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Bass & Associates 866-900-7694 Bank Fraud

Submitted by PinkLady on Tue, 07/25/2006 - 06:50
Posts: 1720

Now awhile ago I posted a topic about a call I received from pre-litigations from 866-900-7694. Now today I get a call from a different lady form the same number 866-900-7694 and now she is telling me it's Bass & Associates. Seriously what is wrong with these people.
One day I get a call from a woman telling me to reach her at two 904 numbers. She then tells me she is from prelitigations/interstate wire compliance. Then the next day she calls and leaves the 866-900-7694 number to call her back on. Then today they are Bass & Associates with the same number. They proceeded to tell me i committed fraud and the papers are in the process of downloading and I will be picked up on site. She asked me if I had ever been picked up on site before. Not to mention I heard a few chuckles in the background. She told me they were going to be faxing papers over to my employers. The best part is she even gave me a case number.

Me Again, you obviously do not work for this Bass and Associates, and I hope you never do. They are breaking EVERY collection law under the sun. Is it fair to tell somebody that you have to pay an exorbitant amount of money by a certain time or the police are coming to arrest you? That is illegal, and it is called extortion and yes CA reps are being sent to jail for using such tactics. I will post a link to one such CA rep. who is doing time for such an act.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:12


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Everyone wants things their way////bottom line////you want to pay back what you want to pay when you want to pay it, not caring about the expense of the "other party"
So i ask/////what is the solution?
What would happen if no one in the world cld borrow money/////a lot of people take it for granted/it is a privlage, not a right///

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:14

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I just want to know how we as a people can fix the problem........two wrongs do not make a right, and all i am saying is who is right. I can call someone and get blasted because they are having a bad day and no it is not ok////because the law says i can not blast you back///

I hate to sound rude, but it is pretty amusing. How often have you cursed out, hung up on , or disrespected a collector or telemarketer/

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:19

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Me Again, I have never been beligerent to any of my debt fact, I can never get word in with some of these collectors. When I try to work out a settlement or explain what had happenend, they won't fact I get hung up on. I have dealt with polite, knowledgeable collectors and I am more than happy to work with them....but when they get rude, why would I want to work with that? It's the same as you not wanting to work with a consumer that is beligerant. I am sure you're not like these people at B & A...but please try to understand that most of us here are good people that are trying to do right by our debts...and we're trying to be knowledgeable in our rights so we don't get taken advantage of by rude, lying, unfair debt collectors.

Submitted by kjensen on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:21


( Posts: 8 | Credits: )

Oh, I have and will continue to hang up on telemarketers, and don't judge everybody here. I will work with a collector should one call me. But the minute somebody calls me and already has a preconceived idea of who they think I am and have this attitude, well that said person shall get the attitude right back. I do NOT get rude just because I have had a bad day. And in the line of work I do, I get threatened everyday by actual criminals, so I have no sympathy for anyone who sits on the other end of a phone and gets hurled insults. I get them to my face and these people follow through with their threats, but hey, I like my job, it comes with the territory.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:25


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Why don't we start a fund to help people here take care of dbts. We can start by sacraficing 5-25.00 a month and we can have a drawing once a month//// the moderators or myself can cll and negotiate settlments with the debt collectors and get some bills paid////no one not no one here should say no/

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:33

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ME - I hear you, and I agree. It's always the few that ruin it for the rest. For every good collection company, there is a bad one. And to mirror that, for every good debtor, there is one that expects the world but gives nothing back.

How do we fix it? got me. No matter what we do and change, it will impact someone else in another way.

How many times have I curse out a collector? I can think of once, maybe twice. Of course, the collector had called a couple times a day, and had the notes in front of them as to when the payment would be sent. Payments that we sent on time everytime. Did they need to call? No. They just were harassing me. So I let a few choice words go when they called.

Submitted by jedijeff13 on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:34


( Posts: 1734 | Credits: )

The government helps people, why can't we help each other///if we all try it could impact a lot of people.there are a lot of brains here in this forum. We should use our heads to come up with a way to make all of our lives just a little easier

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:46

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That is a really great idea. I just can't help thinking of those who would take advantage of it. Like those coming just to get their bills paid for them, telling who knows what type of fabricated story, taking away from those who truly need the assistance. I know this happens every day with govt. assitance programs, and unfortunately there probably is no true way to prevent it from happening. You have a great idea though.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 11:52


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Right now i am in a situation that will prevent me from disclosing my identity. However, i can and will help anyone i can, take care of these dbts............

