Van Ru Credit Corporation
Date: Fri, 10/24/2008 - 04:36
Van Ru Credit Corporation
van ru credit corporation scam
They may have offered you a settlement deal on your account but I don't believe they are a debt settlement company...they are a collection agency. They will not be able to make arrangements for any other accounts other than what they hold in their office.
van ru credit corporation scam
I have Van Ru calling me now, about a debt, that I know ( for a fact..) that ANOTHER CA 'owns'. I've called the ORIGINAL CA and explained what was going on. The OCA said they "do, in fact, own this certian debt." However....Van Ru is saying otherwise. Any advice here? On my CR, the debt is under the OCA, NOT Van Ru.
van ru credit corporation scam
Debrag...CA's can and do make settlements dont need a debt settlement company.
SD....other CA may own it, but that doesnt stop them from sending it to another CA for collections.
van ru credit corporation scam can ONE CA own it, if they sold it to someone else? You mean the first CA could be having Van Ru collect on it? I'll tell ya.........if this happenes all the time, then how can people keep track of their debts, to try to take care of them ( just talking 'out loud', I guess). You would think Van Ru would be on my CR, if this is happeneing.
van ru credit corporation scam
CA's don't buy debts, JDB's buy debts and then use CA's to collect for them. Granted, they may be a subsidiary of the JDB. Ex: LVNV and Resurgent Capital. Resurgent does the collecting and LVNV does the credit reporting.
van ru credit corporation scam
SOO......JDB's buy the debt, knowing the the debt possibly won't get paid? That's almost like a waste of time. However.........if the debt is 'sold' alot, then how can you 'keep track' of it?
van ru credit corporation scam
JDB's buy bad debts for pennies on the dollar. It is actually quite lucrative.
Van Ru just contacted me about a debt my father supposedly had.
Van Ru just contacted me about a debt my father supposedly had. He has been dead for 12 years. Is this legit?
bw: Give them the addy to the cemetery where your father is bur
bw: Give them the addy to the cemetery where your father is burried, or tell them to go to the local church and request a conference with god to make collection calls to heaven.
Seriously, inform them that your father has been dead for 12 years and to not call you any more that you have no business with them. If they persist, send them a total cease & desist letter, basically stating that they are to have no contact with you ever again. Send this letter certified mail return receipt. If they violate it, then you can take them to court and make them pay you.
van ru credit corporation scam
Not likely..since your father has been dead for 12 years the debt has to be AT LEAST that is past all statute of Limitations...that was also while I suggested having a bit of fun with them...they can't do anything about it, that debt must be ridiculously old! They possibly could have gone after the estate, but from 12 years ago? Not now they can't.
van ru credit corporation scam
I would simply send them a copy of the Death Certificate and state that he left no estate.
van ru credit corporation scam
I answered already:)
Not likely..since your father has been dead for 12 years the debt has to be AT LEAST that is past all statute of Limitations...that was also while I suggested having a bit of fun with them...they can't do anything about it, that debt must be ridiculously old! They possibly could have gone after the estate, but from 12 years ago? Not now they can't. | Go to the bottom o
Go to the bottom of this page and check your local State laws on Statute of Limitation.
The table below lists the number of years a creditor or debt collector has to collect debt in each of the 50 states and D.C. The statute of limitation usually begins running on an unpaid debt from the date of last activity or the delinquent account was written off as a bad debt by the original creditor. If you do not know what this date was, order your free credit report and check it out. The original creditor should list the date the account was written off or the date of last activity on your credit report.
If a debt collector contacts you regarding an old debt, do not admit that you owe the debt and do not agree to make any payments. Simply tell them that the "statute of limitations has run on this debt and do not contact me again". If they continue contacting you, send them a certified letter, return receipt requested, telling them not to contact you about the debt again. Remember -- DO NOT ADMIT THAT YOU OWE THE DEBT, DO NOT AGREE TO PAY THE DEBT, AND DO NOT AGREE TO SEND ANY MONEY TO THEM. If you do, then the statute of limitations might start running all over again, giving them the legal right to sue you.
Most S.O.L's are AT LEAST 10 it's quite possible that
Most S.O.L's are AT LEAST 10 it's quite possible that you are not out of the woods. Just do your homework, and stop believing what other people tell you. I should know. I work for them.