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Method #5 -> Selling on ebay the old stuffs

Date: Fri, 03/21/2008 - 07:50

Submitted by drjonah
on Fri, 03/21/2008 - 07:50

Posts: 244 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 74

Method #5 -> Selling on ebay the old stuffs

This can be very profitable for some people if you find the right stuff to sell. Because of my high amount of debts, i've been finding myself going through my closets and my bedroom closet at my parents house and selling my old books, cds, movies, etc.

Granted, a good percentage of the items I sell go for a cheap price, but it adds up! Not only that, but a couple items I've been able to sell for a good price ($50 or more)

Students, don't sell your textbooks back to the bookstore at school, sell them on ebay! You can make better money doing it that way, especially if you took good care of your book! One textbook I bought for $70, the bookstore offered me $15 for it back, I sold it on ebay for $60. So technically, I only paid $10 for the book and its not taking up space in my apartment!

Go shopping at thrift stores and garage sales, another persons junk can be your treasure! I've bought some old hard cover books from yard sales and sold them for almost 100 times what I paid. That makes up for the junk I did buy that was worthless.

[color=Brown][size=2][Vikas:Added poll and formatted the topic][/size][/color]

I agree, I don't like the new feedback system and DSR's but it's their policies and right now, they are the big boys. I just recently got my first '2' in a DSR category but it didn't really affect me because everyone else was happy.

Just continue providing good customer service and you'll be fine


Submitted by drjonah on Thu, 04/30/2009 - 20:43

( Posts: 244 | Credits: )

The thing I hate about eBay is the cocky sellers. I would buy things on eBay and not leave feedback for awhile, and then I would get this email that says "Did you receive your item? Leave feedback for me and then I'll leave feedback for you." that bothers me because my only job as a buyer is to pay you in a timely manner. 99% of the time, I pay immediately after buying something, so it's pretty darn rude, in my opinion, to tell me you'll only leave feedback for me after I leave it for you.

Besides, the way they set up the new Feedback system, sellers can't leave anything but positive feedback anyway, which I don't completely agree with. I agree there should be some help eBay provides where a seller might retaliate if the buyer doesn't leave good feedback, but I think ONLY being allowed to leave positive feedback for a buyer is not a good idea.


Submitted by regbyandjulie on Wed, 05/06/2009 - 11:00

( Posts: 144 | Credits: )

eBay has left it wide open and doesnt give acrappity crap about their sellers.....Meg running for office in sunny Ca...left the site and supported the things that are happening now....she will get defeated I am sure,,,McCain got defeated because he verbally supported her "expertise" in his campaign... he lost a lot of votes becuase of his support for her and she will not win to run Califronia...all people have to do is search how Meg took thje money and ran and threw all sellers under the bus...she took credit for what happened and at same time hosed sellers on eBay...she will not win any popularity contests....needs to just go away jmo heh-heh


Submitted by anonymous on Sun, 05/31/2009 - 22:01

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have just set up some stuff to sell for extra money and wow!
their fees went up, they did not let me sell at one day auctions (for one product, they made me do a five day auction!!) and grilled me with like a million questions to make sure it was really me. mind you i signed in with the correct password! they just did not recognize my new computer. they asked me for an email account which i had about seven years ago and i luckily remembered.
and did i mention their fees went up? through the roof! i am probably not going to list again for a long, long time :(


Submitted by bea2ls on Sat, 08/08/2009 - 06:12

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I know, and they are coming up with alot of changes to their power seller program and some other changes too. I am still doing EBay and you have to watch how you list things and what you say concerning payment..It has helped alot, but it takes alot of time--I am on computer on Sundays about 6 hours minimum,as well as being on Monday through Thursday..some of the shipping costs went up too, so you have to know how to adjust your price to cover that too...good luck..karen


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Sat, 08/08/2009 - 08:16

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

i am so digusted and fed up! i am nearly in tears, i sold something that meant a lot to me and the buyer paid via paypal. now i know paypal made changes but i did not know how horrible they were.. i got together $10 to ship this item.. now mind you i sold it for $35, charged $7 for shipping and ebay is taking $11 in fees.. now i barely am making any profit on an item i let go real cheap so i can get it sold now.
anyway i literally cashed in dimes, nickels, etc. and put $10 on a debit card and went to the automated machine at the post office. I shipped the item and put the info in payal. and they are still holding my money!! i need this money for groceries, i have nothing in my house.. i could have used the $10 if i had known! so i shipped an item and still do not have the money! how is that even fair?!?! i have a paypal debit card so as soon as they release it, i will be good. i am on the phone with paypal now and literaly crying at this point.


