How to distinguish hard and soft checks in a credit report
Date: Mon, 09/23/2019 - 22:12
How to distinguish hard and soft checks in a credit report
Soft checks don't appear on
Soft checks don't appear on your credit report and eventually, your credit score won't be affected.
But to make a hard check of your credit report, you have to give consent to it. Besides, a hard check will appear on your credit report and may slash your FICO score by 5 points!
Soft check is triggered when
Soft check is triggered when you pull a copy of your credit report. Hard check or hard inquiry is triggered when a creditor or a lender checks your credit report. They usually do that when you apply for a credit card or a loan.
Soft inqueries don't apprear
Soft inqueries don't apprear in credit report But hard inqueries appear in credit report. It will hurt your score.