Legacy visa: Is it a fraud?
Date: Wed, 07/13/2005 - 15:31
Legacy visa: Is it a fraud?
Hi tcost9 Welcome to the forums. There is no logical reason f
Hi tcost9
Welcome to the forums. There is no logical reason for activities which are based on fraud. Please use your consumer rights when you are getting harassed by them.
Please consult your attorney, file a case against them at the FTC or the State Attorney General office and urge them to take necessary action
unauthorization of funds from account
I authorized a payment of $63.00 to Legacy because I missed a payment. I told them also I wanted to cancel my card and I would pay off the card as soon as I could, that I would continue to make the $30 a month payments on time for now. I found out today that my bank account was overdrawn by $202. and that there are 2 payments I do not have any idea what for. I called the customer service of legacy to see if that $63 was posted and they had told me not only did they do the $63 but also the 2 unauthorized payments as well which put me into overdrawn on my account. I talked to customer service and they told me I did not authorize those 2 payments. The girl told me I could go to my bank and tell them I did not authorize the payments and they will refund me my money. I don't know if they will till I can go to the bank and see. I cannot afford to have those payments taken out since I lost my job. I can't even put my check in the bank because it won't cover it anyways and I will now have to call the checks that i have out and tell them to hold on to them for now till I can straighten this up. I don't know what else to do about this, please help. Do I file charges against them or what? They had no right to do this.
Legacy Visa, First National Credit Card
I have been a cardholder for 2 years now and have had an excellent experience with legacy visa, I make my payments on time, call 2 check available balances, receive credit increases regularly and I even recieve 30days notification prior to my annual fee being charged to my account. I admit I hated paying the intitial 119$ processing fee and the $50 annual hurts, but when I had 3 ex-husbands' worth of credit to repair, I had to do something. Before getting my card my credit score was a sad 119, after only 6 months with timely payments, my score had jumped to a 586, by the end of the year, it was another 100 pts up!! Thank you, Legacy Visa! That's what I say!!!
Legacy Visa
I've had no problems with legacy visa. Their Interest is a little high and the processing fees stink, but when you're trying to re-build your credit you've got to take what you can get. Make your payments on time and raise your credit score.
Legacy Visa
My credit still stinks! The last time I pulled it i was a low 500, and honestly I've had my card for over a year and only been late 1 time, but it hasn't boosted my score that much if any! There interest rates suck, and I can't wait to pay it off and close it completely! Oh, and the customer sevice representatives are rude!
Legacy VISA
You need to learn the English language first because there are no periods or commas in anything you just said...furthermore, you need to learn to use plural tense as well.
rp...did you notice that these posts are from over a year ago...
rp...did you notice that these posts are from over a year ago...I'm not sure they will see you post.
Please for the love of &*^, learn how to speak english! This co
Please for the love of &*^, learn how to speak english! This comment makes no sense and I can not understand what you are trying to say!
Legacy VISA
If you tired of being harassed by credit card companies there is a simple way to avoid all those harassing calls, letters from lawyers, etc...
File bankruptcy
Actualy now that the bankrupcy laws lean more in favor of credit
Actualy now that the bankrupcy laws lean more in favor of credit card companies you still do end up paying back a lot of what you owe. It doesn't get everythiing completely off of your back anymore.
That depends on what chapter you qualify to file for. If you ca
That depends on what chapter you qualify to file for. If you can still qualify under the new BK laws for a chapter 7, it does wipe out any dischargable debts you have, which would include credit card debt.
Legacy visa
legacy visa has worked well for me. I started with a $300 limit and now I am up to 1100 in a couple of years. I have never missed a payment and have paid more than the minimum when possible. My experience does not negate the negative experiences many people seem to be having with legacy. I've had a couple of bad experiences with Capital One, but I will post that to another forum.
As well as others I have had legacy for a few years now and neve
As well as others I have had legacy for a few years now and never had any problems. I hate the annual fee but my credit was shot when I first received the card. I had just gotten out of bankruptcy and need to do serious repair. Some companies wouldn't help. But I am grateful. I have been a card holder afor 5 years and its been good for me.
legacy visa is a good credit card for one to reestablish their c
legacy visa is a good credit card for one to reestablish their credit. Yes they charge a high interest rate but if you are using the credit card properly you pay off the balance in full every month so you don`t pay any interest. Once you have built your payment history enough you can apply for better credit cards with more perks and lower aprs .
