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Have you ever thought of increasing your income for debts?

Date: Thu, 03/13/2008 - 19:45

Submitted by Vikas
on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 19:45

Posts: 2019 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 22

Have you ever thought of increasing your income for debts?

While fighting debts have you ever thought of increasing your income? Did you get any method that worked for you? Part-time, home-type works giving you some additional income.

Web offers a lot of opportunity.


I have done alot of things to increase my income. I did work at home for some time as a video news monitor, which involved watching TV news shows that were assigned to me, writing a summary of each story covered and sending them in via a web-based program. I only stopped when the monitoring headquarters left my area. It was a great job!


Submitted by kscornell on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 19:47

( Posts: 4407 | Credits: )

Wanna put the '2 cents' in again. I changed jobs, recently. I do the same thing (take care of the elderly). However...better pay and better incentives. I guess my 'point to this' is ...I know change is difficult to do ( I REALLY wanted to do this for a while), but..if it's going to benefit you, than you SHOULD take that chance.


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 20:48

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

I engaged in "Mystery Shopping" between my full time job and classes. If you have the time you can easily pull down $600.00 a month.

It involved visiting a "Shop." A shop can be a gas station, bank,store,etc. Once you complete the shop you fill out an online survey detailing your experience.

Banks usually paid the best @ $20.00 per shop. Retail stores were ok,you got to keep what you purchase. However,typically paying $5.00 per shop.


Submitted by Roadwarrior on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 21:08

( Posts: 637 | Credits: )

'Warrior'....I've seen a few of these 'shoppers' things. Do you have to buy something and then the company re-enburses you,..or something like that? Can you pick where you want to go (close to home and not out of 'your area')?


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 21:48

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

Sd Charger...

Typically you sign into their "Job Board" and choose a shop that is close to your location. Or,you may chose to do multiple shops that are close to one another so as to be cost effective to you.

Retail shops usually require you to make a purchase which you may keep,and they reimburse you as well as paying for the shop. For instance, The requirement maybe you purchase a pack of t-shirts for $10.00 and they pay you an additional $5.00. You keep the goods,copy of receipt,they send you $15.00.

Most of the shops involve evaluating customer service.


Submitted by Roadwarrior on Thu, 03/13/2008 - 22:21

( Posts: 637 | Credits: )

I currently work two jobs, one full time, one part time, I work at a fast food restaurant on the weekends, I hate it, but it's something I need to do. I would love to be able to find a part time job working at home. I am fairly computer saavy, and have searched on the web for various jobs, with no luck so far. I recently started looking into 'Virtual Assistant', however, since it requires a certification, I've since then tossed that idea out the window since I don't have the time or the money to obtain it. Has anyone else had any experience or know someone who was or is a 'Virtual Assistant'?


Submitted by Shazzers on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 08:03

( Posts: 17344 | Credits: )


There are some scams out there. However,I went through an outfit called "shadowshoppers." You join their"Bronze" membership,which is free,and they direct you to a data base of Mystery Shops.

From there you choose which companies you want to work with. Some you have to jump through hoops,others are pretty straight forward.


Submitted by Roadwarrior on Fri, 03/14/2008 - 10:24

( Posts: 637 | Credits: )

I was working a full-time and part-time job for over a year, then hubby got a second full -time job. It got to the point that I was working way harder at my part-time job than I was at my full-time job so I ended up quitting. Then hubby got a really good second full-time job (he is making more there than at his regular full-time job and he has been there for 14 years) So I only work 1 full-time job and take care of the kids and such.


Submitted by puddlejmpr on Mon, 03/17/2008 - 18:06

( Posts: 1634 | Credits: )

I think there are some good ideas for little $$. But what if I do look for a better Position I think I tried almost all things to get a better job. Took Resume classes and all that went to the work force center, newspaper, cold application but I never heard anything back. The Job I have right now is on 15 hours per week and only 6.75$. Any Suggestions??


