cyber begging - does it work?
Date: Tue, 04/28/2009 - 18:35
cyber begging - does it work?
I plan on blogging about how I got myself into this mess. Never thought I'd be here! I'd appreciate any donations - even if it's a dime (or penny) at Every little bit will help - and I will definitely return the favors when I get back on my feet. I never intend to use a credit again - ever - for anything!
Most of the people here are in a similar situation, some better,
Most of the people here are in a similar situation, some better, some worse, but, I do hope you receive relief somehow, unfortunately I am not able to help you, I can't even help myself right now. :?
i am in a horrible situation myself :( i have no idea if cyber
i am in a horrible situation myself :(
i have no idea if cyber begging works, my guess would be no as I think people have so little money these days that they would not spare to someone who might be making everything up..
but this board does give great advice and can help you with chase and bank of america. seriously, this board has changed lives!
Cyber begging has been succesful for a few who have started webs
Cyber begging has been succesful for a few who have started website with names like and know the secrets and hard work of driving traffic. is good but not in this economy as there is so much competion for money. You can find work at home jobs that are independent contractor, commision only jobs. They will earn you a couple of hundred a week at best but they are not visable to unemployment if you are still collecting! Try Craigslist but be very skeptical! The site is loaded with scams and cons.
I don't give to those type of sites. They could easily be lying
I don't give to those type of sites. They could easily be lying, not saying you are but you never know who or what is behind it. I just don't trust it.
I wouldnt give to those types of never know if it i
I wouldnt give to those types of never know if it is a scam or not. If I want to give money, I will give it to a local church or food shelf.
Why cant you get a job with your financial situation??
i do not agree with those sites neither :( but what really ma
i do not agree with those sites neither :(
but what really makes me sad is that the problems the original poster mentioned are all debt related and we could really help him here.
Does Cyber Begging Work
I really appreciate everyone's feedback. I didn't think it would work - but thought I'd ask if anyone tried it. As for the question about debt problems and getting a job - most companies do credit checks now and if you are 90 days or more past due, it's highly unlikely that you will be considered for any job that involves money or personal information - which covers just about anything. You'll get turned down for being either over-qualified or under-qualified.
I'm just looking for ways to get some money.
Do people in this community support one another by going to a member's blogs on other sites and clicking on AdSense Ads? Just a thought ....
Thanks again
dobieg - if you keep looking you will be okay. many, many people
dobieg - if you keep looking you will be okay. many, many people have bad credit and found jobs. do not give up! :)
as for going on other's blogs and clicking ads, i do not know. i do not do that, i mainly come here to get advice and try to help and encourage and support people who need advice. you can make money from posting here with debtcc points, but i do not think anyone here really depends on them.
this board has been a lifeline to me.. i really meant it when i said you should post and ask about your debt problems.. the wonderful people here can really help you sort all of that out. seriously, that is what we do here..
I've never tried Cyber Begging, even though I'm desperate enough
I've never tried Cyber Begging, even though I'm desperate enough, lol. I just never thought it would work. I've seen people's ads online before like "help! I need money!" and stuff like that, but I've never helped anyone else like that online, so I don't think anyone would help me.
I saw someone mention Craigslist, but the competition for jobs is ridiculous. I've replied to hundreds of job ads on Craigslist for part-time work, and work on the weekends, even stuff I'm more than qualified for, and I never get a response! Not even a "we've already hired someone" response. It's ridiculous.
I guess I just don't feel like putting my business out there and then asking people to give me money. I know I've made mistakes and I'm trying to learn from them all, but I just need money, not to put my whole story online, lol. I could tell my story and probably make people feel sorry for me, but that's just not me, so I would probably never try Cyber Begging.
Frustrated and ready to give up!
Cyber begging sites don't work so I wouldn't waste time trying to get donations. All I ever got was scams offers flooding my inbox everyday! It's a shame people seek out other people that are desperate for money and try to take advantage of them. I was trying to find a way to reach philanthropist that want to help individuals in need. I was willing to provide proof of the debt and even offer to have the donator to send the money directly to the creditors that I owe. I know some people may be wary of sending money to people they don't know. Can't say I blame them but I offer an alternative to that and still had NO luck! I tried a couple of very wealthy people and again NO luck! I don't know what else to do. The pressure of trying to keep up with all the bills is killing me!!
The only thing I know are those social lending websites that you
The only thing I know are those social lending websites that you could try but don't know exactly how this works.
i know people who have tried cyber begging and i am sure that th
i know people who have tried cyber begging and i am sure that the time and effort spent doing that could have resulted in earning some money the traditional way.. just a thought.
I breifly looked into a couple of the social lending sites and y
I breifly looked into a couple of the social lending sites and you do have to have pretty good credit for that. I forget exactly what the guidelines are but my scores are in the low 600's and my credit was'nt good enough.