Legacy isn't so bad
The customer service will do the best they can, but if you can't treat them like human beings and decide to yell and curse, think about how that would make you react if you were in that position and it was your job to show the card's good side and the positive aspects of the card. Think about how you would want to be spoken to when helping someone else, it may make your experience with our customer service a bit more enjoyable and we may be more willing to find a solution or work with you the best we can, PS: hate sites don't do much, some people want to build credit, some don't care, and why don't you read through the material given you? We put it there for you to know what we say up front. Contacting your lawyer will create more fees and problems for you than just paying that amount we charge because you signed for it and because you used the card... think about it
just got my legacy card , haven't use it yet , want to cancell it. Credit limit not what I expected, don't want to be charge for cancellation
Makes sense
I just applied for this card, read these posts and talked with a nice rep named LIsa. You do pay the 119 start up and a 50 ann fee on your first account, then you can start using your credit limit. This card is a credit building card...not like a regular credit card where you just start charging...pay the initial 169, then pay all of your payments on time and your credit score WILL improve. I'm making up for stupid financial decisions over the last 10 years and look forward to my score jumping from 500 to high 700s+. Give it a chance but PAY on time (as you should with any bill).
did not get the card
i bank toid me to send a letter with my bill likea light bill or some thing and i did then they said my address did not mix so i got online to see what it was about no thank!!
legacy visa
I've been a member for about 60 days and have had no issues yet. From what I've read on this forum it seems the people who have major problems with the company have maxed the card out, failed to make at least the required minimum payment and then take out their irresponsiblity on the company who provided them a chance to repair their horrible credit when no other company would. Yes the up front fees suck but when you signed the terms and agreements and accepted the card you knew the fees would be charged to your card immediately. You should not have accepted the offer if you did not agree with the terms. Seriously...being irrisponsible and playing the blame game is what put you in credit hell in the first place. Grow up and take some responsibility for yourself and your failure to pay your bills the way you are supposed to. The only person on this blog I feel sorry for is the person who had his/her bank account over charged by the company and as a result his/her bank account was over drawn. The rest of you quit crying about a credit card account that you asked for and go out and work 2 or 3 jobs if you need to to get your debt paid down. Baby crys like you who are not willing to take personal responsiblity and do what it takes to fix what you broke is the reason our economy is so weak. Maybe Obama's stimulus will help you pay your credit card off...wait by the mailbox for your check.
Instead of this credit card try Dave Ramsey's way of getting out
Instead of this credit card try Dave Ramsey's way of getting out of debt.
Legacy Visa
Timothy Scholl
Security Officer
The First National Bank
P.O. Box 206
86 N. Kennebec Avenue
McConnelsville, OH 43756-208
Phone (740) 962-3911
FAX (740) 962-6535
Legacy Visa
If there are are any issues with Legacy Visa Please Call and complain here Call the Visa Global Customer Assistance Center toll-free within the United States at 1-800-847-2911 . Thank you
I've had this card for a month now ,I,ve paid all applicable fees
used it twice for gas, I didn't like the fact that when you pay online that Legacy Visa charges you $5.00 everytime you direct deposit from your checking to pay off your balance.I think that fee is is rediculous and should only be charged if your past your payment due date as a penalty,especially since they already charge a monthly fee. other than that the card if used right would be a great card.
All I will say here is... people.. if you'd pay your bills then
All I will say here is... people.. if you'd pay your bills then you wouldn't have any problems with any credit card companies.
]I have had no problems with this cards.It came in handy at a ti
]I have had no problems with this cards.It came in handy at a time when I need it .. Husband left me with nothing credit shot.. I've been with then for about 4 years now and have had my credit line increased twice.. Fee's did hurt but what ever helps 3 kids to get school clothes for etc.. :lol:
What if you activate the card get charged the 169 and just make payments on the 169? I would think over the course of 4-6 months your credit will go up and over the course of 1 year you will see a change in your score.
is this correct? or do you have to have consistent movement on the card to reflect on your score?