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Avante USA help!

Submitted by catgir on Sat, 07/30/2011 - 11:32

Well I went to a college and had left due to the fact I had to take out another loan to go. I left but the put me back on so I had an extra debt cause they did that. I had been through another debt company in Ohio which I was paying with for awhile. Then they stopped contacting me for awhile. A year later or so I got an Avante USA person that called. The person was really nice and worked with me on getting the debt paid off. Then after a few months I didn't get contacted from them. Then after that another person calls, she was terrible at even listening to me period. She did try to help by lowering payments and all, but after a few months the college told her that I was considered 'graduated' when I didn't technically graduate at all I just left the college cause they screwed me over. She got me paying $167 a month right now when I am currently looking for a job. I called Tuesday and I told her 5 times I was jobless and had no money to pay it. She told me to get money from 'friends and family' like I would beg my friends for that type of money that I couldn't pay back. She the told me to call Friday if I didn't have the money to pay it. Come Friday she didn't answer the phone and her voice mailbox that she had (having her voice on it) was gone and an automated one was replacing it saying 'The person at the extension ___ was unavailable *beep*'. I wasn't sure the beep ment it was a message I could leave or what it was. Well I called twice that day and she didn't answer. Now it has me worried that I read all this on this site about them being a scam and all, but I think my debt was correct cause I was with another company originally before being sent there. I am lost at what to do please help!

Oh I also sent the general Manager of Avante a email about what was happening.

Well I called them last Monday and had the payments stopped. I talked to a Supervisor so thank goodness he listened. The other person I talked to before called back like a few hours after I settled it with the supervisor. I was away for most of the afternoon to evening so I didn't call back. Now today I get yet another call from them. I didn't answer cause I am still poor and have no funds for it. At this point I would rather talk to the supervisor cause the other person is just obnoxious and forces me to pay it not giving me the option to pay lower payments cause I know she told me I graduated so I have to pay the amount. Should I answer it now that I stopped payments?

Oh and also to answer that I actually dunno. I checked the place I was paying online called and it said it was 'Broken Promise'. It did show the amount I paid to them made it to the exact amount listed on the site. It says the total I owe was $0.00 so I dunno if it means they sent it to another company and never told me or what happened. The first place I was with they had it from Rhett A. Plank who was a Licensed Attourney in Ohio. I have now on the payment $855.50 left to pay it off. I think it might be valid due to at least getting it paid down to this. They did mention they talked to the school and everything. I just don't have the funds and they are demanding me to wire money or pay it when I told them I don't have it.

Submitted by catgir on Mon, 08/08/2011 - 13:48


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