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Junk Mail?

Date: Tue, 04/21/2009 - 08:37

Submitted by smo65d11
on Tue, 04/21/2009 - 08:37

Posts: 1467 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 14

Junk Mail?

found this on work4jbs dot com/jbs/junkmail .htm

Junk Mail

Thank you for your interest in our junk mail position. This is a unique position that you will not find anywhere.

JB Marketing Services wants your junk mail! Here's the basics. Everyone receives junk mail. All you do is save up your junk mail, and send it to us once a month. If there is personal information that you wish not to be on it such as your name or address, you can white it out. Please do not blacken it with a marker as you may accidently blacken out the backside and some of the wording. We are also wanting the envelope it came in, if a letter.

What we're looking for
Mortgage letters/offers (Except citifinancial offers)
Products such as insurance (Except auto), security systems, ect
Other junk mail/mailers such as if you are going into foreclosure i.e. solicitations

What we're NOT looking for
Credit card offers
Any work at home opportunity booklets
Anything from citifinancial
Car dealership flyers
Cell phone offers

Basically, we're looking for junk mail that is offering services. Along with the junk mail, may be a quick survey that you'll need to fill out concerning the junk mail that you received.

Must send a minimum of 25 seperate mailers
Maximum once a month per household
Ship via US Media Mail ONLY
Fill out quick survey which will be sent to you upon approval of application
Invoice for junk mail and postage must be included
Not everyone will be approved instantly
This is a work at home position
You will receive $5/month per shipment (Average of 20 cents per mailer), plus reimbursement for postage
Envelope is a business expense and can be written off on your taxes. You can buy a package of 10 large envelopes to ship in for $2 at Wal-mart.

Why participate in this? Why not? Not only does this cut down on your trash a little, you will be recycling your junk mail, while making a little money on the side. There's nothing to lose except for junk mail, so apply today!

Questions on application are somewhat personal. All information is kept confidential and will never be shared with anyone. Information is needed to help select a variety of families participating to ensure a wide selection of junk mail being sent in. This way, we're not going to get the same thing from everyone.

not so good, thanks for your input. to be honest i do not think it would be something I would be interested in (seems like too much work for the money, but to be honest though i am pretty much desperate). but i did not think of that aspect.. i sold books back to websites using media mail and i know it's slow but did not know magazines could not be sent that way.


Submitted by bea2ls on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 05:52

( Posts: 3840 | Credits: )

i love how they kinda emphasize they want nothing to do with CITI.LOL!!!!


Submitted by paulmergel on Thu, 04/23/2009 - 06:27

( Posts: 15514 | Credits: )

I received my first check back at the end of July, I forgot to send the envelope for 2 weeks after my last post. It took about 2 weeks to receive the payment, but like a dummy I can't remember how much the media mail postage cost me. The check was $10.15 so either the postage was $5.15, or they paid more than $5.00.

As long as I don't take an extra trip to the post office, to me the $5.00 for a couple of minutes effort is $5.00 further towards paying my bills off, so its worth it IMO.

I'll be sending my next envelope this weekend, I have just been sticking all of my junk mail in one spot for a while so it will be easy to fish through and put the grouping together. I want to make sure to pick lighter things this time, I think I put too many heavy things which pushed the postage cost up quite high. I'll keep better track of when I mail, what the postage cost was, and whent he check arrives for you all.


Submitted by smo65d11 on Fri, 09/18/2009 - 10:07

( Posts: 1467 | Credits: )


Originally Posted by love_my_things
i would be interested in that considering i have a TON of junk mail every week but it does seem like a lot of work for 5.00 a month. its easier to just burn it in our outdoor furnace. but if they uped the price to maybe 10 i would consider it for sure!

Originally Posted by love_my_things
i would be interested in that considering i have a TON of junk mail every week but it does seem like a lot of work for 5.00 a month. its easier to just burn it in our outdoor furnace. but if they uped the price to maybe 10 i would consider it for sure!

Thank you to those who have participated in this program! For the one that posted "Sounds like a scam", just because you've never heard of something, doesn't mean it's a scam. I pay for the junk mail, out of pocket, for a recycling thing. I have a sister that has downsyndrome. We live in the middle of nowhere, and this gives her something to do, opening, sorting, ect. I make absolutely NO money on this at all. I'm getting about 50-75 of these a month. In this economy, earning enough to pay one's bills is tough enough. I can't afford to give anyone $10 plus the postage because..That's too much $$ for something coming out of my own pocket. Sometimes I do just round the number up just to make the payment an even number. There have been a few people sending in their mail every month for almost a year, when I started this.

I did have a second purpose for the junk mail, which is why I didn't want the Citifinancial stuff. However, about 1 week into doing this, I decided not to pursue it, and just give it to my sister for something to do. She can't read, so your personal info, she wouldn't know what it was any ways. I get enough of my own junk mail, so you can be sure that I'm not going through all of it writing down personal info. I don't even "pick" out people anymore, I changed it to a auto-add so you get all the info after you fill out that "application screener". I honestly haven't even looked at that in 6 months. I just get the mail, then send the checks at the end of the month.

The comment on the media mail, I was not aware of that, that's why it said to send it media mail. I thought, "It's just mail". Ok, parcel post. The first month I did it, I had people sending it overnight and priority mail. As you can imagine, that cost added up VERY quickly since I'm offering to reimburse postage as well.

If you have any questions, my personal email on yahoo is blueabe162 That's a dot com, I'm in Michigan. :-)



Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 12/11/2009 - 13:40

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )