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Rannefeld & Associates; CACH LLC

Date: Mon, 07/16/2007 - 20:58

Submitted by ladybug
on Mon, 07/16/2007 - 20:58

Posts: 2753 Credits: [Donate]

Total Replies: 154

Rannefeld & Associates; CACH LLC

I received a letter from this Rannefeld & Associates stating that I owed $952.78 for a credit one credit card. I sent them a fax yesterday stating that I wanted validation of this debt. I received a phone call from this Ken Chandler, he said that since I acknowledged having the credit card that they were not required to send me validation but that he would fax it to me at my home number. He stated that they are not a collection agency that they are a lawfirm out of Addison Texas and are collecting for CACH LLC, for a credit one credit card that I had. I never received anything from this CACH LLc place and wanted verification of this debt. He said they are lawfirm and therefore do not have to abide by the rules of a cease and desist order. He told me I needed to borrow the money from friends/family to pay this debt. I faxed them a debt verification letter and he stated since I had admitted that I owed this debt they did not have to provide it but was going to fax it to me later today. I have received nothing. He told me to contact a lawyer and since I had declared bankruptcy 3 years ago that I couldn't do it again. I asked him if he was looking at my credit report and he basically said yes. He said that by looking at my credit they wouldn't give me a loan. Well that's good since I wasn't asking to borrow money from them. All I wanted was verification of this debt. He stated that this was just a stall tactic. He also tated that I was paying on another loan and that I needed to pay this account. I stated that I was going to be working with a debt management company and he said they don't work with them. He told me that if I could get him the money this month that perhaps his client would settle for 80% of the debt. Right I now that they are bad debt buyers. He kept telling me I needed to contact an attorney and that they were going to sue me. I told him I am on disability and my benefits are exempt from attachment. He stated that I was wrong. I told him maybe he should study the law a little better if he works for a law firm and learn what they can and can't do. I know they can't attach anything to my social security disability payments. What should I do?

ladybug :twisted:

ladybug,get off the phone.Yes they are a debt collector and now owe you a check for $1000 if you were to file a claim in federal court.Send a debt validation letter to them certified return receipt mail.Contact the state bar for the state that the law office is in and file a complaint against their office.Contact your attorney general and file a complaint. In these complaints you want to tell them everything that has happened to date and how they attempted to mislead you when everyone knows this company is a collector/debt purchaser.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 06:57

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )


If I may ask was the credit card from Providian? The conversation you had sounds just like the one I had with another attorney handling Providian. Unfortunately, I don't have any paperwork to know really who they are since they are sending everything including the court summons to my mother in law. They threatened me too.

I just keep digging to find out if this is in fact CACH, LLC since there is a class action suit supposedly to be filed and I'm just wondering.

Just curious.



Submitted by poconomoki on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 07:08

( Posts: 111 | Credits: )

Collect America


(Separate Corporations, Subsidiaries)
370 17th Street, Suite 5000
Denver, CO 80202-3050
Ph: (303) 296-3345
Fax: (215) 281-7522

Phillip Scott Lowery Offices:
(Private Law Firm Owned by Collect America's CEO)
4500 Cherry Creek Drive South
Suite #700
Denver, CO 80246


Phillip Scott Lowery

Brian L. Johnson (Financial Officer)

David L. Michael

James R. Wolf

*Collect America Franchisees:

Law Office of Sam W. Streeter, Houston, TX

Richard G. & Catherine A. Neuheisel Law Firm, Tempe, AZ

Neuheisel Law Firm, Deborah Sue Harvego, Sacramento, CA

Law Office of Thomas K. Bamford, Dallas, TX

Harold E. Scherr, Attorney at Law, Longwood, FL

Bronson and Migliaccio Attorneys, Williamsville, NY

Bronson and Migliaccio Attorneys, Elmwood Park, NJ

Phillips and Cohen and Associates, Westampton, NJ

Law Office of Larry Roach, Copley Twp, OH

Phillip Scott Lowery P.C., Denver, CO

Law Office of Joe Pezzuto, Phoenix, AZ

Law Office of J. Anthony Cambece, Boston, MA

Workman Law Office, P.A., Jacksonville, FL

Collect America, LTD, Denver, CO

Gamache and Myers, St Louis, MO

P. Scott Lowery, P.C., Tulsa, OK

Law Office of Wilfred E. Briesemeister, Montclair, CA

Harrison Ross Byck, Morrisville, PA

Daniels & Norelli, P.C., Westbury, NY

Davis Law Office, Russell A. Davis, Solana Beach, CA

Richard DeJana & Associates, Kalispell, MT

Dennis Michael Dendy Law Office, Gretna, LA (Houston TX)

