LVNV Funding LLC: What to do if you find them on your credit report
Date: Thu, 01/05/2006 - 10:53
LVNV Funding LLC: What to do if you find them on your credit report
When I enter the lvnv funding phone number, (866) 464-1183 on the BBB website, it comes up with a Houston, TX address.
Has anyone dealt with this company? Have you heard of lvnv funding complaints?
If this is not your account, I would send them a Debt Validation
If this is not your account, I would send them a Debt Validation letter, where they have to prove it is your debt, and a cease and desist letter. Tell them in the C&D letter that they are not to contact you, except by mail, that this is not your debt, etc. Make copies of everything, and send all correspondence certified, return receipt, or some means that they have to sign, and you have proof they got the letter. Do no try to talk to them on the phone- you will get no where. Don't be suprised if you do not get validaton, or get a computer generated paper full of nonsense. If they contact you after you send the cease and desist letter, keep notes or recordings of it, this is against the law. Feel free to ask questons!!..KAren
my credit report
I pulled my report and it said I owed $138 for WHAT? it just has lvnv funding I don't know if I REALLY owe this because I do not know what it is for
Hi queenmama Its better that you send a dispute letter to the
Hi queenmama
Its better that you send a dispute letter to the bureau and LVNV. Ask them to remove the wrong credit information from your file. Enclose documents( not originals) to support your positon. Send the letters via certified mail with a RRR. Remember inaccurate and false information in your credit file can adversely affect your score.
Take care
lvnv funding
my boyfriend also has this company on his credit report. it's been there since may and we just recently got in contact with them. they said the debt was originally with sams club for 991 and they purchased the debt from them ( also called re-aging the debt) which from what i've heard makes it legal to collect debt. when he spoke to them on the phone they informed him that they were charging him 57 cents a day for every day he did not pay, including weekends. this brings the debt to over 1000. they also informed him that if he tried to validate the debt then they would assume that he was claiming the debt and would file suit if they did not receive payment.
my boyfriend and i have never been through any thing like this. he's now over 20,000 dollars in debt. some of those debts being from wrong choices but most of them from his parents who took advantage of his then nearly perfect credit. any advice in dealing with this credit agency and others like it would be greatly appreciated!
Validating the debt is NOT an assumption that you owe it. If the
Validating the debt is NOT an assumption that you owe it. If they are telling you that, it's bogus. Send the DV letter, then the ball is in THEIR court to respond to it. If they don't, and sue him, take the copy of the letter to court. In that case, he can also counter-sue them for violation of fdcpa.
Read everything I have said about them. They do not work with yo
Read everything I have said about them. They do not work with you, so it's no use to talk to them over the phone. They have broken several regualtions with me, over the alomost two years I have been dealing with them.
It is your right to have the debt validated. Send it, make copies, certified return receipt. Also, keep notes of all the conversations you have had. The more they think you know about your rights, the more they try to intimidate you. Don't be surprised if they don't fully validate, they didn't mine.
Get you validation sent, and you can go from there. You also need to send a cease and desist letter stating that they are to contact you only via the mail, not at work, etc. Keep us posted..KAren :D
LVNV Run-around
Okay here goes. I had an account with Disney that was turned over to an attorney's office for collection. I verified amount due and we set up payments. I paid them on a monthly basis and after a year we agreed upon a settle amount which was $290.30 short of the full amount. The attorney's office sent me a letter stating the account had been settled in full. The letter was dated May 2006. In June of this year, over a year later, I get a letter from a firm called Eltman, Eltman and Cooper, P.C. They claim that their client LVNV Funding LLC purchased my acount from GE Capital and now I owe $3,383 which is more than the original debt. My orginal debt was for $3281. When I told them that I had settled the account in full with previous legal firm. They told me there was a computer glitch and the decimal was in the wrong place, that I really only owed them $338.36. They told me $290.30 was the difference in the settlement and the rest of $48.06 was interest. Can you please, please help me. Do I still owe this money to LVNV even though I settled with the original law office and have paperwork to prove it? These people do not sound legitimate to me. My credit report shows a derogatory note, $0 balance due, transferred to another lender, purchase by another lender but no mention of LVNV as the current holder of this account. Eltman and Eltman said all I have to do is fax them a copy of the settled in full letter from the original attorney's office and they will turn the account back over to LVNV for collection. I would greatly appreciate any advise you can give me!!!!
