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Making extra income

Date: Mon, 08/04/2008 - 09:25

Submitted by ddg99
on Mon, 08/04/2008 - 09:25

Posts: Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 25

Making extra income

Do you know of any legitimate at home income makers? I am looking to make an extra $500-$700 pr month.

ddg99, what skills do you have?

I'm employed as an Audio/Visual Speci.alist at a college. Because of my background and education in the media field I also pickup freelance video and website design jobs on the side. It can make for some pretty crazy months, but the extra income is well worth it.

While I was attending college I'd also pick up landscaping jobs to make some extra money. Not that I had any formal training on the matter, but I have an eye for that kind of stuff and have always enjoyed it as a hobby.

Point being, do what your skills allow you to do. If you're good at something, find a way for people to pay you to do that (or those) thing.

So, start brainstorming. What are you good at compared to the average person?


Submitted by amiller2 on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 16:01

( Posts: 12 | Credits: )

i remember looking at the vitual assistants webpage awhile back (maybe a year or so ago). Does anyone know if they are legit? I also am looking for at-home income. I work two jobs and since I don't have the best of health, (and am a caregiver to family), home-based would be best.


Submitted by bea2ls on Mon, 08/11/2008 - 09:05

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

There are some places that you can apply to become a VA without paying anything, but most of them want people with experience. They also want you to have a complete home office set-up and a dedicated separate phone line for your business. It still ends up being an extra expense, and you may or may not get work with them.


Submitted by alias1958 on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 08:16

( Posts: 1230 | Credits: )

That;s true - from I've heard (from people who do work at home), the best bet is to find a local company who will set you up to work at a home-based office. I know someone who works for a travel agent and they set her up with a company computer and she works at home part-time for them. I'm sure those jobs aren't easy to come by though.. with gas prices being so high, it sounds so desirable to work from home..


Submitted by bea2ls on Tue, 08/12/2008 - 08:31

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

Believe me, i am well aware of the crappy scene of work at home scams..

I have been scammed so many times.. i guess im too trusting! Either that or i just want it to be true so bad that i make myself believe that there is no way that it could fail...

In fact im wrong 99% of the time, In my experience any "company" that makes you pay like $20, $30, or so on amounts of money, they are a scam...

What kind of job, unless you are buying into a company, is going to make you PAY them to get paid from them. It doesnt make sense to me.

Somehow i got on a mailing list for at home jobs, and believe me i get piles of these opportunities... and lately ive just been taking whatever the "Company" calls themselves and i have been typing it into google..most of the time SOMEONE else somewhere has gotten the same letter--the chances of you being the first one are very rare-- and alot of times a long post that someone put up online to warn people not to do it, and tell there experiences will come up, and you will know to toss that letter right in the trash...

I just did that today with RBM merchandising... I typed it into yahoo and low and behold they have a lawsuit against them...needless to say im not going to be sending in my $15... i wrote a not so good letter and placed it into there "business reply" letter that they sent to me to send my money back in, to make them look professional..ya right.

Well i feel better, i definately needed to vent, im in such a bad place right now, i believe i have hit rock bottom and it feels good to just get it out sometimes!!


Submitted by abbytroyer52107-d1 on Sat, 11/15/2008 - 18:55

( Posts: 10 | Credits: )

I get alot of ads, VIA the web, about making "extra Income". As I read them, they ask for a "measly amount of money to get started." Some years ago, I DID 'fall' for one of these scams. After I sent them the money, and tried to call to verify it, their phone number was disconnected and I couldn't find an address on them. These places are discusting!!


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Sun, 11/16/2008 - 05:28

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )

Hi all,

I'm a 23 year old grad student and I've got some student loans to pay off. I started searching the web one day because I wanted to find a creative way to paying off my debt.

I read this article about a woman who had about $80,000 in debt to pay off and her goal was to pay it off in 2 years. And she did! hehe, it was an intriguing article. She paid it all off by starting out with a GPT program which earned her about $1,500 a month (passively!). She then eventually became a niche blogger about her experience and hasn't looked back since.

I'm just sharing this with the folks who are interested in trying out new ways to make some extra income to pay off their debt, expenses, etc.

Feel free to visit the link in my signature for more information and proof of payment.

Hope this helps anyone.



Submitted by kevsham10 on Tue, 02/10/2009 - 08:12

( Posts: 3 | Credits: )

as much as possible never try to pay for something just to get paid. there is no assurance whether what you have paid for will pay you back too and if it will pay you more than want you invested. maybe you can do it when you are sure that the program is profitable and it does give others success. anyway, there is a lot of free offers there in the net that will gain you money but you don't need to paid for something although, it needs a lot of time before you see the results of what you have done. Right now, there's also a lot of double your money scheme and get rich scheme ads in the net so better get off on those since i will need your money and not sure if they are for real.


Submitted by ivy_tutz on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 22:55

( Posts: 5 | Credits: )

Hi All,

Our company is looking for 2-3 key people to work from home either part time or full time. Please apply only if seriously interested.

1.Great attitude
2.Willingness to learn and apply
3.Flexible schedule atleast 10-15 hrs per week.

Please contact us at Deleted -ND Also we prefer you to go through our website for a brief overview about what we do.

Please refer to the TOS - ND


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 12:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

There are so many scms out there that it isn't funny. That is how they make their money by scamming those of us that are trying to better ourselves.

I am just going to throw this out there in case anyone is interested, and this is very legit and many people already know the products. I have become a Pampered Chef consultant. Yes, there is a small start up cost, but you get all the back in your kit with products and tools. The initial kit costs $155 (get $500 work of products and tools) but thru June, they have what they call a mini kit which is $65 (get $200 worth of products & tools). There is the potential to earn a 6 digit income. I have only been in it for a few months but have made some money off of it. Those people that want to work from home, or need some extra income, this might help. I can give any one interested more information and my website address to get more informantion. Like I said, I just wanted to throw this out there as something that is legit, can be worked around your own schedule, something you can't get fired from, and has good earning potential. For me, it was one of those things that I liked the products and felt I had nothing to loose and if I made it great, if not, well, I had some really neat kitchen stuff that cost me a lot less than if I bought everything separate. Plus there was alot of things I could use on my taxes. Went to Ohio to visit some friends, she had a party for me, so got to use the trip as a write off. Going to VA Beach in Sept. Something to think about anyway and let me know if you want more information.


Submitted by 2nband on Tue, 05/19/2009 - 12:50

( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )

Bea2ls ~ You probably know more people than you think. As far as the start up kit goes, for what I got for, yeah, I would say it was worth it. If you took the cost of the items individually, you would end up paying more than you do with the kit and like I said, from now thru June they have the mini kit. If you would like, PM me your phone number and I can give you a call and try to answer all your quesions. That might be easier than me trying to go into a lot of stuff on here. There is no pressure or anything like that, I can just answer your question.



Submitted by 2nband on Wed, 05/20/2009 - 21:07

( Posts: 2277 | Credits: )