Daniel N. Gordon, P.C., Eugene, OR

Mims, Jerry M., Attorney, Islip Terrace, NY

Pentagroup Financial, LLC, James J. Thorpe, Attorney, Houston, TX

(represents CACV & CACH)

(*May not accurately reflect all franchisees)
Here is the info from budd hibbs website.They are all one company and do fall under the fdcpa as debt collectors.They purchase debts in default and sue people for their debts.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 07:15

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

hi ladybug--

just so everyone is aware, even if this is a legitimate law firm, they are still bound by the fdcpa because they are engaged in collection activites as a third party. Dont let them fool you by claiming otherwise. In fact, in this case, they really are a law firm from Addison, TX....I did a little searching and it would appear that they were looking for employees recently....

"US-TX-Addison, Rannefeld & Associates , a Texas law firm is seeking highly motivated professional collectors to join our team. This is a unique opportunity ..."

Like I said, dont let them lie to you on the phone....they even call their employees "collectors" so there is no doubt that they are aware of their status as a collector and the obligations that come with that.

ladybug--if it is allowed in your state, there is something you MUST do at this point. You must get a telephone recorder, call the law firm back, and tape the call. In that call, you must go over what they previously told you. That way, you will have them on tape telling you that they dont have to follow the law. If you try to sue them as it is now, they will just deny they ever said those things and you wont have a case. But if you tape it, and they deny those things, they are not only going to lose, but they will lose while looking incredibly stupid.

And THEN, after you get them in court, I would forward a copy of said tape to the bar association in Texas. This is the way we can clean up the collection industry, folks...obviously it wont clean itself up.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 10:39

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

Good advice for ya Lady!!
See I told ya to post ur story here and ud get great advice!
Keep up ur fight!
And Moki, that's why i ALWAYS get confused with u and CACH cuz ur story sounds EXACTLY as something CACH would do!! U need to find out, they, (CACH) do report on ur credit report! Didn't u try that?? They're on mine and have been for some time now!


Submitted by Ang on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 11:43

( Posts: 2306 | Credits: )

Talked to a lady with the bar association in Texas she told me to call their office (meaning Rannefeld & Associates) and find out some of their attorney's names. I guess they can tell what state they are licensed in by their bar number. I did not know that..Is that right or am I misunderstanding this..She told me not to pay them anything until I find out if this debt is legimiately (sp?) owed. I will not worry about it until they send me the information that I requested. They have until July 27, 2007 to supply this information to me. We will see if they do.



Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 18:13

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

ladybug, I am a little concerned here. I checked out the TX bar association website, and they have no record of a Rannefeld & Associates...well, what I did was check the bar assn website for any and all attorneys in Addison, TX....there are a ton of them, but no one with the last name Rannefeld, and no one at all that was affiliated with an organization called Rannefeld & Associates.

I then tried to search for the firm by name, and came up empty. I found a reference on the internet to a "Blue Rannefeld", attorney from Fort Worth, TX, but checking the bar assn database I came up empty again. This may not be a legit lawyer after all...


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 20:01

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

I called the bar association in texas and there is a blue rannefeld attorney listed, I don't know if he is affiliated with this Rannefeld & Associates or not. I guess I will wait and see what my attorney general's office, ftc, and the office of consumer credit commissioner's office has to say. I just know I am not paying anything until I get this is in black and white.

They are just scumbags...hoping to get a quick buck I think.



Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 07/17/2007 - 20:26

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

LOL d2d!
I am calling to make an appt today with a "new" atty regarding CACH! He was referred by the atty u gave me Cajun! Closer to me.... we shall see what happens! Please all, keep ur fingers crossed for me at this time! I'll let yall know when the appt is soon as i set it up!
Getting nervous again,


Submitted by Ang on Wed, 07/18/2007 - 11:13

( Posts: 2306 | Credits: )

[font=Verdana][/font][color=Indigo][/color][size=6][/size]I got a call today from Rannefeld & Associates as well. I did not recognize the phone number so I did not answer the phone. They did leave a message saying who they are and that it is "imperative" that I return the call. blah blah blah I am already very scepticle of things like this which is how I came across this site...I was searching for info on these people before I return the call. Please keep posting progress. Maybe together we can shut them down.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 13:10

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

I just had a run in with these people today. I called them to see about settling the debt and spoke to an associate. I told him that I was going to get the money together this weekend and call them on Monday. He said that it was fine and gave me the office hours and his extension. I then got a call from the senior case manager not more than an hour later. I called him back since he said it was urgent and he proceeded to tell me that I needed to pay them now and that they couldn't leave the account open over the weekend. He treated me like dirt even though I had called them to settle the account. He ended the conversation by saying that my time was up and good luck. I was wondering if anyone had had a similar experience and how they dealt with it? Can I just call the credit card and try to pay them directly?


