Payments for debtcc points - September 2007
Date: Sat, 09/01/2007 - 14:40
Payments for debtcc points - September 2007
Cannr, here's your payment screenshot. You're doing good. Keep i
Cannr, here's your payment screenshot. You're doing good. Keep it up! :)
Ummm...I DID ask this before, I just don't rememeber the answer ( sorry, ya'll!!). EACH time, we get $10.00, in DebtCC poins, are we able to 'cash in'?? Or..just once per month, etc? I DO have to agree, I have ALSO gotten some very valuable help and advice from everyone. Thank you!!
the points in the user account don't go down each time a request
the points in the user account don't go down each time a request is placed for the redemption. We have our system recording all the points redemption of the members. However, if you can maintain an excel sheet, you will be assured about your points status. I think it's good to accumulate points for sometime and make the payment request. However, you can place a request anytime after having points worth $15-$20. :)
I am just so amazed with cannr and with so many other members he
I am just so amazed with cannr and with so many other members here that have a vast amount of knowledge about so much and that are helping so many people in so many ways. I just hope that I can walk the same path they are and help as many people that they have. I am so grateful and so humbled to be here, I thank god for all of us and pray to my god that he blesses us all.
thank you
luke, you make my heart melt! Thank you! And thank you to everyone else! I personally think that we have quite the community here! And, luke, you are a valuable member. I see you on here early in the AM before work! :D We are all a team & we all help each other. I think it's wonderful that I have a place to come where I have friends, support, and can help people who are feeling there is no way out. It's EVERYONE'S advice, suggestions, experience that helps these people. I'll say it again, we have quite the community here! Every single person!
Thank you Morningstarr430 and cannr, it is my pleasure and I sle
Thank you Morningstarr430 and cannr, it is my pleasure and I sleep good at night knowing that I am working through my debt and have made friends along the way. For me it is knowing that I am helping another poor soul that comes here for the first time like me, and mabye you that is scared and lost and finds their way. That is what makes my heart feel good.
all the best
You defintely have made friends here. I know I have. ladybug
You defintely have made friends here. I know I have.
ladybug :lol:
I wish we had a "friends" page where we could post our picture a
I wish we had a "friends" page where we could post our picture and write a little something about each of us..
Hi friends, I am posting a few payment screen shots of the membe
Hi friends, I am posting a few payment screen shots of the members who have redeemed their DebtCC points. I start off with Cannr :)
Thanks Mike, I thought it was $67.14, but I thank you very much.
Thanks Mike, I thought it was $67.14, but I thank you very much.
all the best,
Luke, I will PM you the calculation of how your points were rede
Luke, I will PM you the calculation of how your points were redeemed.
and ladybug Thanks to everyone for your fabulous communit
and ladybug
Thanks to everyone for your fabulous community support. You all have been simply great. Keep it up
Mike-would you please PM me as wellfor calculation of how your p
Mike-would you please PM me as wellfor calculation of how your points were redeemed so I can have it for future use...thanks! :o Thanks for everything you do for us.
Hi Pokogeo, this is your payment request. Please see the screens
Hi Pokogeo, this is your payment request. Please see the screenshot
Good job! :)
Frogpatch, please see this screenshot of your points redeemed.
Frogpatch, please see this screenshot of your points redeemed.
Well done :)
Karen, below is your payment request. Please see the image.
Karen, below is your payment request. Please see the image.
Great job :)
Tweety, I will PM you the details of your point status. :)
Tweety, I will PM you the details of your point status. :)
Thanks Mike- and Congrats to all I missed- great job- thanks for
Thanks Mike- and Congrats to all I missed- great job- thanks for helping here!!..KAren
Hi all, Here is a bunch of payments :) Sorry for posting the
Hi all,
Here is a bunch of payments :) Sorry for posting the payment snapshots in this way. I'm running very busy now. We are thankful to all the members for your contribution and helping to energize the community. Congratulations :)
Wow, You have been busy Mike! Congrats to everyone! Thanks for
Wow, You have been busy Mike!
Congrats to everyone! Thanks for your help and participation..KAren :D
CONGRATULATIONS to all I have missed!!! I have been kind of slo
CONGRATULATIONS to all I have missed!!! I have been kind of slow in things lately, so please forgive me.
here is the payment screenshot of tali1956 :) Congrats!
here is the payment screenshot of tali1956 :)
And here's the screenshot of Cannr Cannr, I wish that all
And here's the screenshot of Cannr
Cannr, I wish that all your problems get solved soon :)