school loans debt error what can i do?
Date: Tue, 02/15/2011 - 21:52
school loans debt error what can i do?
what if they collect a debt that is for a student loan but an incorrect amount is there away of disputing this ? especially if its alot more then what they should have taken and i have proof.....
You can dispute regarding the incorrect debt amount. However, if
You can dispute regarding the incorrect debt amount. However, if your debt has been unpaid for a long period of time, then the creditor/collection agency will be able to add late fees and charges to the debt which will increase the debt amount.
It is very doubtful that there is an error...when you default on
It is very doubtful that there is an error...when you default on a student loan you are dealing with acruing and capitalized interest plus collection fees of up to 24%. Sounds like you had your taxes taken??
You can inquiry with your guarantor or the collection agency handling the loan, but more than likely there is no error.