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 16:37

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Have u validated this debt??? Are u SURE they actually own it legally?? I wouldn't recommend paying these people without first knowing for SURE they do indeed own this debt! You could find urself owing the same debt in a very short time from someone else!
Good Luck,


Submitted by Ang on Thu, 07/19/2007 - 18:39

( Posts: 2306 | Credits: )

I know people that work at this firm-Ladybug it is infact a law firm, but you speak to collectors first, if they decide to sue then you will get calls from a lawyer and they really can sue. But seeing as how that is a pretty small amount I highly doubt it. What you want to do is call again ask for a manager-and tell them you want a letter sent of the debt. They have to send that by law and will, from there just settle its much easier.


Submitted by anonymous on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 13:47

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

sympathizer, I for one really appreciate your advice. I am, however, confused as to why the collectors that work there refuse to abide by the fdcpa. Surely, since they work for attorneys, they must be aware of the law and what they must or must not do. When someone requested validation, and send a Cease and Desist, the collector at this company told them that "we are not a collection agency, we are a law firm, and so we dont haev to abide by cease and desist letters...."

This is wrong. The FDCPA clearly defines the term "debt collector" as it applies to the law, and any attorney's office which engages in debt collection work falls under the definition. You may wish to speak to the person you know that works there, to make sure that they are not themselves breaking this law. Just food for thought, and again, we welcome your posts!


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 18:29

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

unfortunately lady bug you might wont do more research having worked in collections for 15 years there is no law that states they have to send a validation letter the only way they would be breaking the law at all would be if they dont send a letter and they continue to attempt to collect a debt from you sending validation would be required if they wanted to continue to collect the debt having worked for cach previously your probably wont receive letter nor another phone call from the law firm if you just trying to avoid debt then your doing fine but if you trying to fix your credit your going to do more damage then good


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 10:52

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

if your not trying to beat the debt then your just wasting time because ultimately you want to fix your credit if you are worried about proof of who owns the file and really want to pay then you need to cll let them know you have the funds to pay and want a sif letter faxed if they really own the file then they will send you an offer of settlement in writing that day no atty would put his ability to practive law for any amount of money not with cach but if you want proof ask for sif offer letter which should include they name of creditor you owe which is legally binding


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 14:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

your are going to want to watch what you acuse a lawyer of because since you have published material that would be damaging to a person character and cause them loss whether monetary or not you better hope you have a recording of your statements because chances are the law firm does and you probably have made things worse by publishing statements that arent 100% true I have made a living suing people just like you who make statements and generally chance the wording to what they want to hear will soon find thmselves in court for demation of a collectors character by giving and publishing false and damaging statements if I would you I would retain myself a lawyer you probably will be in court soon due to your publishing collectors name such as you did previously with ken chandler


Submitted by anonymous on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 15:31

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Well procollect what I accused them of was straight from Mr. Budd Hibbs mouth who knows more about them then you probably do. So I think you better check your sources out before you give anyone advice on anything. Well if Ken Chandler is such a straight up guy why would he ignore a cease and desist order and leave me tape recorded threatening voicemails. I would be happy to see him in court. I think they do enough damage to their collectors image by them ignoring the federal laws that are in place to protect debtors, but oh that's right you should know all about that, right? Tell me that!!!!!!!!!


Submitted by ladybug on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 17:23

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

Suing someone for an opinion left on a internet board is very difficult and I am sure that everyone knows that truth is a absolute defense to any suit based on harm to someone's name.I wish you great luck in that.No one has stopped Bud Hibb's yet and his comments are hundreds of times worse than this forum.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 04:03

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

palooza, why come in here and tell lies?

Where in the world did you ever get the notion that requesting validation is only a good tactic for those who try to avoid debt? Who lied to you?

Look, let me spell this out so you can cut the BS here--stop making excuses about validation. Period.

The law requires you to provide validation if it is requested, if you intend to continue on the account. I dont care what you think about the reason behind the request, the fact is that there are several good, legitimate reasons why that request can and should be made. Here's a thought--why dont collectors follow the law to begin with and supply the proper information to consumers? I bet you didnt think of that one, did see, if CA's actually did what the law says and provide the consumer with the information without all the hassle, they would actually see faster results from people who want to pay but need proof of the debt, their right to collect it, the amount, etc etc etc.

