FH Financial Services
Date: Fri, 08/24/2007 - 17:21
FH Financial Services
Currently using FH
I'm currently using them. Just started about 8 months ago. I've paid them a lot of fees, and they've negotiated 2 payments for me. It is a 3 year program, but it seems to take a long time. If I had more money than they asked me to set aside each month per our contract, this would go faster.
they get their money first...then it will take forever to paid your part or debts...bad bad company
i just cancelled and loss $2200.00
i am suing them
debt settt
also , i found out later...they hide info from you..then when you start paying them...all crap comes out....i prefered to start with other company that to finish with this fraudulent people...the owner is a sycho...a lier and will steal money from you..how did you pay two accounts in 8 months...unless your case was diferent..(less money) i had 55k....so the firts 5 payments are for them..them the rest they collected in the next 11 months..how in the world were you able to do that?
in my case at month # 16 they were going to have only $5500.00 available...with that money they can hardly pay one of my cards...or deal..your accounts were very low, I can see
maybe like 5k 3k ...my lowest is 9k
Everyone should check out this companies BBB report it is real g
Everyone should check out this companies BBB report it is real good so I have recommened them for all, copy and paste for their link.
have been with them 2/12 years ans am just about debt free accor
have been with them 2/12 years ans am just about debt free according to what they originally told me have reffered a lot of people and they are happy too
Mario (anonymous poster claiming to sue)
My Name is Jacob Hunt. I am the President of FH FInancial Service, Inc. The poster claiming that he is suing us and we hide from him is obviously lying. I also refunded half of his fee's back to him, we tried to transfer it back to his account but he closed his account. We did send a certified check and it was cashed. The individual who is posting these negative things about my company had his email blocked because he was sending several members of my staff derogatory and racist emails. I called Mario myself and explained everything to him several times (he has a limited english vocabulary). He said he understood everything and he was fine with it. The very next day he is sending myself and my employees derogatroy emails. There is no law suit, if I was in the business of ripping people off I would not refund his fee's. I truly believe that Mario does not understand anything even after many, many, explantions. He would rather call us liars. That is fine, our reputation speaks for itself, and everyone who has delt with the general public knows that no matter how good of a job you do, there are always "Mario's" out there. Thank you for you time. If you would like to reach me directly I am available at 866-430-5375. This is my direct line. Thank you!
Jacob Hunt
FH FInancial Service, Inc.
FH Financial
I too have had to find help with bills. This company seemed good and I of course was very scared to try it. I looked it up on the BBB and found there were only about 5 issues that were either resolved or the person did not get back to the BBB to say it was resolved. That in itself helped me feel better. Yes, you pay up front to them and then continue to save and pay. That seems strange but I am praying that it will all be okay. I asked for their service guarantee to read over first. Wish me luck as I am going to give it a try!
Just started with FH Financial.
Hi all, I have just started with FH Financial and I gotta say that reading these reviews puts me at ease a little. I am a little worried about the lack of communication though. Most of my emails go unanswered and there doesn't seem to be a lot of inner office communication between their staff. Anyone else experience this?
I too have signed contract and just started with FH Financial and have had trouble getting them to return calls or e-mail. Yes I too am worried as being a disabled, Senior, Widow, living on minimum SSI the money they are taking out of my account for 3 years, each month is a bit scary if this is a fraud co,
Best Debt Settlement Company
I have been with FH Financial for more than 2 years and they are the best company I have ever dealt with. They did exactly what they said there were going to do. I have almost all of my debt paid off. I even recommended them to some friends and family and they are just as happy as I am. I highly recommend
They are a good company
I am very happy with FH, they have good customer service and I getting out of debt. I was nervous at first, but now that I am 1 year into the debt settlement program, I see how it works. I think I will get out of debt faster than what I am budgetted for cause the settlements are very low. You can trust these guys
Sorry but I must speak for the rest of the people here. Jacob Hu
Sorry but I must speak for the rest of the people here. Jacob Hunt says "our reputation speaks for itself". What reputation would that be? Your company has had 5 complaints in the past 36 months and only (1) has been resolved. You have an F rating with the BBB.
