Payments for debtcc points - October 2007
Date: Thu, 10/04/2007 - 19:54
Payments for debtcc points - October 2007
Congrats to all I missed!! Thanks for your help here!..Karen
Congrats to all I missed!! Thanks for your help here!..Karen
Hi Tiffany, Here's the snapshot of your DebtCC points redempt
Hi Tiffany,
Here's the snapshot of your DebtCC points redemption.
Enjoy your time on the board. :)
Hey Cann Here's the record of your payment done. Enjoy
Hey Cann
Here's the record of your payment done.
Enjoy :)
Please read my story...
I am typing this in tears of joy. For the last few weeks I have been watching people at work eat there lunch knowing that I had no money for lunch or even a pop. They asked me if I brought lunch and I would say "No, Im just takeing a short break and have to get back to work" I had a cup of ice water. I know there are starving people in this world, but I do not like the feeling of not having anything to eat for breakfast, lunch and just enough for dinner. Well, today that changed if not for a little while. I got home and checked my mail and my debitcc and HOF rewards was there waiting for me, and answer to a prayer. I got right back in my car, went to the currency exchange, and then to the grocery store. I boought 8 bags of grocreys and still have enough for gas in my car. I donkt deserve this. All I have done is help other people here like you all have helped me. I am truly blessed and thank god so much now for every one of you for giving me the way to help myself. I want to hug you Mike, Vikas and all of you for being there and for this Great Day!. Tonight I dine and tommorow I am going to have lucnch at work :!: :D :hug:
Luke - I want to cry! I seriously have tears in my eyes right n
Luke - I want to cry! I seriously have tears in my eyes right now.
And you do deserve it! Don't ever say you don't! I will use my MOD powers and go into your posts and edit/delete that sentence if I ever see you post that again! :D
I agree goud, he DOES deserve it!! :D And I, like u, had tears
I agree goud, he DOES deserve it!! :D
And I, like u, had tears in my eyes when i read that!
Thanks for all the help u give people here. Ur a sweetheart Luke!
Ok I promise, I will not say it agian. Thanks for being there g
Ok I promise, I will not say it agian. Thanks for being there goudah2424 and Ang, you are very sweett and thank you, both and god bless you.
Luke, Ang is right you do deserve it. You have worked very hard
Luke, Ang is right you do deserve it. You have worked very hard on giving out advice. I am glad that this money was able to help you:)
Keep up the good work we appreciate it.
Luke....I have goosebumps....not kidding. You are such a wonderf
Luke....I have goosebumps....not kidding. You are such a wonderful person and I would give you every point I had to help you ANYTIME!!!!!
WTG Luke!!! I'm glad you were able to use the money. Its so ha
WTG Luke!!! I'm glad you were able to use the money. Its so hard when trying to fix up debt & putting everything towards that. Good for you! You are a very sweet & knowledgeable person and have helped so many. We are so glad you are here!!
Luke, you are so deserving. I agree with everything above. You a
Luke, you are so deserving. I agree with everything above. You are a wonderful friend and person. I am so glad that you have stayed with us and become a part of the debtcc family!!!! *hugs*
Are u boo hoo'ing Sassy?? I figured u would be! ;) Ang
Are u boo hoo'ing Sassy?? I figured u would be! ;)
Also, too bad u don't live closer Luke cuz i'm always throwing o
Also, too bad u don't live closer Luke cuz i'm always throwing out left overs!! No one here will eat them and i hate just throwing food away!! I could feed u every day for lunch! Ever thought of heading south? ha ha
I just feel so sad for Luke! But I am glad he has plenty of groc
I just feel so sad for Luke! But I am glad he has plenty of groceries now. I am definitely bawling!
thanks kashzan, vmom and sass. You guys are my new family and I
thanks kashzan, vmom and sass. You guys are my new family and I really love it here. Hugs and kisses to you all.
I figured u would be Sassy!! ;) I know u too well g/f! Well
I figured u would be Sassy!! ;) I know u too well g/f!
Well u can smile now!
Sass you have been there since the begining and I thank you from
Sass you have been there since the begining and I thank you from my heart. Thank you also lawn1016 your sweet too.
I love leftovers , nothing like meatloaf sandwhiches.
I love leftovers , nothing like meatloaf sandwhiches.
OH wow, ur killing me here volley! That sounds so delicious! Ne
OH wow, ur killing me here volley! That sounds so delicious! Never thought of that before...
