How many credit scores are there that I need to consider?
Date: Thu, 12/12/2019 - 19:31
How many credit scores are there that I need to consider?
FICO credit score, TransRisk
FICO credit score, TransRisk and Vantage Score are the 2 most popular credit scoring models. But the most popular one is the FICO score model. Most lenders consider this scoring model.
As Nick Jonas said that FICO,
As Nick Jonas said that FICO, TransRisk, and Vantage Score are the popular credit scoring models in our country. But you need to consider the credit scoring models where your creditors report. So, find it out where your creditors report. And keep track of your credit score in those models.
In my opinion, FICO credit
In my opinion, FICO credit score, TransRisk, and Vantage Score are the most renowned.
Popular models are 3, FICO
Popular models are 3, FICO credit score, TransRisk, and Vantage Score. But most lenders consider FICO score.