Is that the reputation that speaks for itself?
sorry FH financial,but i too am of the opinion that all people who post positive are plants.also stop posting your phone number.that is prohbited.post it again your post is gone again.do not try to discredit the BBB in reference to your company.quite a few places that do debt management,settlement,and consolidation have great BBB ratings.
Web email from them
I'm writing on behalf of my friend since she is scared to use her internet anymore. FH Services sent her an email with a slide show. In the slide show was kind of creepy because it contained pictures of her, pictures of her friends, and websites that she visited, and other personal information. She has no idea if this information was already on the internet or if it was just from a cookie or if somehow they "hacked" into her computer.
I know nothing about debt consolidation but it all seems weird to me that they tell you not to pay any bills for awhile, then they take all your money first. Then they may lower your interest rate but that's not even guaranteed...??? Just seems like that ruins your credit score even more.
Also, to "Maria G." you write, "they are the best company I have ever dealt with" that sounds like either you've been into debt WAY to many times or its a lie and your post is a plant.
well i am not real pleased with them.. i called them for help last DEC of 07. they talked me out of a bankruptcy. and now that they have finally got all there money from me i want to cancel. i decided finally that this was a HORRIBLE idea. and i lost a lot of money.. and i am praying that i at least get half of the money i have shelled out to them back. my credit is in such bad shape now . i would never recommend them to anyone.. and now i am still having to do a BK because of the mess i am in with the credit cards now..
What is BBB?
What unbiased entity can validate FH Financial Services to be reputable and their consultants?
Good Company
From my expierance, this has been a good company. I have been in there program for almost a year and have settled two of my accounts. It is going a little faster than I thought cause they settled those bank of america credit cards at 30 percent.
I hope they can do the same on my other debts...
Attorney General Action Against FH Financial Service
Texas Attorney General Charges Four Debt Settlement Companies With Unlawful Conduct
HOUSTON ??? Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott today charged four debt settlement companies with orchestrating fraudulent debt settlement schemes. The defendants??? Web sites promised that they could eliminate their customers??? unsecured debts ??? such as credit card accounts ??? in as little as three years. According to the state???s enforcement action, the defendants unlawfully misrepresented and overstated the nature of their services.
The following debt settlement companies are named in today???s enforcement action: Dallas-area based BC Credit Solution, LLC and FH Financial Service; Scottsdale, Ariz.-based Four Peaks Financial Services; and Louisville, Ky.-based DebtORSolution.
1) The Better Business Bureau is NOT a government agency. Instea
1) The Better Business Bureau is NOT a government agency. Instead the BBB is a private 501(c)(6) organization with $143 Million in annual revenues derived from membership dues it receives from the very businesses it reports on.
2) Attorney General questions new BBB Grading System. The Connecticut Attorney General is looking into the practices of the Better Business Bureau after they gave their annual Torch Award for Best Business to Custom Basement, a firm under investigation for violation of consumer protection laws.
3) U.S. Representative says BBB negatively classify businesses they don't like. Addressing Congress, US Representative Corrine Brown said some BBB's libel and slander small businesses they don't like while rating other companies with terrible records as being satisfactory.
4) Membership in the BBB guarantees a better grade. By their own admission, membership in the Better Business Bureau improves a business' grade. Calling this a membership service is a misnomer, it more closely resembles an advertising service where "members" pay to play.
5) Even the Better Business Bureau is NOT a member of the BBB. Not only does this exhibit a lack of confidence in their own product, it makes it impossible for anyone to complain about the Better Business Bureau to the organization.