Too Bad
There are so many scams, there are legitimate people who could use a spare dollar from someone. I just learned of the "cyber-bagging" concept and I just have to try it. My family is so desperate right now, we have a huge tax debt that has been troubling us for years, we pay a huge payment and it does nothing, to pay the principle down. Feel free to visit my site to read more about our dilemma, it truley is real.
(Link Removed by Shazzers as solicitations are against TOS rules)
Link removed. Please read TERMS OF SERVICE for a more detailed description regarding advertising. Shazzers
Was it neccesary to remove link? There was no solicitation. LOL
Was it neccesary to remove link? There was no solicitation. LOL! What a joke!
The mods here are a joke. If they dont like something or if it d
The mods here are a joke. If they dont like something or if it disagrees with what they think , they delete it.
They call this an open forum , but it really is just a forum for the mods to have power trips.
ah i see my fan is back.btw joe.your link was a solicitation,and
ah i see my fan is back.btw joe.your link was a solicitation,and to my #1 fan start another topic,so everyone can blast you like before.i found that so humorous.
Quote:Originally Posted by Joseph SalinasWas it neccesary to rem
Originally Posted by Joseph Salinas Was it neccesary to remove link? There was no solicitation. LOL! What a joke! |
I have to follow the rules of the TOS, I gave you a link to read them yourself. If you would like the link restored, send a private message to the Admin and ask permission, the name you want to contact is Vikas. I have nothing against you or anyone else, I am simply following the rules. No offense was intended.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousThe mods here are a joke. If
Originally Posted by Anonymous The mods here are a joke. If they dont like something or if it disagrees with what they think , they delete it. They call this an open forum , but it really is just a forum for the mods to have power trips. |
No power trip here, just following the rules. If you have a problem with that, contact the Admin-Vikas.
Hello, well like man of ou I never thought I'd be here... I am
Hello, well like man of ou I never thought I'd be here...
I am so desperate. I lost my job in September and am on unemployment which does not cover much at all. I did ok at first with a very small savings and unemployment but now I'm behind. My rent has to be paid this month by the 10th otherwise, I will be evicted. I have nowhere to go.
It amazes me how much assistance there is out there if you have a family even if you've had 10 different kids by 10 different men. I am almost 50 years old and have been a very productive tax paying citizen, very generous; giving to all types of causes, food pantrys, so very many things. But now that I'm in need, I can't get any help in the form of a loan because not only am I unemployed, but my credit is in the sewer. I even applied for a food assistance and you know what they gave me? $16/ month! That's it! I supposed I should be appreciative but I keep thinking of all of those taxes I've paid over the years and I know there are people who have paid NONE but the system keeps rewarding them with assistance coming from everywhere. It isn't fair and it isn't right. Between my stress; my anger, frustration and fear---I feel disgust over the way things DON"t work as they should in this country. There just isn't any assistance for people like me--single, (formerly) middle class. We are the ones who fall through the cracks. There was all of that money going to the f ing banks to bail their asses out, there is help for homeowners but what about help for renters? What about helpf for the small business owners? I'm having trouble getting jobs that I want and would be willing to take because I have a strong interest in the industry but keep being turned down because I'm "over qualifed"--even when I'm fine with the pay! Why doesn't the government do something and encourage companies to give us a chance or to start on the job training programs like they used to do in the "old days"?
I'm sorry--I needed to vent and get all of that out! Thanks for bearing with me.
I just need about 1000 people to send me $1 and that would give me peace of mind and help out more than you would know. I do have some work as an Independent contractor pending which will help me out for next month but I won't be seeing that money in time to help me out now.
If anyone can spare just $1 you can send it to my PayPal account. Please, please HELP!!!
I came to one of these sites a few years ago just to look. At the time, I was recovering from an illness and was on short term disability. I wasn't looking for money, just curious. I was a little behind on my bills but I knew there was an end in site. There was a post from a woman who said she had lost her job, (I can't remember what happened to her husband) but she had a little girl--I think about 7. They were living in her car because they were kicked out of the shelter because they had been there longer than the maximum time. She had a job interview for a waitressing job which was on the other side of town but she couldn't go because she didn't have enough gas to get here there. I read that and believed her story--I only sent her $5 because that truly was all I could spare but I hoped it would be enough to put a couple of gallons of gas in her tank and get her to her interivew. Well it was because she sent me an email to thank me. The next week, I was receiving my disability payment and I sent her another $20 or 25. I figured she could take her daughter to McDonald's or something and use some of it for gas or for whatever. The point in telling you that was that even when things weren't that great for me, I could see that I was better off than her and wanted to help. That's all I'm asking for here. There are so many other stories I could share with you like that--I'm a very generous and caring person.
I will appreciate it more than you could ever know. God Bless all of you and good luck to all of you as well.
