Any Suggestions? I need to make $450 in 3 weeks :(
Date: Tue, 03/24/2009 - 09:09
Any Suggestions? I need to make $450 in 3 weeks :(
it looks like i was overly hopeful for my job interview.. i tho
it looks like i was overly hopeful for my job interview.. i thought they were hiring but she said they were taking applications and if there is an opening she will call me. i do not know if i blew it or if they are really just taking applications.
i am starting to panic.. i need rent to be paid, i know i've earned more money in a shorter amount of time but i need this by march 7 and am really starting to lose hope.
i looked into being a cha cha guide, which someone mentioned here but you're supposed to take a test and i did not take it because i did not have time and now i cannot find it to take it.
ugh, i have heard of live person and got approved as a beauty expert (in my other life i talk about more than just debt and money problems lol).
i have no idea if i can find another second job, i need it to make ends meet!
you did quite well with the housepainting .... I would do that,
you did quite well with the housepainting .... I would do that, even if it is during "odd" hours!
thanks for the advice, i cannot find any work for that though! (
thanks for the advice, i cannot find any work for that though! (and believe me, i looked!)
I only have about 13 days, I think i over-estimated the time. I am really running out of hope and motivation.
I took the test to be a cha cha guide and failed :( i got approved for live person but who knows how fast they will pay and if they will give me work? i just need something rather quickly :( i feel so lost and frustrated. In the past I have done this but I had so much hope back than, now I just feel things will never work out and I am having trouble even finding motivation.
i think i might have completely ran out of hope.. i have worked
i think i might have completely ran out of hope.. i have worked a bit over time but than my bank completly messed me up and i will have to end up paying more than my over-time will even pay me.
i feel like i am one step forward, two steps back. i am filling out applications like crazy for a second job but nobody is really hiring. i know i am grateful for my first job but it does not cover my basic needs.
is there anything else i could do? i have nothing left to sell, pawn, anything... my brother was nice enough to let me sell his old PS2 (i kinda look after him) and that gave me $100 but I spent it on gas, groceries and stuff that i really needed.
1. Try doing a search on this site about odd jobs. I recall re
1. Try doing a search on this site about odd jobs. I recall reading a previous thread about how to raise $.
2. How about selling some plasma/blood. (I personally don't know how it works, but maybe someone else can share their experience.)
3. Dog sitting/walking? Baby sitting? Tutor? Try listing on Craigslist.
4. Household chores? Again, try Craigslist?
5. Contact your church...sometimes (older) members need assistance, such as cleaning, moving household items around, or even shopping (driving - actually shopping, etc).
Hope this helps.
thanks for the tips. i tried to sell plasma but the nearest plac
thanks for the tips. i tried to sell plasma but the nearest place that pays is over an hour away (i usually donate blood for free every other month but last time i went i was turned down because my blood pressure was too high. :( )
i did look over similar posts in the past, i will keep an eye out for odd jobs of any sort..
i really will not give up, i do not have much of a choice at this point, i have to keep moving on.. thanks for the suggestions, it really means a lot to me. :D
Don't LOOK for a post...POST FOR never know who m
Don't LOOK for a post...POST FOR never know who may need your services.
ohh, i meant i looked through the posts here :) right now craig
ohh, i meant i looked through the posts here :)
right now craigslist is blocked from this computer, but you're right i will defintely post tonight. i have posted about painting, which helped me out of a bind before but i will post again for more general stuff. i really am hard-working, i just feel so defeated lately.
