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Deal with the collection agencies using your legal rights

Submitted by roxette on Fri, 11/04/2005 - 15:57
Posts: 4009


While you deal with the collection agencies, some will try to force you on making payments. Some of these debts may not be even owed by you. In such situations, do not pay the debt assuming that you will get rid of the collectors if your make payments.

If you pay on any debt that you do not owe at all, you are acknowledging your responsibility to it.

Similarly, if you owe a debt, paying it off all of a sudden in order to escape collection calls will not erase the negative remarks in your file. There are ways to handle and notify the collectors about the various situations you might be in. companies doing illegal business will always attempt to coerce payment from you, but you should use your consumer rights in settling the matter and in proper manner.


i have made 75.00 month payments for 6 months on agreement with the collection co. they want me to take out a loan to pay it off, but this will put me further in financial debt. can they force me to do this? i would like to continue to make these monthly payments.

Submitted by on Sun, 04/15/2007 - 19:56

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2 years ago I received a bill for timeshare "special assessment". I called the resort with questions about the bill, they never returned my calls. No further bills or late notices were sent, I forgot about the bill. Now I've got a notice from a collection agency. Is this legal? I thought there was some legal requirement on notification of debt before an account could be sent to collections?

Submitted by on Tue, 09/09/2008 - 17:13

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A collection agency has been calling me to pay off a debt that I paid 4 yrs ago. They say I still owe $756. They also said that it will effect my credit if I don't pay them. Can they realy hurt my credit with a debt that I already paid and never owed them in the first place?

Submitted by on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 07:42

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Already paid the debt and being contacted again by some other collection agency can be a pain. I had that happen to me several years ago. Thank goodness I'm a packrat when it comes to bank records. I simply sent the new CA a copy of my payment to the first CA and they closed their account never to be hear from again.

Submitted by whystimpy on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 08:23


( Posts: 15 | Credits: )

a collection agency drained my entire bank account, and we were never notified. please help, i have a disabaled child and they took all our money

Submitted by on Fri, 05/22/2009 - 10:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I received a letter from a collection agency and have sent them a certified validation request. I received a copy of the original bill yesterday and it was dated 5 years ago and I have already paid it in full. There was a "post-it" attached saying they are returning my file to the original company. What do I do next? If I remember correctly, I paid through credit card and I no longer have that card.

Submitted by on Fri, 05/22/2009 - 11:25

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i am being harressed by a collection agent. He is not accepting for any monthly payments and wants me to pay in full. I explained my situation but still he is harrassing me too much. neither coming for any settlement nor stop calling me with your suggestion

Submitted by on Thu, 03/11/2010 - 00:27

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