Email address removed for your protection and per the TOS, Shazzers
I do extremely well on some of the cyber panhandling sites the k
I do extremely well on some of the cyber panhandling sites the key is not to do the pitty trip. You must panhandle online as you would on the street. I am not a bum just a budget traveler and professional street kid. On your cyber beg site add a good catch phrase "why lie its for beer" "obama says time for a change, how about some of yours" "help, so easy a cave man could do it". All are signs I have used as well and made bank. Add jokes to your begging site. Approach panhandling as a street performance and you cant go wrong. I have made up to 500 dollars a day telling jokes and doing comedy on street corners. Remember, P.T. Barnum once said make them smile their hearts will open, make them laugh and so will their wallets.
Please, help me! God bless you for your kindness.
[COLOR=black]I need help. I don't know what to do anymore... I'm unemployed and don't have money to pay the rent and other bills... If you are fortunate, please help me. Or even 1$, maybe is nothing for you, but helps my family to eat.[/COLOR][COLOR=black]Give Money To People Who Need It[/COLOR][COLOR=black][FONT="]. Thank you. Thank you so much. Who gives get more.
Maybe the site should make a new header for this type of stuff a
Maybe the site should make a new header for this type of stuff and when people want to donate they can. I would like to help the two folks listed above, but do not have a way to contact.
well there is a way to donate points to members here and it has
well there is a way to donate points to members here and it has been done but liss, please do not trust random people on the internet. i hate to say it, as i am also struggling so badly but you never know. it is great that you would like to help people and there are people everywhere who need help but make sure it goes through a trusty scource.
you know what is sad, is i lived in pittsburgh for awhile while
you know what is sad, is i lived in pittsburgh for awhile while tending colledge an many mornings i donated my lunch money to pan handlers an such. I was struggling myself an alot of times went with very little or no lunch cause i gave away my money. Come to find out they did a report an one of these guys was a very rich man. Here during the day he would bring in alot of money at his real job as a office executive an would dirty himself up for his night job were in fact he made more money than his day job. just simple greed. Its sad to say but im a little leary of donating my hard earned cash anymore. I felt like a fool, an struggled myself cause my heart was big.
im sure the internet is no different were people make up stories an lies to get your money.
I agree.. and I really do know how hard things are for people ri
I agree.. and I really do know how hard things are for people right now so I am not being cold.. just honest.
I have always been the kind of person that will help out anyone
I have always been the kind of person that will help out anyone I can that needs it. But that also is only if I am able to help with out putting myself or family in harms way. But I have always given to the food pantries there you can donate food items and know that they will be going to people who need the food. Or you the Salvation Army, they also provide energy assistance to those who needs it. so think and act locally.
It's not always easy, but
It's not easy being able to tell whether people are trying to scam you or not. But, here's food for thought.......If the panhandler standing on the corner is begging for money for food, you can give him food. If someone is begging for money, you need to follow your heart. You do not have to judge whether they truly are in need or whether it's a scam. It's what's in your heart that should win out. My motto has always been, 'if they do wrong by "scam panhandeling" that's on them; If I do right by giving from my heart, that's on me.' So don't let other's wrongs keep you from doing what you can - if you feel it's the right thing in your heart. You will be the one who receives a blessing for your gift.
Just my thoughts -
Now, I only wish I had the money to give........:(
i agree with alot that's being said. i do try to help out.. not
i agree with alot that's being said. i do try to help out.. not so much money as i am lacking there ;) but in time, or canned goods that i have, etc. but only when i can spare these things myself.
there are a lot of scammers out there and it's sad because they take away from help that some people really need.
Quote:Originally Posted by dobiegI really appreciate everyone's
Originally Posted by dobieg I really appreciate everyone's feedback. I didn't think it would work - but thought I'd ask if anyone tried it. As for the question about debt problems and getting a job - most companies do credit checks now and if you are 90 days or more past due, it's highly unlikely that you will be considered for any job that involves money or personal information - which covers just about anything. You'll get turned down for being either over-qualified or under-qualified. I'm just looking for ways to get some money. Do people in this community support one another by going to a member's blogs on other sites and clicking on AdSense Ads? Just a thought .... Thanks again |
It's not as unlikely as you think. My credit is horrifying at around 500. However, I work at a bank and got the job with that credit score. I was concerned when I found that they were going to be doing a credit check and asked about it. The HR recruiter explained to me that when they look at the credit report, it's to look for anything to do with fraud. They don't care about the score.
Keep trying and don't limit yourself by not applying for jobs because you think you can't get them due to your credit score!
