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Fight identity theft: Monitor your credit report

Submitted by goodwill7148 on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 23:52
Posts: 5

Hello forum members, here is very helpful information on identity theft, I hope it will be helpful.

The FTC reports that it takes an average of 12 months before a person realizes that he is an identity theft victim. By that time, you would have received several calls from collection agencies about accounts that you don't recall ever opening.

So why wait until much damage has been done? Why not prevent the crime from ever happening in the first place? It is time for you to fight back against identity theft and identity fraud and take back what you have lost from these criminals.

A credit monitoring service is your alternative to making sure your information is protected from these criminals. The service will alert you, generally daily or weekly, to changes in your credit. By doing so, it will help you stop the theft before it gets out of control.

This is not to say that the credit monitoring service is the one sure method to prevent identity theft. However, it does play a vital role in reducing the impact or damage that identity theft has on your credit and your good name.

Monitor your credit report at


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Hi Dan

It was indeed a great advice. Many of us do not bother about the errors in the report; we are simply concerned with the score. But it is very important to fix those inaccuracies. We should thoroughly monitor our credit reports to make sure that each and every information is correct or not. we should Check our personal information like name including initials, Jr., Sr., etc, SSN, date of birth, address is accurate or not. It's important to check for the accounts that we didn't open, credit inquiries reported as initiated by us but actually not initiated by us, and debts that are unexplained on our accounts.
With identity theft on rise, we should be more aware!!!

Submitted by Good Nelly on Sun, 08/05/2007 - 23:58

Good Nelly

( Posts: 2846 | Credits: )