i
Great for you! I can give you free lighting advice if you need it! I am a lighting expert with 30 years experience!
I might need it. The entire house needs to be rewired. The wirei
I might need it. The entire house needs to be rewired. The wireing has been in that house since the 30's when it was built.
Well we are almost finished with the electrical. No fires! No de
Well we are almost finished with the electrical. No fires! No deaths! No shocks! Wheeee! We only have to finish the kichen and get a better grade wire of the washing machine and everything will be 100% upgraded! YES!
Yea for you!! It takes time, but when you can start to see some
Yea for you!! It takes time, but when you can start to see some progress,it is well worth it--keep us posted on the progress!..karen
We have moved from our rent house to the new house. It feels goo
We have moved from our rent house to the new house. It feels good to not have to worry about a big sum for rent next month. It's a huge releif. Especially because this renovation has taken every penny we have had pretty much. I literally have 12 dollars to last until Tuesday!. I'm not complaining mind you, we have food and the car has fuel. It's just that I miss having money! Which we won't have until this renovation is completed, lol which will likely be in a few years!