Lets try something--I have asked this question of every smarta$$ collector that has come around here recently, and not one of you wanted to touch it. Suppose I called you one day, and said "you owe me $5000...." What would your first reaction be? Chances are, it would be "what for?" Just because someone calls you up and says you owe them money, that doesnt automatically make it true. And in this day and age, where someone's identity is stolen every FOUR SECONDS, who in the hell wouldnt be right for trying to get all the facts before sending a complete stranger money??

Look--you need to stop with the CA propaganda already. Requesting validation IN NO WAY damages your credit. You need to stop lying in here or find another forum to hang out on.

Also, about your second post, you obviously refuse to be honest about your industry. Let's face facts here....

1--how does requesting a SIF letter prove the things that a validation does? IT DOESNT. All that does is prompt the CA to send a settlement amount that they will accept. At that point, they are just getting money, with NO PROOF that they even have the right to collect the debt! A SIF does not prove that the debt is real, nor does it prove that the amount owed was properly calculated. And GET REAL--there have been HUNDREDS of cases, if not thousands, where CA's are trying to collect from the wrong person, or the debt is fake altogether. All a SIF will do in that case is make an innocent person pay for a debt that they dont legitimately owe! So, it should include the original creditor--so what? I can pull up your credit report right now, see what debts you have on it, and then call you up claiming that I just bought a debt from one of your happens all the time! Why do you think that a law exists which requires you to prove certain things about your claim? Heres a hint--laws are written most often to stop a practice that everyone has become aware of. That law was written because collectors like you were pushing people to pay debts they didnt even owe, and pushing others to pay them money they had no legal right to collect!

And the truth shall set you free....

2--about lawyers...first off, you people have this nasty habit of often pretending to be lawyers when you arent--illegal. So, if you are one of these fake lawyers, you dont have to stake your lawyer reputation on it, do you? Not to mention, there are plenty of lawyers that have been caught doing that exact same thing. The community you work for relies on ignorance by the public....lawyers make their entire living based on that same concept. Thanks for playing, but not even close.


Submitted by skydivr7673 on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 04:59

( Posts: 2036 | Credits: )

you might wont to do some more research cease and desist allows for one final call and from your previous statements you havent stated you receive more calls after the last call which is authorized by the fdcpa so leaving a msg after cease and desist is not breaking the law get your facts straight.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 13:38

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Why don't you leave this alone since you don't have a clue as to what went on. You obviously think you know all of the answers. It makes one wonder why you are even trolling on these boards. Your life must be pretty boring. Why don't you go somewhere else where people might appreciate your opinions.


P.S. I do know the laws thank you very much having been a legal assistant for an attorney.


Submitted by ladybug on Wed, 08/01/2007 - 14:09

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

OMG! I am now dealing with these a$$holes! They called me out of the blue yesterday (anyone ever talk to a Michael Rose?) saying that I owed money to them for a card i have never had. the guy was extremely rude, threatening, etc. He called me back again today and left a vm saying that he had given me 24 hours and if I don't cal him today, he will proceed.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/08/2007 - 13:18

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

OMG procollect, thanks for the laughs. You have sued people!? I find it hard to believe that you are implying you are an attorney. How did you get your JD with that atrocious spelling and grammar? Yeah good luck suing people on this board for demation, oh you mean defamation. Yeah good luck with that junior. Actually you should sue yourself because you have already defamed yourself with your posts.


Submitted by ramj70 on Wed, 08/08/2007 - 15:55

( Posts: 193 | Credits: )

hope you debtors are as cease and desist happy when your faced with a civil judgement and have your paychecks garnished and bank accts emptied due to non-payment of your debt know thats when you lose your hard earn money for failing to do the right thing and pay your bill


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 13:59

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Even though your grammar and spelling are bad procollect we pretty much got what you were saying the first time.

"Debtors", is that supposed to be some kind of derogatory term junior? You do know that just about everyone is a debtor. If you have any kind of loan, car, house etc. credit card then you are a debtor. You collectors need to understand that. Oh and don't worry about people and their possible judgments and such. We know you are deeply worried and care about their well being. If getting judgments were so simple, easy and affective then CA's wouldn't even bother trying to call they person. They would file suit right away now wouldn't they, but since many of the debts they try to collect on are not legit or the fees and charges are too much they try to intimidate and harass to collect the money. Now go along and sue someone. Oh yeah, don't forget about that $500 you still owe me.