What a blessing, Luke!!God steps in at just the right moment! :D
What a blessing, Luke!!God steps in at just the right moment! :D
Don't ever let yourself go hungry!! You go to the churches in and around your area-they have food pantrys to tide prople over. We live in a really small town and we have 2,and the even smaller towns around us have food pantrys.I have had to use them in the past to tide us over when the kids were small.
You are right, no one in this country should ever go hungry-but they do-what a shame.
I have a cousin who is mentally ill, about 62 years old, and eats out of the dumpsters, lives in a house with no utilities, etc. We take food over when we can,water, etc. He hides from the social workers,doesn't want any help and has been living this way for about 15 years.
I am glad this "family" was able to help you-you give so much support back to this community!
Best of Luck-Luke-you are in my prayers..KAren :hug:
I agree with all u said there bossy! My daughter used to be a b
I agree with all u said there bossy! My daughter used to be a barista and they served food also. At first they would allow the employees to take the left over food home then some would leave it out after they got home or what not and became sick so they had to stop it! They'd just throw it all away! what a shame!
Thank you bossy4455. Your words ring very true. I have been to
Thank you bossy4455. Your words ring very true. I have been to the food pantries a few years ago and since then I wanted to help them but I cant and feel bad when I cant help them, so I guess I donkt go there. You and your family are your cousin's angels and we all have them. This site is my just overwhelmed and so thankful. My prayers are with your cousin tonight Bossy4455. Thank you.
I know- I had a client that worked for KFC, and they throw all t
I know- I had a client that worked for KFC, and they throw all their chicken away after so long! He would tell me when they threw it away, and I would meet him before he threw it in the dumpster and take it to my cousin and some other homeless guys that hang aroung downtown-it is a waste they do this, when so many are hungry..KAren
OMG...I love you guys so much. If I can ever do anything, please
OMG...I love you guys so much. If I can ever do anything, please let me know.
I know, I used to work at buger king and Mcdonalds, they would t
I know, I used to work at buger king and Mcdonalds, they would throw everything into a huge barrel after 10mins. and then throw it out. I asked the manager one night why cant you give this food away at the food pantry down the street, she said " We can be sued if someone gets sick or dies if they eat this" I walked out that same night and never went back.
Sad isn't it Luke?? It's cuz of all the suits also that my daug
Sad isn't it Luke?? It's cuz of all the suits also that my daughter's co had to stop doing this!
I'd take that KFC Bossy! Yummy! I'm hungry now!
Thank you Luke!!But don't ever feel embarassed or bad about gett
Thank you Luke!!But don't ever feel embarassed or bad about getting the food at the pantries! That's what they are for, and someday,you WILL be able to give back-I know it!
I love you too Fins-and Anj and Luke and,and and--- :lol:
It is sad Ang, maybe someday the big cooperations will get it ri
It is sad Ang, maybe someday the big cooperations will get it right. I wonkt bossy4455, if I need them in the future, I will go there with my head high knowing that someday I will help them too. thanks you two.
Anytime Luke- that's what this Community is about- to help and s
Anytime Luke- that's what this Community is about- to help and support each other..KAren :D
Luke, you are such an inspiration to me. You deserve everything
Luke, you are such an inspiration to me. You deserve everything wonderful to happen for you and it will. You are trying so hard to get things in order, and I admire you so much for that. Just keep praying and things will always work out.
I will eleroo, I promise I will and thanks for being here.
I will eleroo, I promise I will and thanks for being here.
You know, when I was in college, I was a manager a Pizza Hut. On
You know, when I was in college, I was a manager a Pizza Hut. One night an old man came in looking for directions to the City Mission. It was late, and it was cold and snowing. I told him to sit down and I made him a pizza and gave him coffee. I called the Mission, and they came and picked him up. About two weeks later he came in looking for me..The mission helped him find a job, and he was expecting to move into an apartment with some other mission residents in a few weeks. He tried to pay me for that pizza...I wouldn't let him, I told him to do someone a favor. I was really proud of myself that night.
OMG finsfan13. I got goosebumps. That is so beautiful, we are
OMG finsfan13. I got goosebumps. That is so beautiful, we are all angels here. Finsfan13, that night he could of been an angel comming in to test you, and boy did you gave him his life back.. you are special and I will say a specail prayer tonight for you finsfan13.
Thanks so much Luke...I can always use your prayers. I appreciat
Thanks so much Luke...I can always use your prayers. I appreciate you and everything you do here..You are the greatest and I'm so glad you're my friend!