Have you checked with any employment agencies yet? There are som
Have you checked with any employment agencies yet? There are some agencies around here that off day help, they pay by the day. You may be on the job for one day, another the next or stay at one for a while. Also, alot of the 24 hour stores around here are hiring for evenings and weekends, no one seems to want to work those hours...karenb
Thanks, i have been checking like crazy! the only temp agency th
Thanks, i have been checking like crazy! the only temp agency that pays day to day only offers hours when i am at my day job :(
i cannot work the overnight shift anywhere because i do work in the morning, but i have tried to apply to work even late nights and defintely weekends and i get no responses.
bossy, what kind of agencies are these? we have labor ready wher
bossy, what kind of agencies are these? we have labor ready where i am but to be honest, i cannot handle maunal labor (like physically, i had health issues the past year or so and i wouldn't really be able to cut it, in general) do you have any other type of agency by you? if i know what to look for, maybe i can find somewhere i could work this weekend?
ok now i am being a little more creative.. i saw an ad in the ne
ok now i am being a little more creative.. i saw an ad in the newspaper before about delivering phone books for money. does anyone have any advice on that?
or any advice on temp agencies that pays daily? i found a place called command center, which works with clerical and staffing and pays daily but there are no locations on the north east coast! does anyone know of any in the NJ/PA area?
also, and this will not help my situation now but it will in the future.. i am considering delivering newspapers. my local newspapers only lets adult drivers deliever. does anyone know if the money doing that is decent? thanks.
I don't know about your area, but we have a couple of clients wh
I don't know about your area, but we have a couple of clients who deliver the newspaper house by house in the rural areas near us, and that is the way they make their living, no other job, so I would guess it would be a "good" job?
i live in a city with many neighborhoods and houses.. i have act
i live in a city with many neighborhoods and houses.. i have actually heard they make "good money" but do not know how much that is? I found a place, Able Body Labor, I will call them when I get a chance. Apparently they do hire many many woman, though I do not know still what kind of work it is. It is over an hour away but for a one day thing it cannot hurt any? I am going to see what they do and if they work on saturdays. the thought of doing this scares me for some reason lol, i'm scared it will be awful or something. but they say they pay daily, and i need the money.. i do not expect much, like minium wage or so but a full days work will really help me.
update: able body labor is not open on saturdays. boo, the lady
update: able body labor is not open on saturdays. boo, the lady who answered sounded surprised when i called and said they do not have much office or nurse work. that's why i was scared to call! i know this isn't a "girl job" heh. but i was up for it, still will be if i find a place that is open on saturdays. i will keep looking.
How about a census taker? There have been advertisements all ov
How about a census taker? There have been advertisements all over my town for them. You could check that out maybe.
another update (i do not mean to drive anyone crazy, this just g
another update (i do not mean to drive anyone crazy, this just gives me some sort of comfort).
I called the phone book delivery people. has anyone ever done that before? seriously. they said it's possible to make $9 an hour (mind you i would be using my own gas money though) but the main catch for me is that you have to attend classes monday - friday. the classes are a half hour to 45 min and mandatory. once compelted i can start delivering right away. my problem is that i work monday to friday! i can deliever 7 days a week and probably make about $100 this weekend, but do not know when they pay even! they said it is paid when it is confirmed they were delievered. also my car is tiny which makes it hard but it is 300 - 600 addresses and i am pretty sure i could get paid quickly. my main question is does seem like a good reason to miss time from work? i could see takin a long lunch or maybe even working half a day or coming in late but i have a doctors appointment as it is tommorow! and if i push this until monday, i miss out on a whole weekend i could have been working.
so i am really confused.. they did say it is about $9 - $12 an hour and i could work both days, i just do not know if this seems right for me. it might be my only option though and i really am confused as to what to do.
census taker.. that sounds interesting, i wonder how fast they g
census taker.. that sounds interesting, i wonder how fast they get paid? i am currently looking into the jobs where people hold up the signs, i heard they get paid daily. i just got this like surge of motivation. if i believe i can make this money, than i will be able to. i will look into though, thanks!
You could get fast cash doing that and in my area, the place mos
You could get fast cash doing that and in my area, the place most people are hired thru is Labor Ready, believe it or not. Now the only bad part about getting paid daily is that you do take a bath tax-wise, as I remember from my days staffing at a nursing registry.