Submitted by ramj70 on Thu, 08/09/2007 - 15:27

( Posts: 193 | Credits: )

I haven't figured out why procollect hasn't registered as a user. He/she left the same comment on my home page.

Obviously you don't need many brain cells to be a collector (sorry couldn't resist that comment). This collector is giving the "good collectors" a bad reputation. There are good, understanding and compassionate collectors out there that are willing to work with people. Unfortunately this person isn't one of them.



Submitted by ladybug on Mon, 08/13/2007 - 09:54

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

yeah spank me as I drive away in my vw phaetom thanks to people like you that cant manage there finances correctly keep on missing those payment so I can keep on riding.


Submitted by anonymous on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 13:04

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Yeah sure, whatever you say mr. procollect. More likely a 1996 VW passat. I manage my finances just fine, now excuse me while I go drive in my BMW M6 convertible, or maybe use my 760Li.

With all that supposed money you make you might want to see about taking some writing classes.

Yes you do get spanked procollect and I'm sure you enjoy it. I question how old you are because you write like a sixth grader and what little arguments you bring are very juvenile. That is why you resort to immature, sill little posts on people's pages. Its kind of sad that you try and impress people with your childish, silly posts. No one buys what you are shoveling here junior.


Submitted by ramj70 on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 16:54

( Posts: 193 | Credits: )

Don't you all think that procollect needs to register as a real user and guit hiding under a guest. I own a 1981 Chevy Corvette, with 42,000 actual miles garaged and never seen rain or snow on it. So I drive corvette is probably worth more than what you make a year at your job.!!



Submitted by ladybug on Wed, 08/15/2007 - 19:52

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

yes, Pooks, I have dealt with that same guy. I'm scared to death of waht he can actually do! He says that he mailed me letters but I have never received any. When I asked him to send me paperwork to validate the debt, he just ponytailed around and basically just said, you have 24 hrs. Then called back exactly 24 hrs later and left me a vm threatening action....i could never get him to say what type of action.


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 07:41

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

superfly you might want to call back if there threating action which is legal in most states you could end up with a civil judgement and from that judgement they can garnish your wages pull money from your bank or place liens against your property of course depends on what state you live in and if you think its not real might want to chk out what mr hibbs says about judgements


Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 08/16/2007 - 09:11

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

Does anyone have Rannefelds 866 phone number ?
Bozo just called and left 9 didgits instead of 10


Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 17:28

( Posts: 202330 | Credits: )

"hope you debtors are as cease and desist happy when your faced with a civil judgement and have your paychecks garnished and bank accts emptied due to non-payment of your debt know thats when you lose your hard earn money for failing to do the right thing and pay your bill"

Is the comment left by a frightened guest, a run-on sentence, or what?


Submitted by Anthony Lemons on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 18:02

( Posts: 1828 | Credits: )

I started this thread and I am going to finish it. Mr/Ms. Procollect I would hope that you would have something better to do with your life then to sit around and judge people that you know nothing about.

Everyone on this board is not trying to dodge their bills, we acknowledge that we owe bills, we just want validation, NOT VERIFICATION of a debt that is owed. :lol: As I am sure if someone were to send you a letter stating that you owe them thousands of dollars what would you do. I am sure that you wouldn't just take them at their word and if you did then you are as not as smart as you think you are. :roll: I suggest that you read up on the fair debt collections act and practice what you are so good at preaching. :twisted:



Submitted by ladybug on Mon, 08/27/2007 - 19:51

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

A statement can be validation under certain conditions.
Does the statement originate from original creditor and is the balance on statement the same as balance being collected?

ladybug I replied to your bbb post.I think you should keep the complaint open and call them out on their lies and submit your docs directly to the bbb showing proof.


Submitted by cajunbulldog on Fri, 08/31/2007 - 14:22

( Posts: 4850 | Credits: )

I did just that Cajun, I am not accepting Mr. Blue Rannefeld's response it is full of sh***. So we will see what the BBB does next in regards to this information.

I have all of the documentation that was sent and received by them 8) . I can hardly wait :twisted: . I say bring it on :twisted: Although I am pretty sure they aren't going to bothering me again.



Submitted by ladybug on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 15:06

( Posts: 2753 | Credits: )

OMG!! OMG!! Was there a bit of a 'fight' (lack of a better word), going on, on this thread??!! I read the last 6 or 7 posts, in this thread. WOW!! Some people can be so rude. What was his name..."Procollector"?? My goodness. People, that responded, sure put up a good fight with this guy.


Submitted by sdchargers_63 on Sat, 09/01/2007 - 18:21

( Posts: 1798 | Credits: )