I know how you all feel!! Believe me, I am there and I myself ha
I know how you all feel!! Believe me, I am there and I myself have just tried a cyberbegging site too. My husband and I just started a new ministry to help people like you and myself. The problem is, I can't get it off the ground. I have put what little money I have into it and come to find out my electicity will be shut off today if I don't pay it. Now my child is going to suffer too. I am not sad, just frustrated with people who can help, but are selfish and have never been in dire straights themselves so they have no clue. They think we are all out trying to get their money. If anyone could help with even a dollar that would be greatly appreciated. and EMail me if you do, because I am doing a show this weekend and hope to get some funds ahead. My promise to you is, I will help everyone I can because that is what this ministry is about. People helping people. Personally if we all help each other with $1 we could all be ahead. You can donate over at my website and definately EMail with what you need and after this weekend, I will help you all out. God bless you all and thanks for helping with my electricity bill. And remember this, God loves a cheerful giver and he always gives it back double!! Amen to that.
i do not think that just because someone does not help makes the
i do not think that just because someone does not help makes them selfish.. a lot of people are struggling and it is not always obvious.
Originally Posted by smo65d11 have you tried to get a job and been turned down? |
Yes. I lost 2 jobs in one week exactly. One job hired me and after 3 days let me go because I did not have a 10 yr history of work with no gap and that is because for two years I've been laid off. Then I got another job offer to start Monday June 21st and lost it today because they ran a credit ck and I have outstanding payday loan and medical debt however, I tried to explain I did not get foreclosed on my house I sold it and moved in an apt when I realized I could not keep paying the mortage and I've kept same vehicle for 20 years and I have not had a bank loan or major bad credit and I asked and than started crying how am I supposed to pay my creditors if I cannot get a job? The HR lady said, "I don't know and sorry, good luck." I am suicidal. I have no family to move in with and by July 1st since congress won't pass Tier 5 I will be evicted and I've lived in same apt for 7 years I stopped by managers office and asked if I could speak to Owner who lives in different state and told no. I was told if I break lease and do not stay until lease is up In March of 2011 I will be sued and for attorney fees which would end up around 15 or 20 k. I asked if I could have my rent decreased for a while until I get a job since I've kept it paid and never late for 7 years and never been a problem and the mgr said, I am sorry we don't do that or we would have to for everyone. She said, she had to go to appt., left me sitting there in tears and just so sick I could not stand up and walk. I've applied for every kind of job including janitorial and avon and cleaning houses and pizza restrauants, I've begged at gas stations and offered to work any and all shifts and days. I've not got one job offer that has came through but I've passed all drug tests but now I lost a job because I did not have a 10 year job history without a gap and because of credit. I have no way or resource to pay my registration next month or rent or eat I am physically very sick and throwing up and having different physical symptoms from crying so much everyday and cannot sleep and not eating. Is there anyone to help me. I've tried the cyberbegging and cannot even login as new member. I've lost money on sites to make money from home. Nothing has worked and thats the truth. I am desperate and scared. I did not use my heat all last winter and it has still stayed cold and I get no sun in my apt. I have froze and just almost felt like I was dying from the cold and fear and depression. I have no insurance and need a doctor and denist. What do I do. Any help out there. I've told the truth. My only family is my Dad who went in nursing home last November. He is on feeding tube. He is 88.
Let me introduce myself, My name is Todd I reside in Chicago and
Let me introduce myself, My name is Todd I reside in Chicago and I am suffering from the collaspe of the economy. I have applied for over 1000 jobs and have not had permanant employment since July 2008 my unemployment exhausted in May of 2010 & I am still not employed. I have managed to maintain with freelance work & short term contracts. I am looking for the support of the world wide web to donate $1, $5, $10, or spare change???. whatever you can afford to give. go to
link removed - Jason
It works only when you're being able to prove your identity alon
It works only when you're being able to prove your identity alongside a major social cause for which you're begging on-line. Other wise, I don't think it will work.
There is a New Begging Page I found
It worked for me a few years ago when I was really down and out. Some of them charge. Can you believe that. You have NO MONEY and they want you to pay. Too Funny. There is a new one here: Can't hurt to try. Good Luck
Link removed per Terms of Service - OG
Begging? Really...or asking help from fellow man?
I saw many responses asking why the person couldn't get a job. He explained. Debt is having an impact. It does matter if you want a good job. It is one more strike in a bad economy. House cleaning is a good way though--try it. I understand. My story is bad. I have been out of commission for the lives of my twins. That is over 12 years. After years of being told by the medical community to "deal with it," that I should give up due to multiple diagnoses. Nice! Encouraging. Fundraising, reaching up, and asking for needs works. I didn't do this, but a friend of a friend was having fertility issues. She couldn't afford them but wanted kids. I understand that. I went though it. She went to Youtube and asked. IVF was funded; ultimately an adoption was funded. It can work. Try to give information about your case, be specific and truthful. People like that and can see a lot of bs. It is insulting when it happens. That is my two cents worth.
C. Amirra:)
You are right
But sometimes the unexpected pops up and the need is urgent! What do you do then? How do you prove you are legit?