Marcadis & Associates Law Firm
Date: Sat, 07/28/2007 - 15:06
Marcadis & Associates Law Firm
I just had a run in with marcadis & associates my wife had a ju
I just had a run in with marcadis & associates
my wife had a judgement against her for a cc debt 6 years old. Theese pieces of trash sued my wife to recoup the past cc debt as part of there process they also put a levy on her which was filed in may of 10 this morning 10 27 10 sherrif showed seized my wifes truck and impounded it forcing us to find a family member to borrow 5800 dollars to satisfy and outstanding debt of 3700. I was contacted at work my neighbors were contacted reguarding this debt i have an outstanding debt of the same dollar ammount and i am worried they will come in and strong arm us again using the sherrif as a repo man we tried to settle the debt with a cash payment. marcadis refused it and said they wanted it all. what can i do