Submitted by on Mon, 11/27/2006 - 13:56

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To all of my financial advisors and moderators..........what would happen in 100 people came together and sacrificed 10.00..........that is 1000.00, we can all use an extra 1000.00

Submitted by on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 06:26

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

If the radio can pay bills, so can we. We can have fun raisers and all kinds of activities to raise money, instead of sitting here talking and doing nothing.

Submitted by on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 06:34

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I really want to help....i understand all of your concerns, but the only way to make a change is to start a change. I just need to sign up///////////bottom line///im on my way

Submitted by on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 08:51

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Lets chat, brainstorm and come up with new and exiting ways to deal with the drama of debt/

Submitted by BEAUTY1217 on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 08:57


( Posts: 281 | Credits: )

Number one, this problem is just like crime in the community. The law can only control so much. When a community is tired they take the law into their own hands, some of those people are actually hero's. It is time to stand up and fight. Not with lawyers or with violence but with words,and knowledge. That is all the power we need.

Submitted by BEAUTY1217 on Tue, 11/28/2006 - 11:06


( Posts: 281 | Credits: )

I would like to know what these people are all about. I checked them out on the bbb and they have had 7 complaints on them just since september of '06'. I admit that i took out a payday loan and put a stop payment on it, but i had good reason. The loan company that gave me the loan initialized it with on amount of interest and them when they drafted the payment, they took ou way more than what was agreed to in the contract. I have no problem paying back what i owe, but just that. What i owe. Not all this extra money that they are trying to get out of me. Any suggestions???

Submitted by on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 09:22

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Call them and negotiate. Even if they don't want to listen,bug them. Someone will eventually say hey they really want to take care of it. Some of the fees are fair/Not all i agree, but in order to rectify you have to get all your ducks in a row, and start talking. Be patient, and don't let up, or let them make you mad

Submitted by BEAUTY1217 on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 11:12


( Posts: 281 | Credits: )

There is no working with this company, you need to file complaints with the FL AGs office as well as with your own state's AG office. These people will throw every illegal threat there is at you. You should also file a complaint against the pdl you are dealing with if that is what happened in your situation.

Submitted by WHEREAMI? on Wed, 11/29/2006 - 12:56


( Posts: 5263 | Credits: )

Thats cuz u dont have the right number to icollect. Instead of typing your garbage on here do some investigations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by on Thu, 11/30/2006 - 11:39

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my hubby got a call this morning from william w witherford from bass, and theygave him 20 minutes to get this takin care of and they were gonna process it. another twist to this story is they say the orginal lender was cmg who is cmg? and then cmg's lender was us national bank, and yes we have taken loans out but.. bass said that around the 13th of october is when this loan was takin out well back on oct 16 a place called fsm group put 250 in our account and we didn't ask for the money we don't even know who fsm is we filled out a fraud paper at our bank and they said it wasn't fraud, reason being i assume is because they had all our info cause my hubby filled out this generic form online to see who would give him a loan to pay these pdl off but he didn't realize it was an app for payday loans to approve you (hope that made sence).. so we had like 50 PDL places emailing us trying to get us to get money from them, but we didn't do any of them but fsm just put the money in our account on there own we didn't sign nothing. well mean while some stuff happened on our account because of this deposit so the 250 dollars was used to fix the problem they caused.. so anyway we can't even find a number for fsm, the one number i did call said leave your name ssn and then when it said the mailox was full, hmm funny huh.. so does anyone have any helping

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 14:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Don't pay them anything until they validate the debt and also the correct balance. You can't be arrested and aren't going to be charged with fraud. They are just full of hot air, and they tell everyone this. By the way, what state are you in??

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 15:03

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I am not sure. Some of the companies that I had mine with used my typed signature to finish my documents. I didn't sign anything with them either. And yes, I think that once they have your info and your typed signature, they can put the money in there. In most of their websites, it says that if you don't want the money after it is deposited, you can call them back and they will take it out. I think that it is within 24 hours. They probably thought that if you didn't want it, you would have called and told them. I am not sure if you have looked @ alot of the posts on here, but most of them are about these crooked PDL companies. If you need anymore info, let me know and I will try to help

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 15:29

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fsm group, ok so i found a number and i called it just now and its picks up and says OSL marketing only thing i can find on them is some big loan company like for homes and stuff, so i don't no who we r supposed to get in contact with..

Submitted by on Fri, 12/01/2006 - 16:55

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