Have you thought about signing up for a Marketing Research focus group? They're fun, you get fed--AND you get a check, no strings (or taxes) included! I would google firms in your area and start seeing about signing up for their databases. The way it works is they call you up, screen you, and if you're what their client is looking for, you're in.
I think that most of the daily paid agencies here may be labor j
I think that most of the daily paid agencies here may be labor jobs.
A friend of mine delivered phone books, mad fairly decent, but she didn't have to attend classes. The phone books can get really heavy lifting and such,though.
I know a while back one of our schools was looking for someone to clean it at night or the evening, but there again is manual labor. Good luck..karen
in short, brief terms, can you tell us how??that works?
in short, brief terms, can you tell us how??that works?
Ok, Fundraiser 1.0 will show you how to raise $$$ from other pe
Fundraiser 1.0 will show you how to raise $$$ from other people online who are looking to raise money also. So we're actually helping each other.
Once you go to the site, you'll pay $4.99 to purchase the system. You will then have access to all the tools (just like the mattress company I told you about).?? You will choose the level of funding you need and then follow the step-by-step setup process. All the programming is already setup, which makes it easy to navigate.
Sorry but it sounds kind of underhanded. Kind of like a MLM scam
Sorry but it sounds kind of underhanded. Kind of like a MLM scam. "Buy into the system"
Migh tbe me, but I don't think that any "money making" or "fundraiser" program should not have to be bought into.
I understand your point of view, I was introduced to it by a tru
I understand your point of view, I was introduced to it by a trusted friend, so I was more apt to try it.
I assure that it's legit and not a SCAM... I don't know of any top company making money off us participating individuals...
thanks for the suggestion but i do not trust anything i have to
thanks for the suggestion but i do not trust anything i have to pay into..
some updates, i came down with the flu.. (that's why i haven't b
some updates, i came down with the flu.. (that's why i haven't been here in close to a week!)
my money making was put on hold i missed three days of work and never felt this defeated in my life.?? i already have one company i promised breathing down my neck (and i cannot reach them to make this right!)
plus my phone is about to be cut off. i had to miss an interview for a second job, it's just a really low time in my life.
i am going to have to tell my landlord i will be late. it sucks and i still need to earn money for the month but it is what it is.?? i have been late before but not since late in 2008, i think if i give him a date when the rent is paid he should be ok (i will also pay the late fee, as stated in the contract, of course).?? but i am terrified..
One more update: it seems like i have made some progress, my lan
One more update: it seems like i have made some progress, my landlord was great, he just thanked me for being so upfront. :)?? i cleared my other bills and now just need to get to work. i applied to about ten more part time jobs and will just keep plugging away and trying to earn as much as i can..
This is good.?? I know it's so terrifying to have to make that
This is good.?? I know it's so terrifying to have to make that call to your landlord.?? Your mind plays over and over the worst case scenerio.?? The when you actually speak with them its really not that bad.??
Hang in there....You seem to be doing all the right things to help get you into a better situation.
thanks, i am so scared to call my landlord! all the time, its al
thanks, i am so scared to call my landlord! all the time, its always okay, hes really nice and knows i try my best to be a good tenant but i hate doing this!
i actually made some money than i had to spend it on an urgent c
i actually made some money than i had to spend it on an urgent car repair.
i am feeling so down and so overwhelmed. i am going to pay my landlord with my whole paycheck on the 14th.. but i still need money for my phone (a necessity that i really need), my utlities bill, my heat (perhaps I can work something out with them??), my car payment, car insurance.. i have no idea where to get this from.. i keep looking for a part-time job but i do not hear from any of them..
Any Suggestions? I need to make $450 in 3 weeks :(
Offer a service and charge lesser than usual
Types of services you can try
(1) Flyers distribution
(2) Dog Walking
(3) House cleaning
(4) Lawn Mowing
You can easily make more than $450 (probably double that)
Repayment Plan
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No Soliciting or advertising allowed per Terms of Service-I just deleted certain parts on the chance you did'k know- next time the whole thing will be deleted..Bossy4455