Payments for debtcc points - August 2007
Date: Thu, 08/02/2007 - 18:15
Payments for debtcc points - August 2007

Well done! :)
Hi Frogpatch This is your payment snapshot :) Congrats
Hi Frogpatch
This is your payment snapshot :)
Congrats :) Keep up the good work!
Hi Pinklady, We have redeemed your DebtCC points. You are a g
Hi Pinklady,
We have redeemed your DebtCC points. You are a great member here and I am happy that you take your time out from your busy schedules and stay on the board. :) it??????????????????????????????????????s always nice to see you here.
Hi MPEREZ We got your payment screenshot here :) Congrats!
We got your payment screenshot here :) Congrats!
Thanks for helping the fellow members and guests.
Hi pokogeo It's for the first time you have requested for red
Hi pokogeo
It's for the first time you have requested for redeeming your DebtCC points. Here's your payment screenshot.
Congrats, you have a vast knowledge and we appreciate you sharing it with the community. We hope that you will have a good stay on the board.
Yea!! Congrats to you all-and thanks for your help on the Forums
Yea!! Congrats to you all-and thanks for your help on the Forums!!..Karen :D
Hi sullivana We are happy to see you activily participating i
Hi sullivana
We are happy to see you activily participating in the community. Keep up the good work. :)
Here's your payment screenshot
Hi Joshua You are doing a great work here. Thanks for all the
Hi Joshua
You are doing a great work here. Thanks for all the help. Please see your payment screenshot. :)
Hi Bossy, thanks for all your support to the community. You are
Hi Bossy, thanks for all your support to the community. You are always a great help and keep everyone inspired with your valuable suggestions. We are proud to have you here. :)
Earning money
Just wanted to can earn money, on this site, by posting ANYWHERE?? I have been looking over this site ( alittle new ta this ), and I think it's very helpful ( ie..all of the advice, help, etc.)
sdchargers - you can encash the DebtCC points for posting anywhe
sdchargers - you can encash the DebtCC points for posting anywhere except the Pub. The Pub Forum is for off-topic conversations, no points are earned for posts there, but we have a lot of fun there! LOL
We're glad to have you here, hope you stay to help others with your experience!
Debtcc Points
Still alittle new at this. Can someone please tell me how I can find out how many points I've accumulated? Thanks.
Your account shows 99 DebtCC points from 5 postings on the board
Your account shows 99 DebtCC points from 5 postings on the board. Look under your username.
Congrats to everyone! As always, I am a little slow. But way t
Congrats to everyone! As always, I am a little slow. But way to go!!!!
Hi Suebee Please take a look at your payment screenshot. I ho
Hi Suebee
Please take a look at your payment screenshot. I hope that you will be able to put it to good use. :)
Thanks for your good work towards the community.
Hi 2nband Here's your payment screenshot. I hope that this p
Hi 2nband
Here's your payment screenshot. I hope that this payment will be of good help to you.
Keep up the good work :)
Hi Cannr, We are so happy to have you in the group. You are alwa
Hi Cannr, We are so happy to have you in the group. You are always helpful to everyone here. Do keep up the good work.
Congrats :)
Yea for Cannr!! Congrats- thanks for helping in the Forums!!..KA
Yea for Cannr!! Congrats- thanks for helping in the Forums!!..KAren :D
Congrats all! You all are a great bunch of people that I'm happy
Congrats all! You all are a great bunch of people that I'm happy to be a part of! :D Enjoy!
I am going to put a few payment screen shots of the members who
I am going to put a few payment screen shots of the members who redeemed their DebtCC points. Please have a look
Ladybug :)
Congrats guys, you all have been a great job in the community. Y
Congrats guys, you all have been a great job in the community. You'll deserve a loud applause.
Wow!! Great going, guys!! Thanks for all your help, and for bein
Wow!! Great going, guys!! Thanks for all your help, and for being part of the community "family"!!..Karen :D
Congrats bflow30. We have redeemed your DebtCC points. Please se
Congrats bflow30. We have redeemed your DebtCC points. Please see the snapshot of your payment request.
Thanks for your hard work towards the community. :) It??????????????????????????????????????s highly appreciated.
Thanks everyone. Sorry I haven't been more active on here latel
Thanks everyone.
Sorry I haven't been more active on here lately, picked up two additional jobs and have now let go of one and trying to get rid of the other....too tired to keep at it. :oops:
I'm here tonight. Don't know for how long, but I'm here :)
I'm here tonight. Don't know for how long, but I'm here :)
Hi fedupinpa Your DebtCC points are redeemed. Please have a l
Hi fedupinpa
Your DebtCC points are redeemed. Please have a look at the snapshot.
Thanks for all your hard work in the group. We highly appreciate it. :)
Hi Jen Please have a look at your payment screenshot.
Hi Jen
Please have a look at your payment screenshot.
This is the first time you have requested your points to be redeemed. Congrats! You have done a great job. :)
Hi puddlejmpr We are glad to redeem your DebtCC points. Thank
Hi puddlejmpr
We are glad to redeem your DebtCC points. Thanks for your hard work towards the group. Here's the payment screenshot.
yea for puddljumper and JEN !! Thanks for your help!..KAren
yea for puddljumper and JEN !! Thanks for your help!..KAren
Hi goudah You have always been a great help on this board. Th
Hi goudah
You have always been a great help on this board. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and the extensive research. We appreciate it from the deepest of our heart.
Yea for you Goudah!! KAren Thanks for all you do on the Forums!
Yea for you Goudah!! KAren Thanks for all you do on the Forums!! :D
I have a novel concept! Instead of taking a check for DCC p
I have a novel concept!
Instead of taking a check for DCC points,why dont you save them and donate them to members in need?
I know these are hard choices,however sometimes hard choices need to be made!