If you had to be talked out of bankruptcy, doesnt that mean that
If you had to be talked out of bankruptcy, doesnt that mean that you already had bad credit? So how did they make your credit worse? FH Financial has a money back guarantee. It sounds to me that your post is fake and makes no logical sense.
I would have to concur with above. If you were thinking of filin
I would have to concur with above. If you were thinking of filing Bankruptcy your credit would already I have to be bad. Also, in no way shape of form to they promise to ELIMINATE your debt. Settlement is a Negotiation process and it takes a while. They are in essence working to decrease the amount that you owe...NOT eliminate it. Get an education people...
I would have to concur with above. If you were thinking of filin
I would have to concur with above. If you were thinking of filing Bankruptcy your credit would already I have to be bad. Also, in no way shape of form to they promise to ELIMINATE your debt. Settlement is a Negotiation process and it takes a while. They are in essence working to decrease the amount that you owe...NOT eliminate it. Get an education people...
If you settle your debt and pay it off, is the debt not therefor
If you settle your debt and pay it off, is the debt not therefore eliminated?
Hello can someone tell me why no one has gone after these people, 56 Dallas BBB Complaints - Government Actions to Desist and Refrain all business in the State of California, Complaint after Complaint everywhere, When is Somebody going to do something about this. All I read is these other companies are being Investigated What about these people they have ruined so many lives.
Just another fake review
FH Financial Services is just two guys, ex-subprime unemployed mortgage brokers who decided to get into the "helping debtors not pay their creditors by paying them(FH Financial) instead" business. They go around on various blogs and forums posing as happy customers, leaving positive reviews. Avoid if you have an IQ above 60.
Mountain View Financial Group Inc, Based out of Delaware, Debt By Debt Settlement Services Dallas, My Debt Hurts Dallas, Love that one like they even care, And of course Bella Financial Inc Dallas, And Bella Financial Dallas, Why so many different names we ask we all know the answer to that one.
anyone that starts and does not finish
the program will most likely not get the desired results, duh!! That is your fault not theirs.
[samebox:3f9486d5f5="paulmergel"]people don't get the desired results because they are a scam.therefore it is their fault..shill.[/samebox:3f9486d5f5]
Bella Financial Inc
Bella Financial Inc are the same company as Mountain View Group Inc one is in Texas and one is in Delaware
Hello j2 does Bella Financial Inc still exist or did they file f
Hello j2 does Bella Financial Inc still exist or did they file for bankruptcy because of all of their scams
Hello does Bella Financial Inc still exist or did they have to file Bankruptcy for all of their scams
My Husband used FH Financial, they took all of his money, and hi
My Husband used FH Financial, they took all of his money, and his credit is MUCH worse, because they had him stop making payments!! This company is awful, please do yourself a favor and go with some one else. I don't know about you, but we cannot afford to make payments to a scam artist for over six months, while our credit hits rock bottom, only to find that they have done absolutely nothing.
Is anyone going to go after Bella Financial Inc because if you a
Is anyone going to go after Bella Financial Inc because if you are we all would like to take part in it they are a RIPOFF
How can Bella Financial Inc - Mountain View Financial Group - Mi
How can Bella Financial Inc - Mountain View Financial Group - Michael Hauser stay in business and keep getting away with these scams and nobody does anything to stop them
Bella financial inc, mountain view financial group
These companies are all the same people just scamming everyone with broken promises they just ruin peoples lives and take your money and laugh all the way to the bank the owner Michael Hauser just plays golf and poker all day and his cohorts bow to his every whim and still no one will stop them they have been doing this for years and getting away with it TOTAL SCAM
ca u trust these people, they ask alot of financial personal a/c
ca u trust these people, they ask alot of financial personal a/c ...(a/c #s and stuff) in other words all ur acounts, how much u have in them and for then u draw money directl from your a/c.