Submitted by bea2ls on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 13:39

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

okay i am really really crying.. i shipped the item that meant a lot to me that i sold for barely anything and i still cannot get my lousy $40! i need this money and the lady on the phone barely spoken english and i can tell she really did not get what i was saying :( no offense to anyone but she really did not understand what i was complaining about! she said i have to wait either 3 days for the post office to confirm it, or 21 days total or for the buyer to leave feedback.. but that does not make sense because if the post office webpage had it confirmed today that i would not have had to wait.. so she would do it today but not tommorow??? and because i am so stupid and spent my last $10 to ship this thing on an automated machine, who knows when they will update their webpage..
again, how is that fair?!?! the buyer might get the item and never leave feedback, therefore in a sense it was stolen from me.
i used to sell on ebay a lot and i offer fair prices for quality items and i properly will never do this again.


Submitted by bea2ls on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 13:50

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I don't understand-who is holding your money--pay pal?? As you know, I do a fairly big business with EBAy. The only time my money is held up,is if it is with someone paying by E Check--then I have to wait for it to clear before I get my money--that's why I won't accept E Checks.

AS far as you can't get paid until you get feedback,is wrong--alot of people don't leave feedback,or leave it late.

When others pay me via pay pal-it is in my account immediately after they send it--try to keep calling until you get someone that can help--they also have "live help" on ebay, maybe someone cna help there----good luck..karen


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 08:25

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

paypal is holding my money, they say they will do this for three days after status on the united state's post office changes to "delivered" they said it is because i have a high risk item, i checked the list and do not see how a purse is considered high risk??? perhaps it is because i have not sold in awhile? i talked to two customer service reps and got the same answer.. i do not understand, i have a paypal debit card and never had this problem before! i really need the money :(


Submitted by bea2ls on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 09:04

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

they still will not release my hold.. they said it is per agreement with ebay. i really love the purse i sold.. i let it go for $35, even though I paid about $150. my goal of doing this was for it to sell faster but why bother? i regert selling it so badly, i need that $40 and it is really like it was stolen from me..


Submitted by bea2ls on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 12:53

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

ugh, still no money.. it was delievered today!! Paypal said this is to protect the buyers and I have to wait either three days or until positive feedback was left. That is probably why the poster in this thread was asked to leave feedback, because they did not get their money! I am not about to ask for feedback to be left, I feel funny doing this but c'mon now.
They said they can hold it for 21 days but will most likely give it to me on Saturday. I really just want to cry! :'( I need this money so so so badly..
I have another update! I am really only doing this to warn others.. the latest I could possibly need this money is by Saturday.. as long as it has been delivered today that will be fine. But she was not home to pick up the package. Sooooo i have to wait until Sunday now-- a day too late. I am heartbroken, I did not even want to sell this purse! :( So I did I left her a polite message asking her to please leave feedback when it was received. I hate to be a jerk, but me paying the bill relies on her feedback. I am going to sell on amazon from now on this is just crazy to me! I actually filed reports with the BBB against ebay and paypal. I would not recommend ebay to anyone anymore.


Submitted by bea2ls on Wed, 08/12/2009 - 12:10

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I will be honest with you, I think the Paypal policy of holding funds is ridiculous. I've been a victim of it myself. must be said that this DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH EVERY TRANSACTION - only a select few. I've sold for years and only had it happen once since they enacted their new policy.

The item you sold - a purse - must have been a designer name brand item, right? That's what triggered it. There have been so many cases of fraud and imitation items being sold as the real thing, that Ebay and Paypal have basically slammed the door on those items, making those who sell them prove their identity, the authenticity of their item as 'the real thing' (like a Coach purse), and holding their funds until the customer confirms the item was received.

Unfortunately, selling on Amazon, filing reports against Ebay and Paypal with the BBB....none of this will help you get your money out of Paypal any sooner. It's a company policy, and a BBB report will not help to change it.

I do hope you can find a good place to sell, and I'm sorry you're finding this so disappointing. You might want to stay away from selling items that create such problems - making money on Ebay is possible, but you have to know what you're getting into when you do it. No offense, but did you read the rules about selling the type of item you sold before you listed it? I'm pretty sure they mention the fact that this sort of item is subject to the payment hold by Paypal there.


Submitted by SUEBEEHONEY70 on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 09:49

( Posts: 4583 | Credits: )

I did make a little progress, paypal said that they will release it when it is delievered, rather than three days after that. or when she recieves feedback. but still, they left a notice for her and she chose not to pick it up yet from the post office. how is that my fault?!?!
they said this is because my feedback score is less than 100. what does that mean? less than 100 items were bought/sold? or is it that one negative feedback a buyer gave me over a misunderstanding and edited her wording but did not change it to a positive?
i know complaining will not do much but it made me feel better ;)
it is crazy.. i never did anything bad to a buyer, i ship my stuff on time, i give honest, fair prices.. i do not see why they are treating me like a criminal!


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 09:56

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Search the feedback boards--if you have less than 10 feedback--eBay will hold the funds until the buyer leaves you a positive---if they (buyer) do not do that you can go through a process of providing delivery confirmation through pay pal and have the funds have to do the work NOT them!!!!..where is the new eBaylike site? someone out there should be able to create a new environment for honest sellers to fleee the site as a mass exodus and thrive without all of the new rules regulations and outrageous exorborant fees they charge small sellers while giving their "diamond" sellers free and preferences because eBay wants to prove they can out-do Amazon?---not gonna happen i.m.o.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/13/2009 - 20:24

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

i have more than ten feedback, they said it was less than 100.. i did add the tracking number but they said they still hold it three days after delievery or until the buyer leaves feedback. without tracking info, the hold is twenty one days.
i did get the funds released, the buyer was nice enough to leave feedback asap.


Submitted by bea2ls on Fri, 08/14/2009 - 05:49

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

i have to say im one of them. I was making a little money on ebay selling handcrafted necklaces and braclets and sort. and frankly till i paid the fees and i mailed the stuff i was barely breakin even. everything has just gotten to expensive to sell on there now. i had a store open and till i paid the monthly fee, my materials, and sort it just wasnt worth the aggervation any longer.


Submitted by love_my_things on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 06:11

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )

i agree, i will never ever sell on ebay again.. i let go a treasuered item because i needed the money.. whatever that's my fault, but i mean they charge so many fees and paypal holds money unless you sell a lot of things (and how can i sell more things if it is this frustrating???) and the buyers are pretty difficult these days. i notice that many will not bid unless you practically give something away and ebay as well as paypal only caters to the buyers.


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 12:12

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I was a silver power seller on ebay and made a lot of money before it went sour and got flooded with people try to make a profit on shipping only. I am actually planning on writing a book about it titled "You Got What for That?" as soon as I can get a computer that will read all those old picture CDs. This Dell notebook will not play them. I have been dealing in vintage stuff for thirty plus years! I still buy stuff but just for the thriil of the hunt! I even blog about it!


Submitted by Frogpatch on Tue, 09/08/2009 - 12:36

( Posts: 5381 | Credits: )

i was making handcrafted necklaces and to sell them i could only get about 5.00 out a piece and to ship them, and pay my fees it just wasnt worth the agervation any longer. so then i started "flea market" and yard sale shopping but then i was having problems with people sayin things were arriving broke,(which it was packaged well and they refused insurance) and to keep good feedback i would do anything to keep them happy so i just thought that it was beginning to become too much aggervation.


Submitted by love_my_things on Wed, 09/09/2009 - 06:28

( Posts: 1434 | Credits: )