Payments for debtcc points - April, 2006
Date: Mon, 04/03/2006 - 08:53
Payments for debtcc points - April, 2006
We are happy to send your payments. Here is the snapshot of payment made to you.

Hi Heather, We have transferred your payment to your paypal a
Hi Heather,
We have transferred your payment to your paypal account. Here are the details.
Hi khrisangel, You requested to cash your DebtCC points. We h
Hi khrisangel,
You requested to cash your DebtCC points. We have made the payment; here is the snapshot.
You needed the money for your baby's surgery. We will be praying for you and your family, hope everything will be fine very soon.
Hi Tammy, Your payment has been made; please check the paymen
Hi Tammy,
Your payment has been made; please check the payment details below
I appreciate your contribution to debt consolidation Care community. You are doing a great job here.
This is great get paid for helping out and being helped out on the worst thing someone can fall into...the payday loan nightmare! Thanks DEBTCC for making this world a little nicer and more manageable. Without this site, I wouldn't know what to do with all the problems I have run into :)
Misty - Congrats and I will be thinking of you and your family.
Misty - Congrats and I will be thinking of you and your family.
Tammy - Great job as always!!
Hi Mary, We have transferred your payment to your paypal acco
Hi Mary,
We have transferred your payment to your paypal account. Here is the snapshot of payment details.
Hi Seeing_the_Light, You requested to redeem your DebtCC poin
Hi Seeing_the_Light,
You requested to redeem your DebtCC points. Payment has been made, check the details here.
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa for all
To all who have just received payment, thanks for your efforts in helping the community, the sense of community here is awesome and I am proud to be a part of it and to know all of you
a special note to Khrisangel, good luck, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your son.
Thanks guys! I can't wait to pay some bills with this :) ~Mar
Thanks guys! I can't wait to pay some bills with this :)
Hi rkai93, We have transferred your payment to your paypal ac
Hi rkai93,
We have transferred your payment to your paypal account. Here are the details-
Tammy, every time I see that bear I get Great wor
Tammy, every time I see that bear I get
Great work everyone! :)