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Payments for debtcc points - January, 2006

Date: Thu, 01/19/2006 - 02:44

Submitted by Vikas
on Thu, 01/19/2006 - 02:44

Posts: 2019 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 22

Payments for debtcc points - January, 2006

Hi Mike

We have transferred the amount of $ 78.50 to your paypal account.


Total Amount: $78.50 USD
Date: Jan 18, 2006
Time: 23:35:05 PST
Status: Completed
Subject: participation award
Note: members appreciates your participation. We look forward to more active participation from you in future, which will help the whole community.
Shipping Address: No Address Provided

Have a great time.


Oh Brat!! I'm sooo glad to hear you say that! I really am. When I received your PM last night, I could tell you were really in a bad place, emotionally. I'm glad to hear that I was able to help in some small way. Just my way of putting back in, this forum has been great for me! In fact, since my financial train wreck, its been the best thing that could happen to me! Its great to come in here and talk about your problems and worries. You might not always get the right answers, in fact, sometimes no one has the right answers--you have to wait the course out, but it still helps to have someone that you can talk to, that understands. Someone who won't judge you or criticize you for what you're going through, because they know what its like. They've either been where you are, or else they're there now. I don't have all the answers myself, if I did I wouldn't be in such a financial mess. But thanks to this group, I have learned alot and I am applying what I have learned. And if I can help someone through my 'real life' experiences and from what I've learned here, then thats just icing on the cake for me. Shirley


Submitted by imkimssister on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 12:10

( Posts: 1301 | Credits: )


That's a good way to look at it, brat. I've decided not to let these payday lenders or collection agencies break me. I'm going to break them instead, or so to speak. I won't be threatened by them and neither should anyone else.

Right on Mishele!!! Now you're in the right direction of having a better quality of life! (In the sense of not letting them get to you!). I was a mess until I took this very same attitude. I used to stay up all night not able to sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't be happy--everyone else around me was laughing, I was not. This was weighing on me like a monkey on my back. In some of my post, its what I refer to it as being, the monkey on my back. No matter where I was or what I was doing, it was the silent 'elephant in the room'...and it bothered me. It affected me, it affected my lifestyle. Then one day I woke up and decided, you know, I'm sick of living like this, I'm sick of letting all of this get to me.
I'm not going to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not there but I am going to do the very best that I can do and accept that its the very best I can do.

when I first stumbled upon this group, I came in to read up on collection agencies. I was at my lowest level. I was scared and felt alone. Since then, I have learned sooo much!!! And now I am approaching my debt in a different way. To start with it was about, how to keep them off my back. Now its about paying them off. So I have took on a whole new approach and attitude about my debts. And it can only go up from here!!!!!!

so good for you!!!!!! This is what I was trying to say to Brat. Shirley


Submitted by imkimssister on Thu, 01/26/2006 - 12:20

( Posts: 1301 | Credits: )


When I found this forum, it was like a miracle. I was so scared of these payday loan companies. I thought I was going to lose my job and go to jail. I found out that was so NOT true. It's easy to get upset when you get a nasty call from a collection agency. I have to remember that I do have rights. I found that these places don't like to hear that but I keep on saying it. One lady told me I was threatening them because I said I had rights and could report them to certain agencies. She sent this in an e-mail and denied it another. Funny, I have printed off these e-mails for proof if I need it. I used to not sleep and stuff like that as well. I sleep okay today because I know with each day, I'm getting further away from the debt trap. I haven't taken out a payday loan in over six weeks and that's a small miracle within itself. I used to focus so much on how to pay one with antoher. It's a sick cycle to be in but today I don't have to live that way. I've found strength in this forum and it's nice to know that I'm not being judged either. :D


Submitted by Cow & Chicken on Fri, 01/27/2006 - 05:42

( Posts: 3571 | Credits: )

I got mine last week---I paid the bills that I have listed in my signature---a small wells fargo account and a BP card. They're small drops in the bucket but I'm using the 'snowball' method and paying the small stuff off first and then taking that amount and applying it to something bigger, on top of the payment I usually send them anyways. shirley


Submitted by imkimssister on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 10:30

( Posts: 1301 | Credits: )

Thanks Brat, :D and thank you everybody out there. We just like to stay connected in this way. :D Good or bad moments, we all know that we are together. It's a kind of family that cares for someone in the next post. :D

Brat, your check should be delivered by 02.02.06. Please let us know after you have received it.



Submitted by Mike on Tue, 01/31/2006 - 15:58

( Posts: 1317 | Credits: )