Happy Son
My mother had to move in with me 4 years ago because her debt got out of control after a divorce. She was paying over $1,200 a month on high interest rate cards and getting nowhere. She is now 100% free of her credit card debt, and moved out of my house about 2 weeks ago. I will admit I was skeptical when she told me her solution was going with a settlement company. But FH Financial set her up with a payment under $700 a month and she was out of debt in less than 3 years. This program literally gave both of us our lives back and we have recommended Fh to both friends and family members. I would recommend fh to anybody who is struggling with debt. Thanks FH!!
*****WARNING TO ALL CONSUMERS!!!!This site is a SCAM!!!!!!It is
*****WARNING TO ALL CONSUMERS!!!!This site is a SCAM!!!!!!It is NOT ACCREDITED WITH THE BBB IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. THE ATTORNEYS GENERAL OFFICES OF 40 OF THE United States are currently in the process of prosecuting this company for fraudulent business practices!!! Do not believe anything they say!!!!!
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousHas anybody used FH Financia
Originally Posted by Anonymous Has anybody used FH Financial Service for debt settlement? fhfinancialservice.com/ It looks like one of the better sites, but I still am apprehensive about the whole process. |
Yes, And so have many, many others, however, *****WARNING TO ALL CONSUMERS!!!!This site is a SCAM!!!!!!It is NOT ACCREDITED WITH THE BBB IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM. THE ATTORNEYS GENERAL OFFICES OF 40 OF THE United States are currently in the process of prosecuting this company for fraudulent business practices!!! Do not believe anything they say!!!!!
Quote:Originally Posted by anonymousmy mother had to move in wit
Originally Posted by anonymous my mother had to move in with me 4 years ago because her debt got out of control after a divorce. She was paying over $1,200 a month on high interest rate cards and getting nowhere. She is now 100% free of her credit card debt, and moved out of my house about 2 weeks ago. I will admit i was skeptical when she told me her solution was going with a settlement company. But fh financial set her up with a payment under $700 a month and she was out of debt in less than 3 years. This program literally gave both of us our lives back and we have recommended fh to both friends and family members. I would recommend fh to anybody who is struggling with debt. Thanks fh!! |
******this lie was posted by an employee of fh financial!!! ************
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousI'm currently using them. Ju
Originally Posted by Anonymous I'm currently using them. Just started about 8 months ago. I've paid them a lot of fees, and they've negotiated 2 payments for me. It is a 3 year program, but it seems to take a long time. If I had more money than they asked me to set aside each month per our contract, this would go faster. |
***F H Financial is being sued by over 43 State Attny General Offices currently, for fraud***
Well, "Mr. Hunt"...
Originally Posted by Anonymous Hello, My Name is Jacob Hunt. I am the President of FH FInancial Service, Inc. The poster claiming that he is suing us and we hide from him is obviously lying. I also refunded half of his fee's back to him, we tried to transfer it back to his account but he closed his account. We did send a certified check and it was cashed. The individual who is posting these negative things about my company had his email blocked because he was sending several members of my staff derogatory and racist emails. I called Mario myself and explained everything to him several times (he has a limited english vocabulary). He said he understood everything and he was fine with it. The very next day he is sending myself and my employees derogatroy emails. There is no law suit, if I was in the business of ripping people off I would not refund his fee's. I truly believe that Mario does not understand anything even after many, many, explantions. He would rather call us liars. That is fine, our reputation speaks for itself, and everyone who has delt with the general public knows that no matter how good of a job you do, there are always "Mario's" out there. Thank you for you time. If you would like to reach me directly I am available at 866-430-5375. This is my direct line. Thank you! Jacob Hunt FH FInancial Service, Inc. President |
****if you are really him, You can't even spell, or use spell check?(LIAR)"
You're not the president of the FH Financial, you may be an empl
You're not the president of the FH Financial, you may be an employee trying to create "job security", or do they pay you to right these fake letters there? I would'nt doubt it...after all, they are being sued by over 43 State Attorneys General Offices, as we speak!! Good luck with that job security!!! What goes around comes around...:D