my question is this: is lvnv funding the same company as pinnacl
my question is this: is lvnv funding the same company as pinnacle?
i was informed that i was denied in renting an apartment due to a collection outstanding from lvnv. the manager at the apartment complex gave me a copy of my credit report and it showed lvnv in it. i've never heard of these people, let alone opening a credit card in 2003. after being informed more in this forum, i understand that they buy out old sears accounts. i recall from an old credit report (i no longer have it, i shredded most of my papers that are over 4 years old) that my sears account (which was opened in 1998, closed approx. a year later) said it was charged-off, closed account per consumer. i would also like to know more about what charge-off really means, and does it look like the SOL is closed from what i'm saying?
i have not received any letters from them whatsoever pertaining to collecting my debt (which i have gotten w/my other deliquent, but paid off accounts).
Jackie- I am not sure about pinnacle, but it wouldn't surprise m
Jackie- I am not sure about pinnacle, but it wouldn't surprise me. LVNV has many dbas to their list.
Pull up all three credit reports and see what is on there. If there are any you are not sure of, or LVNV is there, you can dispute that.
They do purchase old Sears debts, but I am sure that is not all they purchase.
And yes, that 1998 debt is way out of the SOL period
If you have questions, please ask..KAren :D
You are welcome, Jackie!! :D Karen--glad I could help
You are welcome, Jackie!! :D Karen--glad I could help
I just read this report and i also have lvnv funding llc on my credit report i am just trying to check my credit and cant because they need my account number from this company which i have never even heard of. Can any one out there help
LVNV?wolpoff Abramson
Lvnv went into my husbands checking acct. this week9a Sears debt from 1o yrs ago.) and tried to take 5100.00 We by no means have that much $ in our acct. The bank would not allow them to take anything becuz my name is also on the bank acct. Then 8:30 this past Sat. morn., a man shows up and gives my husband some court docu. and asks if he may come inside to access the value of our furniture. We have a &yr. old girl. I am horrified that this comp. has the NADS to come right to the front door. I am furious...
Laurie, call up your local court clerk and ask whether any judgm
Laurie, call up your local court clerk and ask whether any judgment has been made against you. In any case, state law (though it differs state to state) has exemptions from judgment, and household furniture is usually one of them.
LVNV Funding Fake affidavits of debt and fraud!
I've noticed, on all 3 cb's, LVNV funding, MYSELF! over $5K in debt? I think not! I'm suing the living $#IT out of their @$$es, like NOW! I've contacted several attorneys already to take the case, so tomorrow I should hear back from them.. I've HAD IT with these idiots![/size]
My advice to all- Get a lawyer FAST! these morons are fraudulent and they can all be in prison for it! AND sued, in the process! I'm suing for all damages as well, as a result of their negligence, fraudulent reporting, and the violations! So, I'll keep you all posted!
LVNV Funding LLc
I recieved a letter today from a attorney saying this company is suiting me and I don't know who they are and have never heard a word from them. Who is this company?
Mickey they are a junk debt buyer/collection agency.Go to budhib
Mickey they are a junk debt buyer/collection agency.Go to for the latest info on them.Send a debt validation letter to them certified return receipt mail.You will also have to answer any summons they send to avoid a default judgement.
Make sure you know when you made the last payment to the actual
Make sure you know when you made the last payment to the actual debtor or anyone collecting on their behalf. That's very important. I have dealt with LVNV Funding on an old old account in which they reported I made a payment to the debtor just before the statute of limitations ran out on the collection, which they said the payment restarted the time running on the statute of limitations. Its garbage and fraud. They had on my bureau that I made that payment when I did not. Watch out for these people and don't take their word that you did something you didn't do. I am looking into this further with some help. Keep records, including anything received from any debt collector.
It will reset the STATUE OF LIMITATIONA TO DAY 1, this company is known for suing and garnishing and obtaining judgements falsly basically.
I have LVNV on my credit report. They report a different amount
I have LVNV on my credit report. They report a different amount to each credit agency. For example, at Trans Union they report $5,900 past due. On Equifax they report $6,029 past due. On Exprian they report $6,122 past due. This is for a Providiaan account they say is mine.
Does Providian send LVNV a copy of the original agreement?
