Does anybody know anything about Revenue Reporting Services in NY?
Date: Thu, 05/28/2009 - 10:29
Does anybody know anything about Revenue Reporting Services in NY?
Collection agency - call them to get the reference number as to
Collection agency - call them to get the reference number as to what they are calling about. Do not engage in any other chit chat.
21 Princeton Place Orchard Park, New York 14127 | Phone: 888-214-8424 | Fax: 716-972-0004 |
No faxing, no phone calls. As the previous post advised, return receipt AND certified mail.
I dealt with this office and did the same thing. I laughed and ignored it. I got served from a local attorney and went to court. Now I have a judgement against me because of a payday loan and they garnish my checks. Dont listen to these idoits who tell you to ignore them like I did. It just bites you in the @ss.
[samebox:0c7edc16c1="paulmergel"]this is a shill for this scam collector...yawn.[/samebox:0c7edc16c1]
The website
I found the website its revenuereportingservices
21 Princeton Place Orchard Park, New York 14127 | Phone: 888-214-8424 | Fax: 716-972-0004 |
This company is not registered as a corporation in New York or a
This company is not registered as a corporation in New York or any other state and certainly not registered to do business. They are ridiculous. Garnishishment?! Yeah right! Get over yourself. Upon information and belief, Mr. Patrick Corbett is a primary behind this newest payday loan collector scam. He is the gentleman (loosely said) who perpetuated Southern Tier Agency, also a scam.
Kaminski v. Revenue Reporting Services filed 11/9/09- Sued for violations of the FDCPA for misrepresenting themselves as a legal division or attorneys and for threatening actions that they cannot legally take, ie; lawsuit or garnishment.
They are nothing to be afraid of. Silly collectors; tricks are for speds.
Yeah look it up Ed Kaminski v Revenue Reporting Services. Docket
Yeah look it up Ed Kaminski v Revenue Reporting Services. Docket 3:09-cv-02203-TIV Middle District of PA the case was DISMISSED cause you didnt have one. Silly debtor we do sue you.
Not to mention Revenue Reporting Services has nothing to do with
Not to mention Revenue Reporting Services has nothing to do with Patrick Corbett or have they ever. He was an attorney Southern Tier Agency used years ago and no longer use.
Quote:Originally Posted by AnonymousYeah look it up Ed Kaminski
Originally Posted by Anonymous Yeah look it up Ed Kaminski v Revenue Reporting Services. Docket 3:09-cv-02203-TIV Middle District of PA the case was DISMISSED cause you didnt have one. Silly debtor we do sue you. |
sorry humanoid just googled that and what do you know...nothing came up on this.go spew your misinformation elsewhere.should have never actually sue anybody.