Submitted by schnuckibearsmum on Sun, 03/23/2008 - 19:42

( Posts: 34 | Credits: )

Minimum Wage is $7.15, per hour, now. I think that is for ALL states. What state do you live in, SCHNUCK?


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 03:34

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

I thought Minimum Wage was the same 'across the board'. FEDERAL Minimum Wage? What is that? There's a difference in Federal, State, County,etc.?


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Mon, 03/24/2008 - 18:08

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

Yea I'm pretty sure minimum wage is different all over - i know in NJ it's considered pretty high (though I cannot see how they can honestly say that $7 something an hour can support anyone it's this over-priced state..).
I work two jobs, but barely make anything from the second job. That said, I have a lot of responisibilites with family and care-taking as well as my own health issues so I cannot work too much more than I already do..


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 06:38

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I believe the federal minimum wage is standards across the states. However, each state can have certain guidelines based on industry...for example, restaurant servers in FL are paid 50% minimum wage per hour and then tips. In CA, servers are paid 100% minimum wage plus tips, but its much more expensive to live in CA than FL.


Submitted by volleyballmom on Thu, 05/01/2008 - 08:18

( Posts: 4143 | Credits: )

In NJ, they get barly anything for their real pay.. like they declare their tips, than if everything averages out that they made minimum wage an hour, they don't get a real check.. which I think is crazy because everything is real expensive here, too.. my sister was a server for years though and even with the small check, she made good money.. i remember back in college I had a huge fight with a professor because he didn't believe me that her pay was so small.


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 08:57

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

i would like to put in my '2 cents' again. With the 'extra income' thing, I have tried something ( that works for me, anyway..). making extra income from it. I don't think I can 'advertise' on the forum, so..if anyone would like to know, please PM me. Thanks.


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Tue, 05/06/2008 - 20:53

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

I work for a sovereign nation, and they have been paying me $5.15 an hour for the past 5 years ( which is crap, because I still pay Caliornia taxes, but don't even make California minimum wage ) and I live on tokes.

However, when you live on tokes, it makes getting financing for big ticket items like cars very difficult because they want proof of income to insure you can pay for financing, and my pay stubs have my pay at $5.15 an hour.


Submitted by Amaranth on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 22:47

( Posts: 271 | Credits: )

Hey guys,

I do have a suggestion though

you should know what you are good at doing.

The internet world is always looking for freelance talents such as Website Designers,Copy Writers, Writers of topics- like Entrepreneurs, Self-Developments, Hobbies, Travellers, Pets and etc...

If you guys can write or design teh you should look for sites like

Active links deleted per TOS - Uncle Wulf

and many others.

All you need to do is post a sample of your projects and make a quote.

Should there be bidders then they would pay you based on your quote.

all you need to do is just fulfil your end of project.

It is always good to start low (That is if you are doing writing)

For example- I had written a series on the Pets topic for example I love my 2 pups(Its a Maltese and a saint bernard) very much and could not stop talking about them to my friends. I wrote on how to treat your pups and making your dogs listen to you and etc.. I quoted for an article of mine for $10.00

I made a deal with someone (Whom later became a good internet buddy of mine)

He passes the word around and soon I was given projects to do based on articles writing. (In the internet Marketing, it is called or commonly known as Article Marketing)

Anyway its just my 2 cents on how you guys can attain extra money :)

I hope you enjoy it


Submitted by success4resource on Wed, 05/28/2008 - 07:02

( Posts: 74 | Credits: )

Look on today's post for "How YOU can make money off the internet with no cost" by
success4resource. They give several things they have tried and made money off of. I did the secret shopping thing and you can make money. There is usually a 30 day wait but I stopped because it was costing so much in gas. I did a lot of Krogers. Had to buy $9 worth of groceries, which the reimbursed you for, plus $7 for completing the shop, $15 a wack. After you add in your gas, unless you live right next door to a Kroger, the $5 you earned went to that and it took about 30 minutes to enter it on line. Not bad if you don't have to travel all over to complete the shops they assign you.


Submitted by rhayslip on Wed, 05/28/2008 - 07:49

( Posts: 15 | Credits: )