Bea- Did LVNV purchase your Providian account? If so, they proba
Bea- Did LVNV purchase your Providian account? If so, they probably don't have anything original. Do not take their word on anything. I would send a debt validation letter to them and possibly dispute with the credit reporting agencies as to a different amount..Let us know what happens..KAren :D
judgement againt me
I called the county clerks office an they told me to go to the web site and loo it up and guess what I couldt nit find any record of ME so this letter was a lie and in the state of Texas it's 4 years, so of I did have any kind of account that was outstanding the 4 years are up because I pay my bills and I have paided my bills every months since I retiered.
Thaks for helping me.
LVNV Funding LLC
Well I was wrong I am being sued by them. I looked at my credit report and they are on it with no date when the account was opened. I have a attorney now. As fare as my SEARS account my last payment to them was 02-2002(found my back statment). This is so crazy
Mickey Lewis
Mickey- were you served a summons, is that how you found out you
Mickey- were you served a summons, is that how you found out you were sued? If your payment was made that far back-try to find out when it became deliquent. I am sure your attorney is doing this too.
How much is this debt for?
Good Luck, and keep us posted on what happens..KAren :D
Sears $2000.00 ????
But LVNV Funding is sueing me for $5769? No I have not been served, I received a letter from a attorney's office letting me know that I was beiong sued. I got the file from my county clerks office and I received a letter from a lawyer about this case. I have not gotton anythiong from Sears in years so this is all new to me and my husband and I have never gootn one thing fron LVNV Funding LLC.
I will let you know what happens when it does happen. Can't worry about this because this is so crazy.
Mickey Lewis :shock:
Of my I found a few statements from Sears back in 2002 where I did miss some payments I can't believe I stopped paying them, I guess it was due to my husband being ill with cancer. It's been 5 years since I've heard from them :roll: I have'nt signed the papers for the attorey and I have'nt paid the fee. Now what?Yes the amount is very different..
I need to send a letter. I was told that this company has reported information 3 times on my report. This is really has a negative impact on my credit score. Help?????
Mickey- you really need to have your attorney look into them, I
Mickey- you really need to have your attorney look into them, I would question as to whether this is out of the SOL, and they are legally bound to be able to collect this.
Talk with your attorney, and find out what he is saying about them, and also what answer he has filed in response to the summons..Good Luck-keep us posted
TK- you can dispute these items on yur credit report if they are not suppossed to be there..KAren :D
I've still waiting to be served. Today is Sept. 3, 2007 and as of this date I have not been served. They filed on the 6th of Aug. SO I woder what's up with that. The papers from the courts says citbank/sears so I guess they did buy the SOL account from them for penny's on the dollars (Texas is four years) and now they want me to pay over $5000.00 I don't think so, as I said before I have not paid the attorney any fee's yet because I'm waiting to be served, then I have 21-27 days to do what ever. I wonder why they have'nt served me yet. I've lived here for 31 years. I am going to get this off my credit report.
Mickey :D
They collect for store creit card debit. They also collected fo
They collect for store creit card debit.
They also collected for Montgomery Wards
LVNV Funding
This suddenly appeared on my credit report after I tried to open an account through Bank Of America. I had just checked my credit report and it was very clean, then I tried to open an account with Bank of America. I received an email saying that they could not give me an account based on information on my credit report. I checked again and low and behold this LVNV Funding LLC appeared on my report. I'm not sure what it is or where it came from. The address i have on my report from them is PO BOX 10584, Greenville, SC 29603-0584, 866-464-1183.
LVNV Funding LLC
I just received a letter from RPM stating that I owe LVNV Funding LLC money, when I asked about the bill they stated that it was through MCI which I have never had MCI I asked when this debt occured and they stated 06/21/01, I processed to tell them that I would like and itemized bill from the original creditor and RPM stated that they are to only collect money and that they do not have copies of the billing. I also stated to RPM that statue of limitations in CA where this debt orginally occurred is 4 years, the women on the phone reply back to me was oh is that what you tell everyone, well you have a bill and it has been sent to me to collect and you will pay it. I hung up on her. What should I state in the letter and can they take a fax copy of a letter disputing it? Please help I think they are trying to get money randomly
You are right to be concerned about LVNV! This happens alot. Her
You are right to be concerned about LVNV! This happens alot.
Make a copy of all correspondence-yours and theirs. Make notes of when you talked with them,dates and times- you may need this later.
Send all your correspondence certified, return receipt at the post office. It costs more, but you will have proof they received it.
LVNV doesn't validate-or they haven't mine. The next step would be to write them and tell them to cease and desist from contacting you, if you know this is not your debt.
