Ebay question
Date: Thu, 06/05/2008 - 08:10
Submitted by sbillingsley90
Thu, 06/05/2008 - 08:10
Total Replies: 10
Ebay question
hey sbillingsley - It depends on HOW worn the clothing is, a
hey sbillingsley -
It depends on HOW worn the clothing is, and the brand name.
I would say do some research before going further. Go to Ebay and do an advanced search - enter your item in the search window (for example, Daisy Kingdom Dress 6X), and then click on "advanced search" next to the search window. Once the new menu opens up, click on "all items ending in the last 30 days" and "items with bids only". This will bring up all items ending in the last 30 days that actually sold, and it will tell you how much the items went for. That will give you a good idea of whether the items will sell or not.
If you have a large number of dresses all in the same size range (or within a size or two of each other - say, size 6X to 8), then you might consider listing them as a 'lot'. I find that clothing lots do very well, as long as the clothing is of decent quality, with good brand names and is not damaged, excessively worn, or stained.
You need to examine the clothing VERY closely, and disclose any flaws you find. The last thing you want is for a bidder to leave you negative feedback because an item you sent them was missing a button, had a stain, or had a torn or pulled seam that you didn't notice and didn't mention in the listing.
I don't recommend putting things that you would consider "playclothes" on Ebay - the rule of thumb should be, if YOU wouldn't buy it, don't put it on there. If the clothing is worn enough that you wouldn't consider buying it for school clothing, then don't put it out there. It's not worth it. You'll end up paying seller's fees for items that don't sell.
Let me know if you have any more questions, I'll be glad to help! :D
Hey Sbillingsley - What types/sizes of girls' clothes are you
Hey Sbillingsley -
What types/sizes of girls' clothes are you looking to move? I have a 6-year-old daughter who might just be up for some pretty 'new' duds.
There ya go, sbillingsley - might not even have to list them! :
There ya go, sbillingsley - might not even have to list them! :-)
FWIW, I also have two boys, ages 4 and 7. They wear clothes, too
FWIW, I also have two boys, ages 4 and 7. They wear clothes, too.
I LOVE THIS!!! Hey ya suebe and unclewulf.... Anyone inter
Hey ya suebe and unclewulf....
Anyone interested in very good in origanal plastic cases videos?
To the Ebay Queen and Ebay King...
I salute you :P :D :!: :!:
I have a 10 year old girl that we have sizes 7 to 8 clothes for.
I have a 10 year old girl that we have sizes 7 to 8 clothes for. And I have 2 boys that range in the same age as you mentioned. You can email me at (contact via PM for e-mail addy - removed for your protection -Suebee) if you want me to send you more info. THANKS
sbillingsley - I removed your e-mail address for your protection
sbillingsley - I removed your e-mail address for your protection - we have a LOT of people viewing this board at any given time, and putting your e-mail address out there for everyone to see is not a good idea - you might get e-mails you don't want!
Since you are a member, you can have members PM you, and you can give them your personal e-mail address from there.
Hope you don't mind. :-)
no. I appreciate it. Thanks. I am still n ew to this and just
no. I appreciate it. Thanks. I am still n ew to this and just trying to learn the ropes. I appreciate your concern.