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Prioritizing Bills

Date: Thu, 10/02/2008 - 06:01

Submitted by bea2ls
on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 06:01

Posts: 3840 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 15

Prioritizing Bills

Hello, I have several questions. Due to missing an entire due to being sick as well as a family emergency, I am beyond broke. Today is payday but I have car insurance that must be paid by midnight or i will be dropped, a $54 ticket and rent owed. Rent was late last month by a couple of months and my landlord is already hounding me for it (the latest I can pay that is Thursday, Oct. 9).
I also owe my bank aprox $176 and I owe a food store $228 for writing a bad check. These bank problems have been going on for awhile, (its on the banking thread). What should I do? I have made about $100 towars rent but am gonna need like $500 by Thursday. Can I even do that? How should I pay these bills? I haven't paid electricty in like a month, my phone has been cut off already.
I live in a poverty-stricken area, nobody has any work for me outside my two jobs (like yard work or anything, not that people even have lawns here). The churches have been drained of their emergency funds for people. It's just bad times, I have no idea what to do. Any suggestions at all? I have been having problems with money for the past six months or so (after being homeless for a short time in 2007). I am just trying to get on my feet again like I was this past winter..

Right now I'm thinking I should pay my bills since i have a full week to raise rent. Has it been done though? I have seen posts here, including my own but never saw any when the money was actually raised. Even I postponed the rent that time. But I do not want to postpone again. I have raised $100 so far, do you think it's feasible for me to raise $500 in one full week?
For some reason, I have faith I can do this, lol. If I can manage this, the rest of the month will be easier and I can catch up with phone, electricity, etc.


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 07:51

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Have you talked to your bank about any of this recently, they might give you yet another extension.

Call and ask your insurance agent if you didn't pay your insurance, and they had to re-write your policy next month or so, how much different would the monthly cost be? Yes driving without insurance is a risk, but so is being homeless.

Have you gone by the schools to see if they have a parental mailer or something that you can advertise for babysitting?

Do you have anything at all that you could sell, even if you don't really want to? Maybe your car? Yes you'd have to walk, take the bus, etc, but then you'd have some cash to catch you up, one less bill (insurance), oh and no gas ... it might not be ideal but it might be something that would work for you?


Submitted by smo65d11 on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 09:50

( Posts: 1467 | Credits: )

Thanks again for responding. I'm guessing you think rent should be #1? It's funny, I was at 711 and I put caution to the wind and bought a scrath-off lottery ticket. I said "God, if I win something on this, it'll be a sign I can make this work". Well, it turns out i won $40. I just don't know how or what will work. I appreciate all of your helpful advice and tips. I don't know about selling my car because I am getting money in early November - a couple thousand, actually for a court case I was in back in 2005. So this really is a temporary problem, for now. Also i owe more on my car than it's currently worth so it might just push me further in debt. I just need to catch up than use the settlement as an emergency funds only, I should be okay. I know rent comes first but maybe i can somehow make this all work? I really don't know..


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 10:18

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

2,000.00, do you have documentation or paperwork to back that up?if so bring that to your bank and landlord.with that they might be more lenient.just a thought.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 10:47

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

That's a real good point. I do have documentation. I really don't think I can persuade the landlord. It's also because I'd hate to make the landlord wait. He's been really good to me and I know he has bills to pay with my rent money. But maybe I can talk to the bank? Do you think the bank will let me have more time? I'm actually probably getting $3,000. I guess the main point being made here is to let the bank wait? I have gotten together money in a time crunch before but it was always less than this.


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 11:00

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

if you can pay the landlord i would do for the bank.i would speak to these times i think if you can show them you will make good that might help you.


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 11:04

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

Thanks so much, I always appreciate and value everyone's advice here so much. I can def make rent with this check, in fact I can even make rent, pay the parking ticket and probably swing the insurance. I'll still try to make money on the side somehow, but instead of using it for rent, I can pay the bank and that store as I can do it.


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 10/02/2008 - 11:11

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Update: I managed to pay everything!! I was looking through my local newspaper and saw that quite a few people were looking for people to paint their houses. Luckily, I always grew up painting and repainting my bedroom (like every three months or so!) and I went for it. I made $600 doing that, and borrowed the last $200 I needed from family (I hated to ask but felt better it was only $200!)
I still have bills to pay and am always looking for ways to raise more money (btw, i ended up taking half a day from one of my jobs to do this, so it's not ideal - but it did pay the bills i needed to pay.)


Submitted by bea2ls on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 07:33

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

I am glad things are working out for you! I know for about 5 years, my husband did two jobs. It was really tough, but we managed to pull out ok. He got a part time job and when he got off his regular job, he went straight to his other job. That made for a 17 hour day sometimes, but we made it.

The second job didn't pay a whole bunch, but it helped pay bills and get caught up.

Things are really tough right now for everyone, and jobs are getting harder to find, even part time ones. Hopefully you are on your way now!!..karen :D


Submitted by Bossy4455 on Mon, 10/06/2008 - 07:50

( Posts: 5854 | Credits: )

Thanks - I feel so good, I paid everything I needed to and made arrangements for things that could be put off. I had a lot of extra bills this time around with the bad checks and banking problem so that made it even harder. Luckily, I'm getting that money next month and I really wanna put some aside in savings! It is from an old insurance claim when I was hospitalized and my company made me pay out of pocket (than in return, reimbursed me after three years!)


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 09:38

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Are you going to keep up with the on-the-side house painting? That seemed to be a really good, relatively easy and quick way to make quite a bit of money for you? Even if you just did one a month that would really help, and if you scheduled it right, you wouldn't have to take any regular work-time off. You could even do one a week! What do you think?


Submitted by smo65d11 on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 10:51

( Posts: 1467 | Credits: )