If you need more help, feel free to ask questions..KAren :D
i have the same prob this company is charging me 4687 for someth
i have the same prob this company is charging me 4687 for something i dont evan know what for and i dont knw how to get a hold of them could someone plz give me there phone number or and address?
Class Action Law Suit !!! Persons needed..........
I have had it with LVNV Funding :evil: I have requesed validation of a debt twice,disputed with all
3 credit reporting agencies 3 times.My attorney has requested twice.All have been sent registered mail with return receipt.These people will not validate !!!maybe if enough of us get together we can
make them obey the law....this is crazy.How do they get away with violating the law ????anyone having problems with these people?
This company LVNV said that their a law firm Regent & Associates out of Houston and I've never heard of LVNV until I pulled my credit report and they sent me a letter stating that I owe 12,000 dollars. They said that Wells Fargo filed the claim. I've never dealt with Wells Fargo ever. They said that they've got my name and social on it and it was from something Ipurchased in Houston in 2003. I lived in Houson in at eh end of 2001 so my ex- may have used my social and name to purchase smoething but i pain to dispute it til the end. I told them that it's idenity theft.
LVNV Funding LLC
It's been over two months since I found out that they where suiting me and I still have not been served. I guess I'll just wait, maybe they realized the SOL and went away. :D
Mickey- have you checked with the court house and made sure they
Mickey- have you checked with the court house and made sure they didn't have a court date that you were unaware of? Don't trust these people! You don't want them to say they served you and got a court date without your knowlwdge..Karen
I may be wrong- hope I am- but it seems like if they filed around the first of August, you would have been served by now. Maybe someone with more knowledge on this will come along and help!! Let us know what happens..KAren
LVNV Funding
I have same thing on my report, collection entry that I did not get it until last week. It's there all of a sudden within last month.
I talk to one of thier rep, and she wanted me to fax a copy of credit report and the page where the entry is located issuring me to resolve issue within 72 hrs.
Let's see what happens next...
LVNV Funding
This is a company that purchases the debt owed to other companies -and then they try to collect on it. This company pays the business owed money by you at a percentage of the debt owed -and then go after you for the full amount. It is basically a collection agency but instead of earning a percent of the money they collect for a business, they purchase the debt outright and then just keep all they are able to collect.
Just don't believe anything they say!! And most of all, never gi
Just don't believe anything they say!! And most of all, never give them your personal info- such as bank account info, etc.
If they do validate, it will only be a partial validation..Good Luck..KAren :D
Me too
This same company showed up on my husband's credit report (and mine too since it's a joint report) and after MANY MANY telephone calls, letters, etc., it finally came out that they purchaed a "debt" from Bank of America. The balance due came from an annual fee and finance charges on the account - an account he did not request. Of course this was 4 years ago and we're now trying to resolve the whole mess.
VERY frustrating, but finding that nugget of info was very rewarding - persistance pays off.
Original creditor
I want to see if I understand the original creditor timeline. I had an old debt with Sears before Citibank bought Sears credit card out in 2003. Then LVNV bought the debt from Citibank in 2005. Does this mean that the timeline for orginal creditor debt validation would go: LVNV Funding, then Citibank, and then Sears? Technically is Citibank considered the original creditor or is Sears considered the original creditor?
Serving of Summons to appear
I recently had an experience where a server attempted to serve papers by leaving a note on my door. I thought it was rather whacky. A week later the server leaves another note saying he has court legal documents for such and such to serve. OK. I then called the such and such to see if there were indeed suing me in small claims. The answer was no. Upon further investigatin I leared who had filed a suit against me. I could not understand why this server wasn't being honest about serving papers for LVNV Funding? What's up with the dishonesty. Anywone else have an experience like this one?
Patti- the original creditor was Sears. They sell them to junk d
Patti- the original creditor was Sears. They sell them to junk debt buyers, and if they cannot collect,they pass it along to their many dbas.
When did this account go into deliquency? When was the last payment?
I have never heard of someone lying to serve a summons, sure they do it though. I had one guy throw the summons on the porch while we were gone-found it the next day, in the mud!
Whatever you do, answer the summons in the time given, and show up in court,or they will get a default judgement.
Have you sent LVNV a debt validation letter? They won't fully validate, but may gain you some time to get prepared.
If you have any questions, please ask.KAren
I just found this too
Hi, and thank you for there #, If this is a sears account I haven't had that since 1996. And my ex-husband was foreging my name alot of things because I did not have a job at that time. ANy suggestions? Monique Q in SATX